Heavenly Father????

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Eclectic Theosophist


Who has okay'd the worship of goddesses?

Remember,....in whose image was man made? In whose likeness? What is man? Did He not created them 'male' and 'female'? There are 2 genders which reflect the divine image, which represent 'God'. Man is the image and likeness of Elohim. -therefore,...there are both 'masculine' and 'feminine' aspects, qualities and attributes of Deity. - these are manifested as 'male' and 'female'. If 'God' is 'Father', there there must also be a 'Mother' or 'feminine' aspect to 'God'. Therefore the title in some schools of calling Deity 'Father-Mother-God' holds,....in a parental sense. - such is the dual-unity of Spirit, mirrored in masculine and feminine form. Gender is dual, Spirit is One.

From a Jewish perspective, the Holy Spirit of God is 'feminine' (ruach hakodesh), and the Shekinah (Presence) is feminine. Naturally so,...the nurturing/mothering aspect of God can be known as 'Mother'. There is no rule or command to acknowledge God as our also our divine Mother,..but if 'God' is our supernal Parent, then we are born from God, who is Father and Mother. - there is no creation, no offspring without the two in intercourse.

Also note one of the fundamental laws is to respect/honor your mother and your father. Your 'mother' and your 'father' is 'God', albeit in human form, since 'God' is the sole power and progenitor of all. If we are to see the image and likeness of God, we are to look no further than Man (male/female). Therefore, if God be 'Father-Mother'....then we are to honor the Mother just as we honor the Father, since they are One. The One is represented in the Two, and Two in the One :) - and even so, we reflect 'God'. The glory of God is Man, the marriage of the two as one.


Father-Mother (Abba-Amma)


God's Truth

New member
Remember,....in whose image was man made? In whose likeness? What is man? Did He not created them 'male' and 'female'?

I do see what you are saying and why, but God says let's make MAN in our image, and then woman was made in the image of man for man.

There are 2 genders which reflect the divine image, which represent 'God'. Man is the image and likeness of Elohim. -therefore,...there are both 'masculine' and 'feminine' aspects, qualities and attributes of Deity. - these are manifested as 'male' and 'female'.
Just because God is kind and patient that does not make it feminine or female attributes.

If 'God' is 'Father', there there must also be a 'Mother' or 'feminine' aspect to 'God'.

No, there is no must be.

God is called 'Father'.

Therefore the title in some schools of calling Deity 'Father-Mother-God' holds,....in a parental sense. - such is the dual-unity of Spirit, mirrored in masculine and feminine form. Gender is dual, Spirit is One.

From a Jewish perspective, the Holy Spirit of God is 'feminine' (ruach hakodesh), and the Shekinah (Presence) is feminine.

I think you misunderstand that.

God is Spirit and HIS SPIRIT goes forth from Him. His Holy Spirit is referred to as 'He'.

Naturally so,...the nurturing/mothering aspect of God can be known as 'Mother'. There is no rule or command to acknowledge God as our also our divine Mother,..but if 'God' is our supernal Parent, then we are born from God, who is Father and Mother. - there is no creation, no offspring without the two in intercourse.

Also note one of the fundamental laws is to respect/honor your mother and your father. Your 'mother' and your 'father' is 'God', albeit in human form, since 'God' is the sole power and progenitor of all. If we are to see the image and likeness of God, we are to look no further than Man (male/female). Therefore, if God be 'Father-Mother'....then we are to honor the Mother just as we honor the Father, since they are One. The One is represented in the Two, and Two in the One :) - and even so, we reflect 'God'. The glory of God is Man, the marriage of the two as one.

I just do not agree with the way you reasoned that.

It is not in the scriptures.

1 Corinthians 11:7 A man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but woman is the glory of man.


New member
Also, if you are assuming that there has to be a mother because there is a father, you can't stop there! There must be a heavenly grandfather and grandmother because in human terms you can't have a father and a mother without first having grandparents! After all, God has to be confined to the rules of humanity!

We can't make assumptions like this without any Biblical reference to it whatsoever! It is Idolatry plain and simple. Before long we will be praying to the Heavenly Father, Son, and Uncle Charlie!

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God's Truth

New member
Also, if you are assuming that there has to be a mother because there is a father, you can't stop there! There must be a heavenly grandfather and grandmother because in human terms you can't have a father and a mother without first having grandparents! After all, God has to be confined to the rules of humanity!

We can't make assumptions like this without any Biblical reference to it whatsoever! It is Idolatry plain and simple. Before long we will be praying to the Heavenly Father, Son, and Uncle Charlie!

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using TheologyOnline mobile app

Well said.


Eclectic Theosophist
Honoring Father-Mother God......

Honoring Father-Mother God......

Also, if you are assuming that there has to be a mother because there is a father, you can't stop there! There must be a heavenly grandfather and grandmother because in human terms you can't have a father and a mother without first having grandparents! After all, God has to be confined to the rules of humanity!

We can't make assumptions like this without any Biblical reference to it whatsoever! It is Idolatry plain and simple. Before long we will be praying to the Heavenly Father, Son, and Uncle Charlie!

See my former commentary on gender here and links :)

Man is made in God's image and likeness, He created them male and female. Man is male/female, a dualized unity, a dyad. 'God' therefore has masculine and feminine qualities/characterists, so in this light it is not illogical or irration to apply the title of 'Father-Mother-God' to Deity, when relating to a familial/creational context....because Deity is the 'Father-Mother'(Progenitor and Womb) of all that exists,..being the CREATOR. Creation comes forth thru the merging and intercourse of both genders, so the law of gender, universally proved and demonstrated by Nature herself, and most procreational processes proves such. Our own human race/families, are brought forth thru the 'intercourse' of 'male' and 'female' vehicles.

Most all holistic religious traditions/mythology/theology recognizes the divine Mother or femimine aspect of 'God', which is also expressed in the various Goddess traditions as well. Even our earth is regarded as Mother, as well as the Holy Spirit/Shekinah/Wisdom (feminine aspects of Deity)...even as the Jerusalem above is our MOTHER. So,...it is only natural that our love and worship of 'God' recognizes and loves 'God' as both 'Father' and 'Mother'.

However dont make the carnal assumption as you are doing, that by simply recognizing this, this means we are converting or limiting 'God' to our own finite limited definition of 'father' or 'mother' or even 'gender', since 'God' is truly INFINITE. All we can do is approximate and see the laws, tendencies and qualities of nature, energy, matter, spirit, our own bodily existence, and by 'analogy' and 'correspondence' see the 'masculine' and 'feminine' polarities expressing themselves in nature. Respect must be given to universal laws, principles and conduct of reality in this limited finite natural domain, since this corporeal existence mirrors the higher invisible realities of Spirit (the heavenlies). - this is the law of correspondence,...a basic understanding in estoeric teachings. "as above, so below". (heaven/earth).

As we give all the glory to Deity, let us honor and worship God's character and nature FULLY,....the seed giver and the womb(mother of all living) of our existence, our heavenly Matrix :)

Your 'uncle Charlie' reflects ignorance, misunderstanding and a constrained lop-sided image of 'God'. Again,...'Deity' far transcends our finite terms, titles or names which our limited intellects can conceive, but by analogy, correspondence and figurative language, we have the 'language' that helps assist, unfold and grant us insight and entrance into 'God-consciousness'. ....God's own divine NATURE. My mention of the law of honoring one's parents still stands here, since 'God' is our divine Parent, and MAN is made/created in the image and likeness of Deity. To those who see, only sacredness and honor are being fostered here, to the Living Divine....to Deity Alone in all His/Her glory. In as much as we personify 'God' as 'Father', even so by natural law, principle and corespondence, 'God' can also be personified as 'Mother'. There is no idolatry whatsoever in this recognition. - to re-cognize this is only to expand one's appreciation and love for the Divine.

Do note,...this is not being presented as a 'dogma', neither is this presented as a 'creed' to be accepted as 'orthodox',...it is simply recognizing that gender originates from 'God', and that 'God' embodies, expresses and potentializes the full glory of both genders, AS WELL AS transcends gender altogether,...but much in the conditional realms of existence is produced by the intercourse of genders, and we see this reflected in YHWH's own law given to the hebrews...about honoring both father and mother, which is one way we Honor 'God' among the other laws of 'relationship'.

"As above, in the heavenlies; so below, on earth".

A wonderful article by Elaine H. Pagels - What became of God the Mother ?

View attachment 25354


Well-known member
See my former commentary on gender here and links :)

Man is made in God's image and likeness, He created them male and female. Man is male/female, a dualized unity, a dyad. 'God' therefore has masculine and feminine qualities/characterists, so in this light it is not illogical or irration to apply the title of 'Father-Mother-God' to Deity, when relating to a familial/creational context....because Deity is the 'Father-Mother'(Progenitor and Womb) of all that exists,..being the CREATOR. Creation comes forth thru the merging and intercourse of both genders, so the law of gender, universally proved and demonstrated by Nature herself, and most procreational processes proves such. Our own human race/families, are brought forth thru the 'intercourse' of 'male' and 'female' vehicles.

Most all holistic religious traditions/mythology/theology recognizes the divine Mother or femimine aspect of 'God', which is also expressed in the various Goddess traditions as well. Even our earth is regarded as Mother, as well as the Holy Spirit/Shekinah/Wisdom (feminine aspects of Deity)...even as the Jerusalem above is our MOTHER. So,...it is only natural that our love and worship of 'God' recognizes and loves 'God' as both 'Father' and 'Mother'.

However dont make the carnal assumption as you are doing, that by simply recognizing this, this means we are converting or limiting 'God' to our own finite limited definition of 'father' or 'mother' or even 'gender', since 'God' is truly INFINITE. All we can do is approximate and see the laws, tendencies and qualities of nature, energy, matter, spirit, our own bodily existence, and by 'analogy' and 'correspondence' see the 'masculine' and 'feminine' polarities expressing themselves in nature. Respect must be given to universal laws, principles and conduct of reality in this limited finite natural domain, since this corporeal existence mirrors the higher invisible realities of Spirit (the heavenlies). - this is the law of correspondence,...a basic understanding in estoeric teachings. "as above, so below". (heaven/earth).

As we give all the glory to Deity, let us honor and worship God's character and nature FULLY,....the seed giver and the womb(mother of all living) of our existence, our heavenly Matrix :)

Your 'uncle Charlie' reflects ignorance, misunderstanding and a constrained lop-sided image of 'God'. Again,...'Deity' far transcends our finite terms, titles or names which our limited intellects can conceive, but by analogy, correspondence and figurative language, we have the 'language' that helps assist, unfold and grant us insight and entrance into 'God-consciousness'. ....God's own divine NATURE. My mention of the law of honoring one's parents still stands here, since 'God' is our divine Parent, and MAN is made/created in the image and likeness of Deity. To those who see, only sacredness and honor are being fostered here, to the Living Divine....to Deity Alone in all His/Her glory. In as much as we personify 'God' as 'Father', even so by natural law, principle and corespondence, 'God' can also be personified as 'Mother'. There is no idolatry whatsoever in this recognition. - to re-cognize this is only to expand one's appreciation and love for the Divine.

Do note,...this is not being presented as a 'dogma', neither is this presented as a 'creed' to be accepted as 'orthodox',...it is simply recognizing that gender originates from 'God', and that 'God' embodies, expresses and potentializes the full glory of both genders, AS WELL AS transcends gender altogether,...but much in the conditional realms of existence is produced by the intercourse of genders, and we see this reflected in YHWH's own law given to the hebrews...about honoring both father and mother, which is one way we Honor 'God' among the other laws of 'relationship'.

"As above, in the heavenlies; so below, on earth".

A wonderful article by Elaine H. Pagels - What became of God the Mother ?

View attachment 25354

Their confusing duality with gender based creation of a flesh and blood male and female that represents the two natures walled off in the mind, when the mind is renewed the wall is destroyed the male female meld into equal partners without the male dominance motif found in literally interpreted dogmas as the male being the head honcho in the chain of command. Until they realize the siblings in scripture are symbolic spiritual allegories they will base their time based beliefs on time instead of using time to discover the timeless.


We might remind everyone that 'God' is both 'Father' and 'Mother'. While Jesus taught us to address God as 'Our Father',...we must also recognize the divine feminine, the Mothering Spirit of God as well, since 'God' includes both gender-qualities and attributes. Blessings in the Infininite One :) - this is why man has naturally allowed the worship of the Goddess or divine Mother, and various goddesses. These are but the feminine expressions and personifications of the divine.

That's Right :)


Also, if you are assuming that there has to be a mother because there is a father, you can't stop there! There must be a heavenly grandfather and grandmother because in human terms you can't have a father and a mother without first having grandparents! After all, God has to be confined to the rules of humanity!

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I don't think we are ready for it yet but one day we may discover how many universes in universes there really are.
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