Heaven goers must work to death for the hell-goers.


For fifty years I am reading about many worked to death martyrs in concentration camps and gulags. They had chosen this end rejecting freedom and the good things of life. I know that is the only way to follow Jesus not bible thumping or theology speculation. So I am following in poverty and privation, though I have freedom they didn’t have.
But sometimes I feel temptation for the good things (foolishly called) of life others are enjoying. I enjoyed these things previously before coming to Christ. Then I was very sick in body and mind. I sought Christ not so much for Heaven but to be kept alive. But Christ not only saved me but gave me a glimpse of Heaven. I prayed that I may be made worthy. In answer a spirit entered me inspiring to serve the needy and intrinsically despising the so called good things of the world. These were so called entertainments, excursions, tasty foods, new cloths, comfortable bed, habitat, vehicles, power, position etc. I understood that Christ also worked to death in extreme privations to turn the suicidal Jews to life.
Still there was a craving for those inside. But whenever I fell to this temptation, the spirit went away leaving me miserable and weak. So I learnt not to indulge in those.
So, while I ministered the sick, orphans and destitute, serving them night and days, I ate the leftovers as Christ and apostles also did (Jn6-10) and lived in their standard. Miraculously I was hale and energetic, much more than world’s good things enjoying siblings and colleagues. Still I couldn’t totally eradicate cravings for them.

Over the years Christ gave me more wisdom to understand.
The foolishly perceived good things are all transitory, essentially inimical to eternal things. Whoever conforms to them can’t conform to permanent Heavenly things—wisdom, self-sacrificing love, contentment, forgiveness even to the worst offender, passion to serve others, thankfulness etc. These things make Heaven.

Heavenly Father calls all to these Heavenly treasures. But we are Heaven-fallen people falling from an old pride-ridden in-fighting paradise (Puran and Rev12,7-12) as big as sun compared to earth. Pride devil is so entrenched in our hearts that anti-love we are blind to the Heavenly treasures. So we run for the worldly fickle treasures. To acquire and protect those we steal, rob, enslave, murder and commit every sin killing love. In the process our internal love which binds soul parts together, gets weak by these anti-love works. Lastly love-bond gone, our souls disintegrate to eternal death. All the soul parts remain but to suffer loneliness in despair. Personality is lost as soul dies. This we see in mad people even here. This is soul death and eternal pain.

So the martyrs obeying Christ prefer to be robbed, enslaved, tortured and worked to death by these greedy people for their suicidal gains. All the while the suffering saints call them to eternal life and treasures. There is no way to turn them back to life. To tell them that they are going to hell is injurious. It will add fuel to their distrust, as a hate message. Even if one believes and fears that will be futile too as terror can’t generate love necessary for regeneration. Crooked people in the name of God use often such hell-terror to manipulate others to harm all. Suicidal fidayeens are used by all religions crookedly. Only suffering forgiving martyrs can generate love and faith worthy of heaven among sinners. We must try to turn them back even working to death for them, as we had spoiled them before falling here. Only that will make hell-worthy us heaven worthy.
Then a few may listen and follow them renouncing everything. They die pauper but with hope, not whimpering but blessing and thanking as they have a vision of heaven. The worldly ones may die rich in good beds, freedom and care. But they whimpering depart in dread and despair to disintegration as they have a vision of their own made hell.



New member
For fifty years I am reading about many worked to death martyrs in concentration camps and gulags. They had chosen this end rejecting freedom and the good things of life. I know that is the only way to follow Jesus not bible thumping or theology speculation. So I am following in poverty and privation, though I have freedom they didn’t have.
But sometimes I feel temptation for the good things (foolishly called) of life others are enjoying. I enjoyed these things previously before coming to Christ. Then I was very sick in body and mind. I sought Christ not so much for Heaven but to be kept alive. But Christ not only saved me but gave me a glimpse of Heaven. I prayed that I may be made worthy. In answer a spirit entered me inspiring to serve the needy and intrinsically despising the so called good things of the world. These were so called entertainments, excursions, tasty foods, new cloths, comfortable bed, habitat, vehicles, power, position etc. I understood that Christ also worked to death in extreme privations to turn the suicidal Jews to life.
Still there was a craving for those inside. But whenever I fell to this temptation, the spirit went away leaving me miserable and weak. So I learnt not to indulge in those.
So, while I ministered the sick, orphans and destitute, serving them night and days, I ate the leftovers as Christ and apostles also did (Jn6-10) and lived in their standard. Miraculously I was hale and energetic, much more than world’s good things enjoying siblings and colleagues. Still I couldn’t totally eradicate cravings for them.

Over the years Christ gave me more wisdom to understand.
The foolishly perceived good things are all transitory, essentially inimical to eternal things. Whoever conforms to them can’t conform to permanent Heavenly things—wisdom, self-sacrificing love, contentment, forgiveness even to the worst offender, passion to serve others, thankfulness etc. These things make Heaven.

Heavenly Father calls all to these Heavenly treasures. But we are Heaven-fallen people falling from an old pride-ridden in-fighting paradise (Puran and Rev12,7-12) as big as sun compared to earth. Pride devil is so entrenched in our hearts that anti-love we are blind to the Heavenly treasures. So we run for the worldly fickle treasures. To acquire and protect those we steal, rob, enslave, murder and commit every sin killing love. In the process our internal love which binds soul parts together, gets weak by these anti-love works. Lastly love-bond gone, our souls disintegrate to eternal death. All the soul parts remain but to suffer loneliness in despair. Personality is lost as soul dies. This we see in mad people even here. This is soul death and eternal pain.

So the martyrs obeying Christ prefer to be robbed, enslaved, tortured and worked to death by these greedy people for their suicidal gains. All the while the suffering saints call them to eternal life and treasures. There is no way to turn them back to life. To tell them that they are going to hell is injurious. It will add fuel to their distrust, as a hate message. Even if one believes and fears that will be futile too as terror can’t generate love necessary for regeneration. Crooked people in the name of God use often such hell-terror to manipulate others to harm all. Suicidal fidayeens are used by all religions crookedly. Only suffering forgiving martyrs can generate love and faith worthy of heaven among sinners. We must try to turn them back even working to death for them, as we had spoiled them before falling here. Only that will make hell-worthy us heaven worthy.
Then a few may listen and follow them renouncing everything. They die pauper but with hope, not whimpering but blessing and thanking as they have a vision of heaven. The worldly ones may die rich in good beds, freedom and care. But they whimpering depart in dread and despair to disintegration as they have a vision of their own made hell.

Matthew 6:25 KJV -

Paul -- 061412