Focus on the Family Takes Exception to...

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Focus on the Family Takes Exception to...

Monday January 30th, 2006. This is show # 20.

From an excerpt from James Craddock's letter to James Dobson:
Dr. Dobson, you are leading the evangelical Christian community to the exact place that "good Germans" were in the holocaust for as legal positivists they justified their participation in the slaughter of the innocent because they were merely following orders, obeying the law and following precedent, doing exactly what a "good" judge should do.

Because "teachers shall receive a stricter judgment" (James 3:1), you should remember what the apostle Peter said, "We must obey God rather than men." (Acts 5:29) I respectfully request you to reconsider your position, Dr. Dobson, for you are leading Christians to a sad commitment, "we must obey man rather than God."


TOL Subscriber
This is worth repeating:

Enyart Quote:
Dr. Dobson, you are leading the evangelical Christian community to the exact place that "good Germans" were in the holocaust for as legal positivists they justified their participation in the slaughter of the innocent because they were merely following orders, obeying the law and following precedent, doing exactly what a "good" judge should do.

Because "teachers shall receive a stricter judgment" (James 3:1), you should remember what the apostle Peter said, "We must obey God rather than men." (Acts 5:29) I respectfully request you to reconsider your position, Dr. Dobson, for you are leading Christians to a sad commitment, "we must obey man rather than God."


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
That James Craddock seems like a real cool dude. He should post here at TOL.:eek:


TOL Subscriber
Lighthouse said:
That James Craddock seems like a real cool dude. He should post here at TOL.:eek:

I found his letter to Dobson at

Dear Dr. James Dobson,

I am saddened, along with pastor Bob Enyart, that you now promote legal positivism, elevating man's law (the constitution, precedent, etc.), above "Thou shall not murder." Our Christian leaders are now more faithful to political strategies than they are to God's law, and you more readily compromise on Do Not Murder than on Republican Party politics. Our goal is not to oppose Republicans, but to convince Christians foremost to obey God's principles of justice including, “do not kill the innocent” (Ex. 23:7); do not "transgress the commandment of God because of your tradition" (Mat. 15:3); and do not "do evil that good may come" (Rom. 3:8). An example of the compromise of Focus on the Family is your failure to inform your listeners of Judge Samuel Alito's decade-long string of extremist, pro-abortion rulings (see KGOV Alito Report Card). Carrie Gordon Earle, a Focus spokeswoman, told the media that you are less interested in a judge's position on abortion than in his judicial philosophy. And likewise, on Nov. 8, 2005, Gary Bauer wrote, "On the 2000 partial-birth case… Alito… wrote a separate concurring opinion that simply cited Stenberg as binding precedent. As a judge committed to judicial restraint, that's exactly what he should do…" Dr. Dobson, you are leading the evangelical Christian community to the exact place that "good" Germans were, in the holocaust; for as legal positivists, they justified their participation in the slaughter of the innocent because they were merely following orders, obeying the law, and following precedent, doing "exactly what a good judge should do." Because "teachers... shall receive a stricter judgment" (James 3:1), you should remember what the Apostle Peter said, "We must obey God rather than men" (Acts 5:29). I respectfully request you to reconsider your position, Dr. Dobson, for you are leading Christians to a sad commitment: "We must obey man, rather than God."
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