Had to happen eventually

The Barbarian

DALLAS, TX—In a powerful show of devotion to the president of the United States, members of First Baptist Dallas passed their golden jewelry, watches, and personal trinkets down to the front of the sanctuary Sunday morning, where Pastor Robert Jeffress melted the large pile of golden knickknacks into a towering statue of President Donald Trump.

Members then reportedly assembled themselves around the statue and danced, joining in a spontaneous rendition of the church’s own hymn “Make America Great Again.”

According to sources from within the church, members had demanded that Jeffress form the statue, crying out, “Simple faithfulness to the gospel hasn’t brought us the political clout we desire!” and “Make for us a political god who will go before us!” This reportedly prompted the pastor to ask for the church’s jewelry to be passed forward and forged into a Trump idol for the church to worship.



It is your disrespect for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that is not fake news.

Well, you got at least that right. But I think you overstate your case a bit. I don't buy it nor do I really care except to the extent that Christians try to shove their lack of intellectual honesty into education and now politics.
It has a detrimental effect on all.

The Horn

Even if this story isn't true , it sounds as though it COULD be true . It's just amazing the way so many evangelical Christians in America worship a man who openly boasts about cheating on his wives . has been married three times, divorced twice , whose current wife posed for numerous nude photos before she married him, including ones with simulated lesbian sex ,
who is a known sexual predator with zero control over his enormous libido , who treats women as sex objects , not human beings , and says all kind of disgustingly vile things about them .


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Well, you got at least that right. But I think you overstate your case a bit. I don't buy it nor do I really care except to the extent that Christians try to shove their lack of intellectual honesty into education and now politics.
It has a detrimental effect on all.
Listen up, ignoramus.
The pic was not imagery of Trump as some evangelical pastor, it was was imagery of Trump as our crucified Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
And it's not the only time he has done that, and he was given fair warning which he ignored.