ECT God Made Mankind Upright and That Contradicts the Theory of Original Sin

john w

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There can be no doubt whatsoever, that once again Jer proves that he puts more faith in what some people say about the Scriptures than he does in what the Scriptures actually teach.

And that explains why you did not even attempt to prove anything that I said , as you are running and hiding, with his ridiculous, silly theories, and ignores what the great mid Acts giant, sir Paul says here:


Why don't you play like you are an adult and actually address what Paul said at Romans-Philemon, and why you did not even attempt to prove anything that I have said here:,and This also explains why you are assassinating the messengers, on TOL. Why do you not address what Paul said, and ignore him, and instead follow what men say, instead of the scriptures? And why should I believe you, instead of Paul?Once again, there can be no doubt, you clearly prove, we see that you put more faith in what some people say about the Scriptures than you do in what the Scriptures actually teach.

You defend a theory which claims that the Lord Jesus was in heaven as Man before He came down to earth and was born of Mary. All of TOL is still waiting you to actually address the verses which we did quote. Why will you not believe God? The verses we have quoted by themselves disprove the theory of man is born supernaturally via the Holy Spirit just like the Saviour, and the laughable theory that an apple tree becomes an apple tree, only after it produces apples, .and no one has yet been able to prove anything which I /we have said is in error. Jerry can go into his Bozo the clown act in the hope that no one will notice that he has no answer to the facts presented, ignores them, runs and hides, just like you had no answer to the fact that the LORD made Adam upright, “pre-fall,” but we get our daddy Adam’s genes “post fall,” per Genesis 5:3 KJV!

I see you have no answer as to why you assert that everyone is equal to the Saviour, when born, in "sinlessness," and why you assert that the virgin birth was uneccessary, and as to why you assert that Romans-Philemon says the same thing as Hebrews-Rev.

There is no doubt whatsoever, that you continue to ignore the truth that the Bible teaches that men are not sinless when born, identical to the Saviour, that the rapture is not the same as the second coming, that Paul was not just a flunkie, that children need not be taught to misbehave, be selfish, that Job was not a child, in the bible.

Why should we believe you, instead of Paul, blender boy?

You prove once again that you put more faith in what some people like Anderson, Ironside, Walvoord, say about the Scriptures than you do in what the Scriptures actually teach. The Scriptures reveal that we inherit our genes from Adam/Eve, and that The Holy Spirit was responsible for him being "immaculately conceived," not Joseph, as you assert, and that we are not born sinless, identical to him, like you assert, and thus need no salvation.

Who should we believe? You, or Paul?

Who should we believe: You, or God?

There is no doubt, whatsoever, that Genesis-Revelation means nothing to you because you prove over and over that you do not actually believe the Scriptures.

Don't you believe the bible? We see that you have no answers, that there is no doubt, whatsoever, that you do not believe God/Paul/the bible.

We see that Jer is running and hiding back to his Acts 2 blender kids, having no answers, that there is no doubt, whatsoever, that he can't stand the heat, so he is staying out of the bedroom, and attacking the messengers, engaging in assassination attempst, against one of the giants of Mid Acts dispensationalism, sir saint John W.