Godless Republic: Sodomite Marriage


You're adorable. :chuckle:


Jas 5:7

"God will hold you responsible for what you hear and he'll hold you responsible for what you would have heard had you listened." ~ Adrian Rogers Isa 55:11, Eze 2:5
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New member
Hall of Fame
Whatever makes it seem okay to you, in any case, your actions make you a hypocrite.

What action would that be?

You cannot claim to represent a tradition founded on toleration and acceptance and then reject people on something they have no control over.

What tradition would that be, and why do you think its founded on "toleration and acceptance". Use actual scripture to support your response.

Drug users are not equivalent to homosexuals.
yes, they are. They are both sinners in need of salvation.


New member
Hall of Fame
Oh I see, so the issue isn't that they are gay, it's that they have sex?

I have no intention of answering anything else you ask me, untill you answer the many questions ive asked you.

Discussion happens both ways, or there isnt one.


New member
I will try to be a bit preemptive by explaining my perspective.

I do not see homosexuality as a choice. I believe your sexuality is defined over time by several factors, many of which the individual cannot control. This is where, I think, we differ in opinion. From what I understand conservatives see it as a choice, whereas, I do not.

Moving on, since I do not view it as a choice, I see discrimination against them for that reason as cruel and unjust. I do not discriminate against them for the same reason I would not discriminate against women, a black individual, or someone who is tall. All of these traits are defined outside of the control of the individual themselves.

I believe conservative Christianity is hypocritical here because of their unjust prejudice. I believe it goes against the teachings of Jesus, that is, I always viewed him as an individual who was open, accepting, and loving of all people. I have a tough time viewing Jesus protesting against a group of people for something that they cannot change. Is my view of Jesus flawed? Possibly. I don't believe I could ever fully understand who he was or what he taught.

Hope this helps, if I missed something let me know.