Forgiveness 2

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George Freed

New member
OK, I was listening to the program on forgiveness and as always it was very interesting. I was still having problems attempting to figure out exactly where we were going with this. I could see that the pastor you were interviewing seemed to be feeling the same way. I agree with you and what you’re saying but I seem to be left with emotional problems that I have to resolve. So as always, when I’m having these problems I turn to my ever loving and very wise wife.

So we listened to your show and it kind of got her Irish up, but that’s not too hard because she’s very Irish, well she’s what they call a Celt. She really identifies with the film “Braveheart.” After some discussion what we figured out is that for many people the definition of “forgiveness” has changed. You seem to think that forgiveness is saying that the evil that the person did was “OK,” that by forgiving a person they walk regardless of what they did. I think that for a lot of folks the forgoing definition would stand true.

We have another definition for forgiveness that is quite different. I have a problem and that is when someone does evil to me I hang on to all the hurt, pain, anger and what ever else there is to the point where at some point I get sick, and I don’t mean a little sick. I had NO CHOICE but to figure out a way to drop all the baggage I was carrying or I would end up in the cardiac unit again. No, I’m not having hart attacks, my hart runs wild and my blood pressure goes off the scale. So I really did had to come up with something that was better than what I was doing.

So I forgave all these people and organizations and gave the hurt, pain, anger and what not to God. This doesn’t mean that I’ve let anyone off the hook. One group of folks I’m currently taking to court. But now I’m calm about it, as I’ve given it to God. God keeps reminding to that when is son was on the cross he said, “father forgive them because they no NOT what they do!” When I watch what our nation and its people are doing these days it’s so obvious that they do not know what they are doing. As a matter of fact they no not what they are doing so badly that I don’t think we are going to have a nation OR a free people much longer.

My wife takes her solid Irish stance that she can forgive who she wants, when she wants and that this goes double when the person is repentant. If the person isn’t repentant she will chow down on them, maybe pound on them a little, toss them out of her sight and then forgive them. The forgiveness is NOT for them, but for herself, for her peace of mind. When she tells you this you had better believe it, or get smacked up the side of your head with a blunt object. She’s really not that bad but if you ever met her she would make you kiss the blarney stone for sure. She’s actually quite fun and usually quite right and that’s why when she talks I listen. I’ve been listening for twenty seven years now. She’s a good woman for sure.

But as good as she is she also needs some kind of outlet for her rage when people do bad stuff to her. She tells me that SHE is one of God’s “little ones” and you know what God does to those who harm his “little ones.” So she does her forgiving thing and then hands them over to God. She’s perfectly sure that God will take care of them and from what I’ve seen she’s right. So I’ve tried to lean from her and I’ve been doing better now. I can even stand up now and I haven’t been able to do that in six months. It seems that she can’t really see your point because she has a totally different definition of what forgiveness is. I on the other have agree with you but I do not have a word that defines
what I’m doing when I forgive.

To be clear let me restate what we do when we forgive. I will tell the person that I forgive them if I feel its necessary but I also explain that they are NO WAY off the hook. They will make restitution, they either repent or I’m history in their lives and I will no longer know them or care about them. They will be shunned by me until such time as we can get the matter resolved. For my health and well being I MUST turn the matter over to God and let him handle it. I will however take whatever actions God and I feel might work to expedite a resolution. I let go of the anger, I let go of the pain the best I can. I try to give it ALL to God. I now under that when they hurt or harm me they are doing to themselves. They may not realize it but over time we can see what all this SIN has done to us.

Now there was another spot where my wife kind of hit the ceiling. She really doesn’t like TV and Radio preachers. I used to listen too the 700 club years ago. I was having a hard time at my work place because they were shutting down the entire plant. Thousands of people were loosing their jobs. Watching all my workmates getting cut was killing me. Eventually I got the axe and by that time I wasn’t too well and not thinking too clearly. I called the 700 club for prayer. I was basically told I was cursed by God because I didn’t give them money. That incident at that time made me a lot sicker and for along time I wasn’t in good shape at all. For years after that I thought God hated me. I often wonder how many people in bad shape call for prayer and end up getting hit on for money. I wonder how many of these people after being subjected to this end up doing harm to themselves. So when you said vengeance is a good thing she was not real happy. Vengeance is MINE says the lord NOT ours. I countered with as long as you hand your vengeance over to God and let him handle it its OK. I agree that WE are not to take vengeance into our own hands. We need to remember that vengeance and justice are two different things.

So in conclusion we are doing something and it may not actually be “forgiveness” as you would know it. We must find a suitable label for the THING we are doing because what we are doing is important. You basically said “forgiveness” as some define it is simply a part of “pop culture.” Well we live in a very stressful culture today. People in record numbers are doing drugs, drinking, doing porn; children are “cutting” themselves and killing themselves in record numbers due to depression, stress and loss of hope. I didn’t self medicate or take anything with the results being that my body revolted and I almost died anyway. People are looking wildly for ways to rid themselves of all the stresses they have. I’m going to tell you a little secret. The stress hasn’t started yet, things are going to get really crazy shortly and folks are not going to be able to handle it unless they turn to God!..

This concludes my rant for the day :nono: .

Mr. 5020

New member
George Freed said:
OK, I was listening to the program on forgiveness and as always it was very interesting. I was still having problems attempting to figure out exactly where we were going with this. I could see that the pastor you were interviewing seemed to be feeling the same way. I agree with you and what you’re saying but I seem to be left with emotional problems that I have to resolve. So as always, when I’m having these problems I turn to my ever loving and very wise wife.
Who are you addressing here?


Formerly Shimei!
George Freed said:
I'm NEW! Since the thread said Bob Enyart, I kind of thought he reviewed these posts??
Maybe not?

He reviews them at times, but I don't think very frequently as he is very busy. This area is for us BEL listeners to discuss his show.

The best way to get a hold of Bob is to call in to his show. :)

Welcome to TOL btw...

George Freed

New member
Shimei said:
Do you believe that God forgives those who do not repent?
That’s an interesting point! Does God forgive those who repent? It seems that God may not forgive those who do not repent but this doesn’t mean he automatically dumps folks either. I remember some interesting things that went on between God and the Jewish folks. One time in particular God had had enough of the people and their constant wining and sinning. God said to Moses that he was thinking of wiping the people out and starting over. Moses of course was horrified and actively got into a little debate with God and looked for ways to fix the situation.

Now this little conversation God was having with Moses is interesting. Why would God spend the time to debate anything at all? God is God; he doesn’t have to listen to anything from anybody. Interestingly enough God seems to really like when we pray or just plain talk to him. God could have wiped the people of the face of this planet in an instant but he didn’t. Rather, God chose he have a little debate with Moses where Moses kind of got his way. God’s hand was stayed as long as the people met some conditions.

We have to understand that God is not like us at all in most ways, but in some ways he is similar to us. I guess the best way I can explain this is that I’m like a stand alone PC that interfaces with others through a single acoustic modem. God is like an infinite number of PC’s linked with an infinite number of fiber optic lines. All these PC’s are running differing programs allowing God to look at things from a perspective that we would find impossible to understand. When I make a move in the game of chess I’m looking at a 2d board and I’m extremely limited in my ability to know all the possible moves. Not to mention knowing all the strategies of the game. God playing chess would be using a 3d or more board and he would instantly know every possible move and strategy. No one is going to win a game of chess with God any time soon, that is, unless he wants you to win.

You see the thing is that when Moses was talking with God. To Moses, he was simply talking to his God, in order to maintain the welfare of the people. Also Moses was using the argument that if the people died it would prove all their enemies to be right as well as some of the bigger Jewish gripers. So Moses might have been thinking he was also protecting God’s reputation. Now this may seem strange today but you had to have lived back then when people believed in all these various gods. Lots of those gods weren’t very nice to say the least.

God knew all this and more. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if God wasn’t testing Moses to some degree. After all Moses was getting beaten down by all the crazy things the people were getting into. It was like a really big family fight in the middle of the desert. The bible said that Moses was going out of his mind trying to keep all these folks from killing each other. God wanted to see where Moses was at with the people. You might even wonder why God would talk to Moses at all? God already knows everything instantly, so why would God use the old acoustic modem to talk with Moses? To Moses he was just talking with God in an attempt to save his people. But to God who is looking at every possible angle and outcome there is a whole lot more going on. God was not only talking to Moses, but he was also talking to us. God was saying to everyone that he is approachable. Basically we can approach God and ask him about anything. I mean God isn‘t like those idols were you are required to sit and babble nonsense at them for hours at a time. God is a God you can really talk too.

Basically I understand from the exchange between God and Moses that I can sit down and have a talk with God. We also know that God doesn’t automatically put the hammer down on sinners or people who do not repent right away. God is willing to work with folks attempting to get them to understand what they are doing is wrong. Also it often takes a while to get trust built up. There were so many times in my life where I really didn’t understand the full impact of what I was doing had on other people. I mean I was doing sinful stuff not really understanding what I was doing. Then at some point in my life the light came on! Now I’m at the point where I better understand, and even if I don’t fully understand I try hard to avoid sin because at this point I KNOW God is right. But this trust often takes time and sometimes maturity.

So does God forgive the unrepentant? No, but he will work with them until at some point they may see the light and repent. It’s better to repent because you understand what’s going on then because you are terrorized by God. As a matter of fact I’ve seen folks go crazy because of things like diabetes, or some other physical ailment. What I’m saying here is that there are so many sicknesses that can affect the mind. We take for granted that we have control over our minds when the facts can be really different. With all the strange chemicals in our food and the compounds we produce in manufacturing and then add to that the fact that we are genetically modifying our food! We have no idea how this stuff will effect us physically or mentally. Can God hold a person responsible for their actions when they are mentally ill because they ate something that bent their minds? As a matter of fact in the middle ages people were seeing daemons all over the place and burning folks believing that they were daemons. Well they have found out that these folks used to eat Rye bread almost exclusively. They found that if the rye got wet in the fields it would grow a mold. The mold when ingest would act on the mind like a narcotic. Is it such a wonder that these folks were seeing things?

I’ve heard people say that mental illness is a matter of daemons and in some cases this may be true. But I can tell you with absolute certainty that if you ingest the right compound you will go out of your mind and do things you normally wouldn’t do. A person in extreme pain for long periods of time can turn violent or hurt themselves. There are SO many factors we don’t know about that I can’t say for sure what God will do with anyone. I do know one thing, people who knowingly work against God, like Satanists or people who want to destroy Israel, they are going to be in hot water and I mean really hot water! People who just live their lives never caring about God will simply not be allowed in God’s house. Being that God has the only house around if you can’t get into God’s house your in trouble. God’s raff is going to be against these folks who are killing children. Folks that are working hard to remove God from our society. Folk who do evil because the just flat out love it. Then there are those folks who really do believe they are nothing more then animals and they act like it. Those who take the mark of the beast are going to be in really big trouble too.

So in conclusion I can’t really say totally who God will forgive and who he will not. I’m not God. I can’t know what he knows. I’m just not completely sure but I have a good idea!
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