
New member
Shalom. The simple or plain meaning is the meaning intended by the author in God. Meaning, if God had someone write something it is the meaning that they intended that should be accepted as the plain meaning. Simply, do not read into the text something that is not there. Often there is a simple or plain meaning and there is meaning or interpretation beyond what someone initially sees. God can help us with where we are at in reading a text, to understand it better. To understand it more fully. To understand it as He intended it to be understood. So we have that there is the meaning and interpretation according to what was meant to be conveyed, and there are interpretations that deviate from this which we should not have. If there is too much work to understand something, we can accept what we do understand from what we read. Accept what is simple to understand. And keep reading or trying to understand until you do, however much later this happens to be.



The irony?

Everyone claims what you have just said.

Why then, do so many end up at different meanings - including you and I?

The difference between what each one is only concluding is "the plain meaning" and those principles that when properly followed: only then even begin to allow the actual "plain meaning" to be seen for what it is.

Principles I continue to find are not only ever in need of being sought out and made personally conscious, towards their conscious use, and with much greater accuracy each time, but a process ever in continuing refinement.

It's a fascinating path.

I'll say that.

And personally, Jacob, the less animosity between people who concern themselves with this sort of thing; the more each is not only apt to see with greater clarity, but to learn from another's findings.

I commend you for that much - for the less animosity aspect.

I continue to find animosity between Believers (people who supposedly have the answer to all the world's problems) an oddity.

Add getting stronger and stronger in the principles of actually extracting "the plain meaning" and you'll go even further.


I prefer to make sure each text agrees with other verses of scripture. There is always support for the truth to be found in the written word of God.


If you accept it all then it makes sense to compare scripture with scripture.




The irony?

Everyone claims what you have just said.

Why then, do so many end up at different meanings - including you and I?

The difference between what each one is only concluding is "the plain meaning" and those principles that when properly followed: only then even begin to allow the actual "plain meaning" to be seen for what it is.

Principles I continue to find are not only ever in need of being sought out and made personally conscious, towards their conscious use, and with much greater accuracy each time, but a process ever in continuing refinement.

It's a fascinating path.

I'll say that.

And personally, Jacob, the less animosity between people who concern themselves with this sort of thing; the more each is not only apt to see with greater clarity, but to learn from another's findings.

I commend you for that much - for the less animosity aspect.

I continue to find animosity between Believers (people who supposedly have the answer to all the world's problems) an oddity.

Add getting stronger and stronger in the principles of actually extracting "the plain meaning" and you'll go even further.

God bless you as you study His word.

