Hollywood Directors Agree on Violent Movies


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Hollywood Directors Agree on Violent Movies

This is the show from Wednesday, July 25th 2012.


* What Do McBurney, Enyart, Bogdanovich and Orson Welles Have in Common? Bob and Doug McBurney analyze the guilt of the entertainment industry in America's culture of death. The guys find agreement, surprisingly, in The Hollywood Reporter from famed director Peter Bogdanovich and posthumously from Orson Welles. The guys also thank journalist Charles Hurt for his rage against Warner Brothers.

You Can't Stop Every Crime, But You CAN End an Epidemic

* Identify the Solutions
- Advocate renewed recognition of God as our Creator
- Advocate recognition of rights as flowing from God
- Advocate enforcement of God's enduring command, Do not murder
- Advocate the abolition of human abortion
- Advocate for God's criminal justice system and a return to corporal punishment
- Advocate for the swift death penalty for all convicted murderers
- Oppose godless schools for children and oppose government school
- Oppose the intellectually bankrupt theory of evolution that claims we come from animals
- Oppose no-fault divorce
- Promote the personhood movement, the creation movement, and Christian homeschooling.

Flashback #1: Bob Enyart burns OJ Simpson's Hall of Fame Award and Heisman '68 Jersey to call for three reforms of our criminal justice system. See KGOV.com/oj.

Flashback #2: Court TV interviews Bob Enyart regarding Scott Peterson's death sentence.

Flashback #3: Bill Clinton raped Juanita Broaddrick as an editor of the Wall Street Journal wrote, that Bill Clinton's rape of Juanita Broaddrick was an event that "in fact took place." Hear also Bob's worldwide exclusive interview with Juanita Broaddrick and with nurse Norma Rogers, her friend who found Broaddrick wounded and in tears shortly after the assault.

Today's Resource: Have you seen the Government Department at our KGOV Store? We are featuring Bruce Shortt's vitally-important book, The Harsh Truth about Public Schools. And also, check out the classic God's Criminal Justice System seminar, God and the Death Penalty, Live from Las Vegas, and Bob on Drugs DVDs, and our powerhouse Focus on the Strategy resources!