Hello All


New member
My name is Darryl, I'm a husband and father of two that loves studying and discussing the Bible. My beliefs have been called heretical by many in Churchianity because I question things put forth by religion with scripture as opposed to accepting any and all popular "winds" of doctrine.
Hopefully I can learn, share, and grow as a member of this forum. I am looking forward to discussing some things with you all!


New member
My name is Darryl, I'm a husband and father of two that loves studying and discussing the Bible. My beliefs have been called heretical by many in Churchianity because I question things put forth by religion with scripture as opposed to accepting any and all popular "winds" of doctrine.
Hopefully I can learn, share, and grow as a member of this forum. I am looking forward to discussing some things with you all!

Hi Darryl, welcome to one of the more challenging forums on the internet. Be prepared to back up any claims you make or conclusions drawn.
Be prepared to "learn, share and grow" here!

I aint no monkey

New member
The Bible is clear, the universe was made in six normal days, there was a global flood and Jesus rose from the dead. What is there to debate?


Well-known member
I usually ask newcomers what Sacred Cows they have brought along for us to poke at but it appears you are one who likes to do the poking.

Welcome aboard.

Seeing as how you are reformation minded will you be in Wittenburg on Oct. 31, 2017 to help celebrate the 500 year aniversary of Martin Luther tacking his 95 Thesis on the chapel door? It should be quite the party.