Hollywood pedophiles


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Hall of Fame
There are a lot more pedophiles and sexual predators in the Republican party , both in Washington and in political office all over the country than in Hollywood .

You are such a :dunce: This point you make can be validated with one sentense, but you do not know it.


He bragged about it. Said that since he was a celebrity, he could grab women by the genitals, and they'd let him.
He didn't profess sexual predation there though, he was talking about what Louis CK was talking about, people going insane in the presence of "stars." "They let you do anything." How are you supposed to know that apparent consent isn't consent? Now, because President Trump started the trend, other "stars" like Louis CK are beginning to chime in also about this going insane effect that being in the presence of "stars" causes, and knowing is half the battle.
And there are a large number of women who have confirmed his boast of sexual assault. Would you like to learn about some of them?
I just want to see a cite on President Trump being a self professed or otherwise confirmed sexual predator.
BTW, Moore's apologists have said that his molesting a child was O.K. since he was "romantic" in doing it, and besides, Mary was just in her teens when she married Joseph.
I don't see cites on those either, and if the allegations are true of Moore then he's a depraved sexual perverted predator, and non-Catholics really need to chill out on Holy Mary mother of God. She's not a pawn in a political or theological argument. That's the Lord's mom. You don't talk ill of your friends' moms? What are you thinking, speaking ill or joking about her? For Christ's sake.

The Barbarian

I just want to see a cite on President Trump being a self professed or otherwise confirmed sexual predator.

He bragged on tape about doing it. A number of women (including one who was 13 at the time) have confirmed his boasts. Not much room for denial, is there?

I don't see cites on those either, and if the allegations are true of Moore then he's a depraved sexual perverted predator,

Funny how so many guys who tell you how holy and religious they are, turn out to be like that with girls.

and non-Catholics really need to chill out on Holy Mary mother of God. She's not a pawn in a political or theological argument. That's the Lord's mom.

I don't think they thought that argument out very carefully. It is more than a little blasphemous to compare Joseph to Trump or Moore or Weinstein.

Although Breitbart published Moore’s denials of these allegations, the outlet’s article in defense of the former judge primarily focuses on justifying the conduct described by the Washington Post. Breitbart’s piece argues there’s nothing wrong with 34-year-old “dating” someone less half their age or younger, as long as it is “romantic.”


An Alabama state official on Thursday dismissed a Washington Post report alleging that GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore had initiated a sexual encounter with a 14-year-old girl decades ago, saying there was an age gap between the biblical Joseph and Mary. The Post also alleged that Moore had pursued three others when they were between the ages of 16 and 18 and he was in his early 30s.

“Take Joseph and Mary. Mary was a teenager and Joseph was an adult carpenter. They became parents of Jesus,” Alabama State Auditor Jim Zeigler told The Washington Examiner. “There’s just nothing immoral or illegal here. Maybe just a little bit unusual.”





30 year old accusations a month away from an election? Please

Politics have no relation to morals.
- Niccolo Machiavelli

Moore's real sin is that he is now overshadowing any positive coverage of the President's Asia trip and resurrecting unflattering comparisons with Trump's "Access Hollywood" tape!

"The Donald" might forgive Moore for his attraction to 14 year old girls, but not for forcing him out of the media spotlight!
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like marbles on glass
Evangelicals are starting to say "Hey, this guy's behavior is completely incompatible with our beliefs." At some point every conservative Christian is going to have to decide whether he's more Christian than conservative or more conservative than Christian.

Lawrence Tribe:
“I worry that, just as Access Hollywood seems to have helped Trump more than it hurt him, so being a sex molester and a bully while claiming to be a victim of libtards could help Moore with his base more than it hurts him elsewhere: he’s already raised > $100K on this scandal.”


Evangelicals are starting to say "Hey, this guy's behavior is completely incompatible with our beliefs." At some point every conservative Christian is going to have to decide whether he's more Christian than conservative or more conservative than Christian.


The real questions are whether a President whose agenda is all over the political map in search of a "WIN" can be considered a conservative, or someone who sees no need to repent and seek God's forgiveness from sin be considered a Christian!

1 John 1:10 - If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word is not in us.

patrick jane

It expired long ago. The amount of support for Phil 'Quack Quack' Robertson on here was enough to confirm that.
Phil Robertson has a new show on the same channel as Steven Crowder and Gavin McGinnes and Mark Levin and Michelle Maulkin. It's called "In The Woods With Phil Robertson" Phil is really popular here in the states Art.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Phil Robertson has a new show on the same channel as Steven Crowder and Gavin McGinnes and Mark Levin and Michelle Maulkin. It's called "In The Woods With Phil Robertson" Phil is really popular here in the states Art.

Hmm, pretty apt for a guy who can't see the forest for the trees...