welcome to TOL.
There are some passages and verses that I still don't get, so, yes, I do use commentaries. The Holy Spirit knows I am somewhat "hearing impaired" so a commentary is, essentially, a brief explanation (perhaps a man's opinion) on what the biblical writers really meant (as thoroughly as we can know that - ???).
More than less I will go and glean from the Puritans and early church fathers. There are MANY sites on the web with free downloadable sermons, i.e. CCEL, Grace-Gems, GTY, Phil Johnson's Spurgeon Archive, etc...that have MANY "takes" on Scripture.
If you want links to these free resources let me know.
...but the information in them is not as important as your own daily Bible reading.
Please don't be overwhelmed; sometimes we learn to swim by being thrown into the lake.
Grace to you and Good morning!
Nice to meet you relaff. We have both been active since our genesis here on this forum. Pleasure to make acquaintance.
I'm wondering how "Muslin" and "Pinko Commie" work out together. Free Qurans for everyone?