Election Results 2021

Gary K

New member
I hate to say it, but there are two possible explanations for the events of last night that cause me unease.

One: these are RINOs like Jeff Flake who will happily do the leftist bidding. That's why they were allowed to win with the election mechanisms as fully corrupted as they are. None of the issues of the 2020 election have been fixed so why all of a sudden do we get this result?

Two: the election isn't over as yet. There is still time for lots of evil machinations from the left. You know, like massive mail in ballot fraud.

I'll wait to see what happens in the future with our recent history of ballot fraud and fraudulent "conservatives" holding office.

Gary K

New member
NJ State Senate race, won by a truck driver.

Yeah, a truck driver who spent all of $150 on his campaign to defeat one of the most politically powerful men in the state of NJ. Meaning we've been being lied to by both parties and mockingbird media for decades as they all claim it takes millions of dollars to win an election. Turns out all it takes is telling the truth.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I hate to say it, but there are two possible explanations for the events of last night that cause me unease.

One: these are RINOs like Jeff Flake who will happily do the leftist bidding. That's why they were allowed to win with the election mechanisms as fully corrupted as they are. None of the issues of the 2020 election have been fixed so why all of a sudden do we get this result?

Two: the election isn't over as yet. There is still time for lots of evil machinations from the left. You know, like massive mail in ballot fraud.

I'll wait to see what happens in the future with our recent history of ballot fraud and fraudulent "conservatives" holding office.
I'd say the big take-away is that these are RINOs. Even if they weren't, it won't change anything.

Gary K

New member
I'd say the big take-away is that these are RINOs. Even if they weren't, it won't change anything.
I'd say the chances that those ran for high offices are RINOs is pretty good. The gleam of hope is the "little" races. If the school boards did get taken over and they affect what is taught that is a big deal. These "little" races are how the marxists really changed the nation because they controlled the messaging from there that the kids heard. That is where the indoctrination started and that is where it can be turned around. It will be a long process but that is where I see a gleam of hope.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I'd say the chances that those ran for high offices are RINOs is pretty good. The gleam of hope is the "little" races. If the school boards did get taken over and they affect what is taught that is a big deal. These "little" races are how the marxists really changed the nation because they controlled the messaging from there that the kids heard. That is where the indoctrination started and that is where it can be turned around. It will be a long process but that is where I see a gleam of hope.
I think you want to believe in bad news too early.
I'll admit I see very little to hope for. We argue to take over school boards when that will only make things worse unless we get rid of government schools.

We should certainly use the tactics of the left. But we can't use all of them because evil flows downhill. For instance, forcing the left to live up to their own "morals" (their own narrative) is wise, but trying to get people on the right to fill academia will fail. With some tactics, gravity helps one side more than the other.

I've heard a lot of talk about secession. That's a glimmer of hope. A small glimmer since any new country in the US will be a republic with a similar constitution to the previous government. But at least a new government will be able to act as competition to the US. But because it will be built on the same foundation it will fail in a similar way.

Another glimmer of hope is my family. Both immediate and extended. We are closer now than before the sickness insanity.

Another glimmer of hope is the internet. Even though it's a huge boon for government control, it's also a boon for truth. People that want to find the truth can actually do it. It was possible before the internet to feel that something was wrong, but with the internet anyone can get the positive data that wants to find it. Most people don't want to find the truth, but there are more now looking for it than a couple years ago.


Most people don't want to find the truth, but there are more now looking for it than a couple years ago.
MSNBC and CNN are not good places to start either. FOX is run by known fascist Rupert Murdoch, and his children are much worse. Finding the truth means understanding both sides; and most people can't do that especially with how much bigoted coverage there is. Don't restrict voting, and don't force people to use an ID-- I have heard.