How do you view God?

How do you view God?

  • I agree with Clete's description

    Votes: 16 48.5%
  • I disagree with Clete's description

    Votes: 17 51.5%

  • Total voters


Over 750 post club
Brent -
. . . more than a stomach full of religious people. I've found them to be some of the most hateful, mean and arrogant people that one could ever meet. Their "love" only applies to those who agree with them. If they manage to put you into their "devil" category, then they feel they have a mandate to go after the enemy of their God. Even in these discussion boards. They are so hateful and demeaning toward their Gods enemies.

This results from a curious feature of human behavior, most likely a product of our evolution. Early, multi-family tribes banded together for mutual defence against predators or against other tribes. It is simply a matter of animal instinct - when you are threatened you want safety in numbers and you look to team up with allies against the threat. An enemy is the catalyst for the group's sense of unity.

The human environment is very different in the modern world - we are no longer in danger of being eaten by lions or speared by enemy bushmen on the morning walk to work. But the instinct or the habit remains. For our groups to hold together, they need enemies. Notice how every in-group hates or ridicules some out-group. For example, in order for my friends and I to feel like compassionate, enlightened liberals, we need to be able to point to a group of coldhearted and ignorent right-wing reactionaries - in other words, an enemy with which to hold our group in contrast.

Most of the Christians here are doing the same thing. In order for them to maintain their cohesiveness as a group of God's children, they need to define a group of devil's agents. And when you see their rabid hatred of fags, liberals, Muslims or whomever, all they are doing is trying as best they can to draw closer to one another.

It is a curious feature of human nature, is it not , that in order for me to love you I am required to hate someone else?

Once you understand this, you can transcend it with the aid of God's grace. You can compensate for it. You gave a good example of it yourself when you said that, even though you don't particularly like homosexuals, you don't need to make them evil so that you can feel good about being straight! Sure, you feel that little twinge of homophobia - so do I. But we recognizing it as no more than an outmoded evolutionary holdover, and we can laugh it off and proceed with our lives untroubled by it.
I think anything that gives someone the license, even encouragement, to hate other human beings should be against the law.

Oops! You backslid a little bit here. You are playing the same game as the Christians! In order to feel like a loving soul, you want to criminalize hatered. It's the same trap - the same primal throwback. You're playing the game of "I'm more tolerant than you".

Besides, it would be grossly unconstitutional to outlaw what is in people's hearts, or to outlaw organizations that promote it.

I think that any group of people who claim to appeal to a higher authority (than) the constitution of this country are subversive to our government and should be outlawed.

Again, you go too far. I agree that every citizen is bound to abide by the constitution. But the constitution is only a document - a piece of paper. It is a symbol only - a symbol that stands for something. It is not the thing itself - only a symbol of the thing.

This is what Christians fail to understand about the Bible. The scriptures are like a finger pointing the way to God, but instead of looking to where the finger points, the Christians commit the error of idolarty and suck the finger for comfort.

Don't make the same mistake about the constitution. It points to something higher than itself. The constitution does not want to be worshipped - it wants you to behave yourself in accord with higher principles that cannot exactly be codified. So don't condemn people for looking beyond the constitution. That is what wise people do!

. . . it disgust(s) me to see how all of the religious groups are so anxious to see other people be tortured and destroyed. They feed off it and it seems to be what holds them together. That is, their common hatred of a perceived enemy (i.e. "the devil").

So you see what I was getting at. Throwback, primative groups maintain their identity only in opposition against other groups. Real religion is meant to move people out of this primative condition - to broaden their loyalties and their spheres of concern and compassion. Religion is not the problem, it is the solution. But religion is a hard thing to find. Most people slide right back into their comfortable, unchallenging tribalism and call it religion. Others, as you will find if you hang out on this board for a while, have seen through the game of black and white and want others to break out of it, too.

Please don't think I was picking on you - I've enjoyed your thoughts and if I'm taking issue it's in a friendly way.

Welcome to the board!


New member
"No, it is written on paper"

zzzzzzzzz..... lol, no reply.

"I suggest that you either admit ".... that you need to ingest something other than the biased, party line, conservative, Rep fundies that have brainwashed you with. Have you ever taken a college level History class at a "secular" university? Never mind.

As to this: "to not be so violent against the rights of others"

Nice twist. All I can say is, how does it feel to have the same verdict applied to yourself that you, all, would place on the homosexual.... "outlawed".

We really need to keep an eye on your type. I feel fortunate to be under the protection of the U.S. Constitution. Btw, if you people ever get "prayer" back in public school... doesn't the majority rule? So, I guess your children are going to be praying to Mary, right? HeHeHe...

I am so glad that we are protected from your Taliban.



Over 750 post club
Sure, vote for Kerry, you lilly-livered godless secular liberal commie intellectual elitist!

By the way, it's "Duder". So that's what you call me. You know, that, or "Dude", or "His Dudeness" or "El Duderino", if you're not into the whole brevity thing . . . .

I am the resident "gadfly". My role is to nag friend and foe alike.


New member

You're post impress upon me that you are a young college grad who just listened to the commencement speech and got all fired up. You've been lurking here for awhile and now you are ready to take em' all on.

I get the impression you took a couple of textual criticism classes as humanities electives from a professor who was more than willing to parrot the scholastic liberal party line.

I took those classes to, then I investigated it, took some more classes and now realize that a great deal of textual critical arguments that discredit the authenticity of the bible are based on very poor scholarship.

Many of the folks you have lectured here on this thread have done similar research and will ask you to substantiate your blanket claims, and most know how to rebut those claims pretty efficiently.

So let me give you some friendly advice. Don't walk into the lion's den and smack the lions.

Grace and Peace

On Fire

New member
Originally posted by BChristianK


You're post impress upon me that you are a young college grad who just listened to the commencement speech and got all fired up. You've been lurking here for awhile and now you are ready to take em' all on.

I get the impression you took a couple of textual criticism classes as humanities electives from a professor who was more than willing to parrot the scholastic liberal party line.

I took those classes to, then I investigated it, took some more classes and now realize that a great deal of textual critical arguments that discredit the authenticity of the bible are based on very poor scholarship.

Many of the folks you have lectured here on this thread have done similar research and will ask you to substantiate your blanket claims, and most know how to rebut those claims pretty efficiently.

So let me give you some friendly advice. Don't walk into the lion's den and smack the lions.

Grace and Peace


New member
Originally posted by Duder

Sure, vote for Kerry, you lilly-livered godless secular liberal commie intellectual elitist!

Alright, your Dudeshipfulness. One man's insult is another man's compliment. Stop kissing up to the new guy.



New member
You started out berating Christianity, and I asked you to tell me about your "positive" views. To which you responded with more venom (negative views) about Christianity. Sorry. Perhaps I was not clear.

What I would like to know is what you believe about God, not what you dislike in others' belief systems. e.g Do you believe in God? What does your god look like? What are his values? Is he good? Is he willing and able to hold his creatures accountable for wrongdoing? Does your god even have a standard to which he would hold us accountable? These are just some rhetorical questions to get you started. I mean, if you are going to throw out my view, you should have something better to supplant it with. Yes?



New member
“You're post impress upon me that you are a young college grad who just listened to the commencement speech and got all fired up.”

~~~You don’t have to be young to graduate college. And I’m not. And I resent your demeaning attitude toward me, as if I’m so shallow that a commencement speech would have a strong effect on me.

“You've been lurking here for awhile and now you are ready to take em' all on.”

~~~Wrong again. I think I signed up on this site with another name about a year ago, but I only sat down, today, and read a few things.

“I get the impression you took a couple of textual criticism classes as humanities electives from a professor who was more than willing to parrot the scholastic liberal party line.”

~~~Partly correct. Then I explored further. I had a strong interest since I had, at one time been a ministerial major.

“I took those classes to, then I investigated it, took some more classes and now realize that a great deal of textual critical arguments that discredit the authenticity of the bible are based on very poor scholarship.”

~~~You’ve got to be kidding. The German Theologians I’ve read are vastly ahead of those red-faced Bible thumping fundies that spout all that infallible silliness.

“Many of the folks you have lectured here on this thread have done similar research and will ask you to substantiate your blanket claims, and most know how to rebut those claims pretty efficiently.”

~~~“Lectured”? Nope. Just an appeal to common sense.

~~~ Did anyone get it? Nope. You all just proceeded to do the very things that I was trying to point out.

“So let me give you some friendly advice.”

~~~Did I ask for any?

“Don't walk into the lion's den and smack the lions.”

~~~Why? Will you ATTACK! Go ahead. Show me the love of your God.

“Grace and Peace”

~~~I doubt seriously that you know “WHO” is the “Charis”. And “Peace” is something that that no religious person could know until they have vanquished all the enemies of their God. Of course, being the only person left alive, the soldier of the Lord would then, if truthful with himself, fall on his own sword.


Once Again...

~~~ OK. I think God is bigger than your religion. I've had enough Textual Criticism in college to know the scoop on the Bible, and I've had 25 years of "church", in all flavors, to have more than a stomach full of religious people. I've found them to be some of the most hateful, mean and arrogant people that one could ever meet. Their "love" only applies to those who agree with them. If they manage to put you into their "devil" category, then they feel they have a mandate to go after the enemy of their God. Even in these discussion boards. They are so hateful and demeaning toward their Gods enemies (i.e. people who disagree with them). I think anything that gives someone the license, even encouragement, to hate other human beings should be against the law. For example, let's talk about homosexuals. I, personally, am kinda disgusted by it. Especially in males, since I'm a male, but I realize that they are consenting adults and that they are legal, tax paying citizens of this country and therefore are entitled to the same rights and liberties that we all enjoy. I, also realize, that if any one group has the right to ban the rights of a certain group, then, someone else could come and take away MY rights. Either we are all free, or none of us are free. I know people who are homosexual. It's kinda obvious, you know. However, I treat them the same as I would anyone else. I know that "my" sexuality is only a small part of who I am as a person, so, I realize that it's the same with them. Also, I don't like the way religions discriminate against women. They, also, are legal tax paying citizens of this country and are guaranteed equality under our constitution. Religions that try to regulate how a woman dresses, the jobs she can hold, her place in the family, etc., are discriminating against her for being born a woman. That is no different than hindering the desires and ambitions of a person who is born black or handicapped or whatever. Again, either we are all free, or none of us are free. I think that any group of people who claim to appeal to a higher authority the constitution of this country are subversive to our government and should be outlawed. It should not be legal, in this country, for religious groups to deny people rights which are guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States of America. I've found our Constitution and Bill of Rights far more just than any religious book I've ever read. In fact, I've learned the hard way, over the years, that if it were not for the wisdom of our founding fathers, religious people would still be killing and murdering each other for their gods, just as they always have. The venom in their words, today, is the same spirit that drove in the knives years ago. Just take a look at the Middle East. I can't imagine putting someone into a burning fire where they are supposed to scream and shriek in agony and pain for ever and ever when their only fault is that they believed their mother when she rocked them as a baby and sang about "allah". When everybody they trusted and respected in life told them "allah" was God. If you'll just THINK for one minute, you'll know how stupid this is. And how utterly impossible it is for this to be true. A God who would do that is not the kinda person I would want to hang out with. I been exposed to enough of the paranormal and studied enough about a lot of the new Physics to realize that we have a soul and that it has a mass. But, I believe God is MUCH bigger than all of the religions. And it disgust me to see how all of the religious groups are so anxious to see other people be tortured and destroyed. They feed off it and it seems to be what holds them together. That is, their common hatred of a perceived enemy (i.e. "the devil"). I think this war on terrorism that we are in will help the U.S. government to take note of the ambitions of the Fundamentalists religions within our own country.



New member
Duder, Sorry about the name slip. I had just came off a 12 hr night shift. I was drunk. And it was about 1 o'clock. So, I by god didn't read it right. OK?

"Sure, vote for Kerry, you lilly-livered godless secular liberal commie intellectual elitist!"

Oh, I know. And right after I do it, my soul will be damned. I'll go get a chip put in my hand, start craving men, join a secret society, begin killing babies and invite a legion of demons to infest my body........

I have been a Republican for 20 some odd years, but I just changed my registration to Democrat.



New member

"What I would like to know is what you believe about God, not what you dislike in others' belief systems. e.g Do you believe in God?"

~~~I believe there is a creator or creators. Not sure of anything beyond that except that the big picture is more than we can know. I think knowing everything would change our gut decisions and thereby taint the experiment. Hey, we may be on a ride at a galactic Amusement Park. I mean, who knows? Why does it matter what I believe? Will my belief change anything? Can I make God this or that by "thinking" it? Would he not be what He is regardless of my belief?

" What does your god look like?"

~~~"Look" ?!?! We see when light particles are reflected off physical surfaces, collected by physical eyes, converted to electrical signals and interpreted by a flesh brain. All of which perish at death. So, how am I gonna "see"?

"What are his values?"

~~~What is that? If it is important, then surely He would have made sure everyone was aware of them. The spotty evolution of the New Testament, with it's contradiction, mistakes and forgeries is hardly a definitive "word" from God. After all, Jesus didn't write anything. Either God doesn't care if we perish or it must not have been important.

"Is he good?"

~~~Compared to what? When does something go from being "good" to "bad"? Moses says He is good. Pharaoh says He is bad.

"Is he willing and able to hold his creatures accountable for wrongdoing?"

~~~If God is "all-powerful", "all-knowing", and "in control", then , I have to ask you, what is "wrongdoing"?

"Des your god even have a standard to which he would hold us accountable?"

~~~These kind of questions reveal more about you than me. They reveal the picture that you have of God. I see you hanging in a balance with a stern and indignant super being standing over you, watching to see if you pass the test. It's a frightening picture, but it probably is Biblical. However, it's not true.



Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Originally posted by BChristianK
So let me give you some friendly advice. Don't walk into the lion's den and smack the lions.

What I don't think Brent realizes is that he is smacking THE Lion! The Lion of the Tribe of Judah.

I'm perfectly content to let him get bit.

Resting in Him,


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Originally posted by 1Way

Clete - Is that a sampling of a fractal set for your avatar? If so, then I agree with the randomness it implies. Click here for the website for this quote which I think says it fairly well.
  • Chaos occurs when a system is very sensitive to initial conditions. Initial conditions are the values of measurements at a given starting time. The phenomenon of chaotic motion was considered a mathematical oddity at the time of its discovery, but now physicists know that it is very widespread and may even be the norm in the universe. The weather is an example of a chaotic system. In order to make long-term weather forecasts it would be necessary to take an infinite number of measurements, which would be impossible to do. Also, because the atmosphere is chaotic, tiny uncertainties would eventually overwhelm any calculations and defeat the accuracy of the forecast. The presence of chaotic systems in nature seems to place a limit on our ability to apply deterministic physical laws to predict motions with any degree of certainty.
I wouldn't say with "any" degree of certainty, nor would I lop the physical laws into this vast assertion of impossible certainty, but I would say the uncertainty in the universe, especially concerning random events and non-predetermined things like many free will choices, present real world limits in terms of predictability and certain knowledge. Many things may be known with great certainty, but the amount of some degree of uncertainty presents a huge caveat in the world of certain knowledge. I believe this applies to God as well, He really is uncertain about a great number of things because they are simply not very predictable.

Consider the chances of getting a prediction right, if the option set is infinite(!!!) and the selection process is random! Imagine God saying to a computer system which can select ANY real number, so God says, ok, pick a number, any real number and I'll try to guess it. When you seriously consider the infinite nature of the option set, and the amount of unpredictability in the selection process (I posit it as being a random process), it seems only reasonable to assume that even God could not be a good guesser at a completely random and infinitely broad situation. If the range of sections was only heads or tails, and no other information to consider, then I say He would get it right about half the time, just like we would. But when you broaden the statistical options to infinity, the likelihood of a correct guess becomes infinitely uncertain.

So I give chance and or random causes authentic sway in reality, and that a free will moral agent involves a good deal of unpredictable determinants, even though I also affirm that we are comprised of a good deal of predictable determinants as well, but the total mix dictates that not all yet future responses can be certainly determined because of the desirable element of randomness, the personal freedom to act out of character, to create "new" insights and responses , to bring new thoughts and actions that otherwise would be nothing more than what was done before, i.e. predictable info!

Ya think? :D

Yes my avatar is a fractal but I had no symbolism in mind in regards to the fractal aspect of it. Although, I'm not apposed to the symbolism you suggest.

I think your post raises some facinating issues that I hadn't thought of before. Does perfect randomness imply absolute unknowabilty? Good question! Does/can perfect randomness exist? Another good question. Chaos theory seems to suggest, if not demand, a 'yes' to the first question and a 'no' to the second but I'm not skilled enough in mathematics to even pretend to know whether this is actually true. I'm not even sure what perfect randomness would mean exactly or how it could be achieved or how one would verify that a system was in fact perfectly random. It could be that the concept of perfect randomness is unfalsifiable, which I believe some aspects of Chaos theory to be.

At any rate, great post! I'll be up for hours mulling this stuff around! :think:

Resting in Him,


+OL remote satellite affiliate
Brent - Please do not use God's name in vein.

I think Brent is beyond reasonable debate. Much too advanced for us. He generalizes what is specific, and dismisses out of hand what is relevant and valid. Very mata-rational, this super man. He's of the name it and claim it variety, sprinkle some "that's just dumb" pixy dust on the counter point of refutation towards his view, and he thinks it is eradicated. As to
Nice twist. All I can say is, how does it feel to have the same verdict applied to yourself that you, all, would place on the homosexual.... "outlawed".
Not a single current homosexual would have to die if being a homo was a capitol offense, they could all live and stop their criminal and immoral activity. Everyone in the entire land would be commanded to not be homo, because it is a capitol offense, so such a law would not isolate against any one target group, it would target the entire populous.


New member
1Way: “Not a single current homosexual would have to die if being a homo was a capitol offense, they could all live and stop their criminal and immoral activity. Everyone in the entire land would be commanded to not be homo, because it is a capitol offense, so such a law would not isolate against any one target group, it would target the entire populous.”

~~~Not a single current Christian would have to die if being a Christian was a capitol offense, they could all live and stop their criminal and immoral activity. Everyone in the entire land would be commanded to not be Christian, because it is a capitol offense, so such a law would not isolate against any one target group, it would target the entire populous.

And you are saying that “I’m” beyond reasonable debate?



Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Originally posted by Brent2

1Way: “Not a single current homosexual would have to die if being a homo was a capitol offense, they could all live and stop their criminal and immoral activity. Everyone in the entire land would be commanded to not be homo, because it is a capitol offense, so such a law would not isolate against any one target group, it would target the entire populous.”

~~~Not a single current Christian would have to die if being a Christian was a capitol offense, they could all live and stop their criminal and immoral activity. Everyone in the entire land would be commanded to not be Christian, because it is a capitol offense, so such a law would not isolate against any one target group, it would target the entire populous.

The difference would be that the former would be just and the later unjust. Why? Because God said so, that's why.

Oh wait! You're smarter than God, right?

Nevermind then. :rolleyes:

Resting in Him,


New member
"Because God said so"

~~~We could really take off on that one, couldn't we?

~~~I believe you saw my point.



New member
Brent said:
Why? Will you ATTACK!
No, after reading a few of your post, I can tell that you have shown yourself to have acted like a perfect idiot without any help from lil' ol' me.

I think the following sums up my feelings in regards to your posts.
“what you've just said is one of the most insanely, idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point, in your rambling, incoherent response, were you even close, to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone is now dumber, for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul.”
From Billy Madison


I actually think Brent2 holds my personal record for getting put on the ignore list in under 20 posts.

Grace and Peace


+OL remote satellite affiliate
I agree, where is that ignore button anyway? This will be a first for me, never set anyone to ignore before, this sounds like a good clean Christian deal, redeeming the time and all that.