Homosexuality selected because of societal function


New member
That is a misunderstanding of Catholic doctrine.
And Catholic Crusader does not speak for every Catholic.

I agree. If our words are without love, they are as a clanging cymbal.
But your attack on the Catholic Church is misplaced.

You can't possibly believe that.

John 14:6 convinced me that Roman Catholic doctrines and traditions are UN-Scriptural and man made.

John 14:6 Jesus said, "I am the way the truth and the life and no man comes to the Father but by me".

According to Jesus Mary, a pope, or a human priest is not needed. Now YOU either agree or disagree with Jesus.


New member
A consensus of what, though?
What would these studies even look like?
How would you set up a study that could potentially find evidence that homosexuality is a disorder?
you can start with the 70 plus studies the APA's used in making the decision to remove homosexuality from the DSM.


Well-known member
:chuckle: Depends, are they on the way home from getting new ear rings? (I assume that is what those are on the ears.)

Yes, and if you look closely, you'll see the cow pictured on the earrings is wearing earrings with a picture of a cow wearing earrings with a picture of a cow wearing earrings with a picture of a... :dizzy:


New member
LOL.. ...coming from the guy who spews pure hate and venom in the religion section. Off with you hypocrite.

I share the truth because the RCC has changed and perverted God's word for their own graft.

I would prefer you hate me for telling you the truth than love me me for lying to you.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
you can start with the 70 plus studies the APA's used in making the decision to remove homosexuality from the DSM.

The APA is a political lobbying group you half-wit. Their statements on homosexuality are all politics and no medicine.
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Well-known member
John 14:6 convinced me that Roman Catholic doctrines and traditions are UN-Scriptural and man made.

John 14:6 Jesus said, "I am the way the truth and the life and no man comes to the Father but by me".

According to Jesus Mary, a pope, or a human priest is not needed. Now YOU either agree or disagree with Jesus.

I agree.

And how did you come to Jesus?
Did you live alone on an island, and discover a Bible there, and teach yourself to read it?


New member
I agree.

And how did you come to Jesus?
Did you live alone on an island, and discover a Bible there, and teach yourself to read it?

You IGNORE the Holy Spirit who convicts of sins committed, righteousness forfeited , and judgement coming.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
John 14:6 convinced me that Roman Catholic doctrines and traditions are UN-Scriptural and man made.........

Correction: Your perverted interpretation of John 14:6 made you wrongly think that Roman Catholic doctrines and traditions are UN-Scriptural and man made.


New member
You share pure, 100% lies about Catholicism. Your venom and lies come straight from the depths of Hell. You wouldn't know Jesus if he walked up and slapped you in your demonic face.

Keep your head buried up the popes rear end and you will both end up in hell.


Well-known member
The APA is a political lobbying group you half-wit. There statements on homosexuality are all politics and no medicine.

You're right about the APA's political agenda.
You're wrong about the name-calling.

I say this as charitably as possible.

It doesn't help anything, Brother.
And I doubt it makes you more of the person you want to be.

I am sorry if this comes across as offensive.
I do not mean it to be.


New member
The APA is a political lobbying group you half-wit. There statements on homosexuality are all politics and no medicine.

If anything you do is not done in love YOU are useless and not doing anything for God as per scripture, which obviously you do not believe.


New member
You do not consider a man putting his male part in fecal matter harmful , or a man placing his male part in another mans mouth harmful ?

The last study I read said same sex males, who are in a relationship, have an average of 200 different SEXUAL PARTNERS A YEAR ! SO obviously it is about lust and not love.

Yeah that is a pretty common claim made by anti-gay groups, it isn't true but it's still made.

Tell me, did this "study" also tell you how many sexual partners heterosexual men have per year?


New member
Yeah that is a pretty common claim made by anti-gay groups, it isn't true but it's still made.

Tell me, did this "study" also tell you how many sexual partners heterosexual men have per year?
Don't confuse him with facts he will deny anyway. :p