Government regulations prove regulators are insane


Well-known member
The US has entered new territory in the last decade. We have, in fulfillment of Obama's declaration that the democrat party is set to fundamentally change America, become a nation of Marxist rules and regulations designed to eliminate personal freedoms in favor of societal control by leftist fascist elitists. Entore government agencies and departments have been taken over by avowed Marxists who favor communism over the American free market and constitutional rights and freedoms. As such, government regulations have become an excellent vehicle for democrats to impose changes that do not have to be approved by representatives of the American people.

Is a semi-trailer a self-propelled motor vehicle? That is a question that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit was just forced to rule on because of environmental regulators going rogue.
Remember Trump undoing much of Oba,a's regulations?



Well-known member
Remember Trump undoing much of Oba,a's regulations?

I miss the old God Bless America that Trump so heroically supported.