Houston Lesbian Mayor Claims Pastors have no Right to a Jury Trial


New member
A thanks to poster Musterion for tipping me off to this story, and also to the story linked below: :cheers:

This Mayor seems not to know the US Constitution... :think:

Houston's Lesbian Mayor Annise Parker is at it again after standing down on subpoenaing pastor's sermons.

We had not heard from her for a few months after she got blasted by pastors and the public following the City Council's attempts to push through an unlawful "bathroom bill" and the city attorney's attempts to manipulate signatures in a petition against their illegal actions.

However, that has changed. Now she is claiming that the pastors have no right to a jury trial and is calling for a "special master" to investigate.

Though the city withdrew its subpoenas of the pastor's sermons, something that the pastors called a "head fake," it has now begun to submit several motions to the court. Among those motions is a request that the state district court not allow the pastors a jury decision and leave the final say in the hands of a single judge.

In light of the Supreme Court news today, this story is timely also:

Gay couples’ children oppose same-sex marriage, tell of unpleasant upbringings



New member
A thanks to poster Musterion for tipping me off to this story, and also to the story linked below: :cheers:

This Mayor seems not to know the US Constitution... :think:


oh that is just horrible....until you read the actual court documents and find out that this news article is pretty much devoid of facts.

it turns out that Texas state law calls for contested election suits to be decided by the judge. So the mayor is following the law. Imagine that.

SO why put up such fakery? Well you can't promote hatred of a minority by telling the truth now can you?


oh that is just horrible....until you read the actual court documents and find out that this news article is pretty much devoid of facts.

it turns out that Texas state law calls for contested election suits to be decided by the judge. Imagine that.

But you can't promote hatred of a minority by telling the truth now can you?

This is the same mayor who wanted the sermons of all Houston pastors censored.


New member
In light of the Supreme Court news today, this story is timely also:

Gay couples’ children oppose same-sex marriage, tell of unpleasant upbringings


"I don't know if Ms. Stefanowicz is telling the truth about her life. But I do know that she is obviously tailoring her personal story to suit pretty much every stereotype, talking point, and lie the anti-gay industry spreads about us.

You know what? That kinda makes me mad.

I am sorry if Ms. Stefanowicz had a bad life but if what she claims is true, it was her father's fault, not the gay community. There are many homes in which there are gay parents and the children are not suffering because of it. For that matter, there are many homes with heterosexual parents and the children are being abused. This is not meant to be an indictment on heterosexual homes."

Who is Dawn Stefanowicz


New member
"I don't know if Ms. Stefanowicz is telling the truth about her life. But I do know that she is obviously tailoring her personal story to suit pretty much every stereotype, talking point, and lie the anti-gay industry spreads about us.

You know what? That kinda makes me mad.

I am sorry if Ms. Stefanowicz had a bad life but if what she claims is true, it was her father's fault, not the gay community. There are many homes in which there are gay parents and the children are not suffering because of it. For that matter, there are many homes with heterosexual parents and the children are being abused. This is not meant to be an indictment on heterosexual homes."

Who is Dawn Stefanowicz
OK, dear. :wave2:


New member
This is the same mayor who wanted the sermons of all Houston pastors censored.

false, she wanted them subpoenaed. I don't see why the pastor's would have a problem with giving her copies of their sermons...unless they were ashamed of them


false, she wanted them subpoenaed. I don't see why the pastor's would have a problem with giving her copies of their sermons...unless they were ashamed of them

Subpoenaed, censored, whatever. Call it what you want. The simple fact is that she wanted Big Brother spying on Christian pastors.

That tells me that she has a problem with Christianity, and she's willing to use the authority of her office to oppress Christians. That's not acceptable.


New member
"Houston we have a problem..."



Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
false, she wanted them subpoenaed. I don't see why the pastor's would have a problem with giving her copies of their sermons...unless they were ashamed of them

Unless there is probable cause that a crime has been committed than I would have told her to get lost, which is pretty much what the pastors lawyer did along with feeding this to the media which made her look all the more stupid. BTW speaking against your unnatural perversion within the confines of the church is protected by the constitution, the same constitution protects your right to be a pervert...deal with it. :baby:


New member
She's an elected official. What does that say about the people of Houston?

Or what kind of right wing nutter ran against her that made her look like the better option?


Liberals- they don't even comprehend what 'Separation of Church and State' means, how do you expect them to actually understand anything of the US Constitution :doh:


New member
Hall of Fame
Update: Texas Supreme Court suspends Houston’s ‘bathroom bill,’ sets up ballot fight

The Texas Supreme Court gave Friday the Houston city council 30 days either to repeal a civil-rights ordinance allowing opposite-sex bathroom use or place it before the voters on the November ballot.

The 12-page decision says that the council ran afoul of the city charter when it refused to act after the city secretary certified a year ago the signatures submitted by a pastor-led coalition, which had moved to force a vote on the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO).

Houston Mayor Annise Parker came under fire last year after the city moved to subpoena sermons and other documents from five pastors, known as the Houston Five, ultimately backing down and omitting sermons from the order in the face of a public outcry.

“Obviously, I am disappointed and believe the court is in error with this 11th-hour ruling in a case that had already been decided by a judge and jury of citizens,” said Ms. Parker, the city’s first openly lesbian mayor, in a Friday statement.

“Nonetheless, we will proceed with the steps necessary for City Council to consider the issue. At the same time, we are consulting with our outside counsel on any possible available legal actions,” she said.

The city has until Aug. 24 to act on the court’s order, which also suspended the equal-rights ordinance, raising the possibility of a ballot fight that could sway the outcome of the November mayor’s race. Ms. Parker is term-limited and cannot seek re-election... read more at link: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news...ourt-suspends-houston-bathroom-bill/?page=all

The Horn

They mayor never said anything like this, and everything she said has been taken completely out of context to make it look as though she is out to "persecute " preachers and pastors, which is totally ridiculous .
The fact that she happens to be a lesbian is totally irrelevant . So what ? Who cares ? Big deal . As long as she does her job well .
But of course, her lesbianism is being held against her , and social conservatives are horrified and aghast about a lesbian ! becoming mayor of one of our biggest cities ! Horrors ! Sheesh !