"Firstborn from the dead."

Vail Lifted

How many understand that to be raised from the dead is likened to being birthed from the womb?

"Firstborn from the dead" refers to Jesus being raised from the dead. God says of His son, "This day have I begotten thee". Which refers to Jesus birth from the dead or his resurrection from the dead. Acts 13:33

In relation to the harvest, Jesus is called the first-fruits of them that sleep. So just as the first-fruits, so will be the harvest when the resurrection of the wheat is come.

Now how is one to know what being born of spirit means if he doesn't know that the resurrection of the wheat is likened to a birth from the womb?

Some are so deceived that they think they are no longer flesh and blood (which cannot inherit the kingdom)and have already been born of spirit and are therefore spirit. Wow!

What then becomes of all the exhortation to not walk according to the flesh but walk in the spirit? I guess it doesn't apply to those deceived ones who imagine themselves to be born of the spirit already. No need, i guess, of a resurrection or birth for them.