Hell Is Real.

Grosnick Marowbe

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There is no such a thing you guys call devil in hell. Devil is only a concept to illustrate the evil inclination man. This kind of myths, Christian preachers use only to keep the members in the church. I bet Christian leaders themselves know that they are not real. But they also know that if they speak openly about what devils are not, the sheep are going to walk out of the herd.



Well-known member
There is no such a thing you guys call devil in hell. Devil is only a concept to illustrate the evil inclination man. This kind of myths, Christian preachers use only to keep the members in the church. I bet Christian leaders themselves know that they are not real. But they also know that if they speak openly about what devils are not, the sheep are going to walk out of the herd.
Do you believe in evil spirits?

Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
We get baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Because the Scriptures say so and the Apostles did it. It does nothing for our Spirit, it's for washing away of the Adamic Sin Romans 5 . And if you are not BAPTIZED in the name of Jesus Christ, you are not going to heaven. Yes and God will wait for you if you got the Holy Ghost last night but nobody baptized you, vice versa, but in a true church of God I never left the person without them getting baptized or getting the Holy Ghost. I stayed until they got BOTH.

Water Baptism was for the House of Israel, not the Body of Christ. Are you Pentecostal?


Well-known member
If he doesn't believe in the devil, why would he believe in fallen angels?
Because they're in the old testament, how can he not believe? Satan is at work right through the Bible, even the story of Job speaks about him, unless Ben doesn't believe in the story of Job?

Grosnick Marowbe

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Being born from God is being born of water and Spirit, that is why Jesus said be again, of water and Spirit. Not be born again of water and then be born of Spirit. The two are one. 1.water washes away sins, be cause God is sinless. 2. Spirit brings life because God is the life of spirits.


Grosnick Marowbe

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So, you know you need faith in Jesus to be saved, don't you? Have you ever asked him what would be his suggestion on this thought of yours? I'll tell you what his suggestion would be: "You don't need faith in me to be saved! All you need is to listen to "Moses" aka the Law." (Luke 16:29-31) Now, regarding where you would go if you died before next week, yes, you would go to Hell but, what do you care? Every one is heading there some day. Don't let any one delude you with hell-fire for it does not exist. The Hell we all go to is called Sheol aka the grave and, no one can escape it.

You're a mixed up kind of a Jewish guy/Gal. You don't even believe in your own "House of Israel Kingdom Message?" It was taught to your Ancestors, was it not?

Ben Masada

New member
The water is the word of God. We're washed in the word by hearing and through hearing and believing our faith grows then once we truly live by the word of God and obey the commandments of Jesus in the gospels, God will bless us with the holy spirit and cleanse us from within. We must be born again of the spirit to enter into the kingdom of God not just by hearing the word but by living by it, through the spirit being refreshed and cleansed within by the rivers of living water every day.

"The commandments of Jesus in the gospels! I hope you mean "in the Tanach" because that's the gospel of Jesus. The NT, he never even dreamed it would ever rise.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Well it felt like I was light and weightless, and I spoke in tongues. Haven't been the same since, now I'm preaching baptizing. And working for the Lord.

If you were TRULY working for the Lord, you'd be preaching the "Grace Gospel" that Paul was instructed to preach. You're not preaching that Gospel (The only Gospel for today) so, you're NOT working for the Lord!


Well-known member
No, I believe in evil people looking for a chance to do evil against others.
So do I, but I believe that they are tempted by Satan and fall, Jesus taught us to deny him and and do the will of God. And we do this through Christ with the strength of the spirit.

How do you explain the story of Job?


New member
Means Jesus was under these sin of Adam? Because he got baptized

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Scriptures say THE MAN WAS SINLESS, HALLELUJAH GLORY TO GOD.!! You gotta open that book man. Jesus got baptized that ALL RIGHTEOUSNESS BE FULFILLED.!! Matthew 3:15 And Jesus answering said unto him, Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness. Then he suffered him.