Educational Gun Facts


Well-known member
Lets look again at the data in the "pro-gun control' article:

Oh look at that!

They left out:

El Salvador
South Africa

The sixteen most deadly countries in the world,
all of which have higher gun homicide rates than the USA,
in spite of the fact that they have strict gun control laws
and far far fewer weapons per person.

Here are the data:
Homicide rates in the U.S. and peer countries by weapon type, 2013


Global Burden of Disease Study. Access the data visualization here:

You don't understand what a peer country is.

Have you considered teaming up with republicanchick, serpentdove and musterion and forming some sort of powerhouse think tank? Maybe you could be TOL-sponsored.


New member
Apparently Zoo thinks people here are too stupid to see through the propaganda train:

The "Pro- Gun Control" article was Titled:

Visualizing gun deaths: Comparing the U.S. to rest of the world

But obviously, by leaving out two critically important facts:

(1) All the countries which have HIGHER gun homicide rates than the USA,


(2) Ignoring the higher VIOLENT CRIME rates in the countries they DID show,

They completely mislead the reader on the actual picture of violence and gun deaths.

They should have titled the article:
Visualizing gun deaths: Comparing the U.S. to rest of the world, Except of course
Jamaica, Swaziland, El Salvador, Hondruras,
Venezuela, Guatamala, Columbia, South Africa,
Brazil, Panama, Uruguay, Mexico, Argentina,
Montenegro, Paraguay, and Nicaragua



New member
Lets look again at the other deception in the article:


Looking at this chart gives the impression that the other Western and European countries
are far less violent than the USA, with the implication that the problem is guns,
and the problem would be solved by removing guns.

But the actual VIOLENCE statistics for these other countries shows that without guns,
people simply resort to OTHER MEANS to perpetrate the same violence!
In other words, gun laws and gun control have had no effect on curbing violence in Europe
and other Western countries.

Looking at the real statistics on violence paints a sorry picture of 'gun-controlled "PEER" countries.



Well-known member
Lets look again at the other deception in the article:

Yesterday, Nazaroo was frantically posting infographics from this article as support for his "gun lust facts". Today, after discovering he had no understanding of what he was posting, he's thrashing around trying to refute the article. His absurdity seems to have no bounds.


New member
Yesterday, Nazaroo was frantically posting infographics from this article as support for his "gun lust facts". Today, he's thrashing around trying to refute the article. His absurdity seems to have no bounds.

The facts speak for themselves.

The article however was obviously slanted as I demonstrated.



New member
Lets look again at the other deception in the article:


Looking at this chart gives the impression that the other Western and European countries
are far less violent than the USA, with the implication that the problem is guns,
and the problem would be solved by removing guns.

But the actual VIOLENCE statistics for these other countries shows that without guns,
people simply resort to OTHER MEANS to perpetrate the same violence!
In other words, gun laws and gun control have had no effect on curbing violence in Europe
and other Western countries.

So you're saying that the only effect of the extra guns in the US is to turn non lethal assaults into murders?

Gotcha. :up:

Eric h

Well-known member
So you're saying that the only effect of the extra guns in the US is to turn non lethal assaults into murders?

Gotcha. :up:

I think you are just being sarcastic, you have to admit people who carry a gun look cool, then there is the street cred, and the need to have the biggest one in town, that's a real ego boost.

You don't get the same satisfaction when you point your finger at someone, there is no recoil and loud noises.

And don't forget, if you take guns out of Hollywood, the film industry would close down overnight.

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
What is assault from country to country?

What is assault from country to country?

The issue with the stat's is the crime of assault varies wildly from country to country.

In some countries verbal abuse or threatening behaviour is assault in others you need to inflict damage more akin to GBH to get brought up on assault charge.

Its a very difficult stat to compare


This Charming Manc

Well-known member
Really depends where you want to see the Us in terms of similar countries.

Is the US an educated, rich economy, with a developed society and a strong sence of democratic values?

Or is the US a developing country with deep seated issues and serious economic issues to overcomes?

Is usual to compare to similar counties.

They should have titled the article:
Visualizing gun deaths: Comparing the U.S. to rest of the world, Except of course
Jamaica, Swaziland, El Salvador, Hondruras,
Venezuela, Guatamala, Columbia, South Africa,
Brazil, Panama, Uruguay, Mexico, Argentina,
Montenegro, Paraguay, and Nicaragua



New member
So you're saying that the only effect of the extra guns in the US is to turn non lethal assaults into murders?

Gotcha. :up:

Isn't that better?

I'd say the point is valid. Laws don't change essential intrinsic behaviour.

Only the Gospel of Jesus the Christ changes men from the inside.

If you want an end to violence and senseless crime-laden societies and cultures,
then quit devoting all your efforts to tearing down mankind's only hope for peace and prosperity.

Europe and the West went from being the most civilized and peaceful confederation of nations,
to the world's leader in corruption and violence.

It happened in the 19th century, and began with the fall of Protestantism,
the betrayal of the Church of England by Newman,
the infiltration of Germany by apostates and alcoholics,
the takeover of the Church of England by homosexuals,
and it was officially announced by the publication of the infamous Revised Version in 1882.

The Post-Christian era was a horrible experiment in violence, sadism and horror,
first with the Communist takeover of Russia and China,
then the proclamation of Aleister Crowley's Satanic channelling of demonic spirits,
the sex-cults of the OTO, the Golden Dawn,
two World Wars inspired by Darwin, Nietzsche, and Eugenics,
the five main Cults that filled in the gap, all of which rejected authentic Christianity,
namely, Wilsonites, Jehovah's Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventists, Mormons, Pentecostals, and finally, the OSS-founded Scientology cult.

The 20th century saw Stalin, Hitler, Japan, PolPot, Camere Rouge, countless
racial and tribal wars in Africa, and the Cold War 'controlled fighting' of Korea, Vietnam, etc.

The price mankind has paid for the West losing its moral compass in Protestant Christianity is grave and probably irreversible.


New member
No, it's not better that the extra guns turn more assaults into murders.

You must be a lunatic to believe otherwise. Oh....

you're an idiot.

Everybody dies.

Its how you live that counts.

If one criminal shoots another, it prevents that criminal from engaging in any further crime.

Problem solved.

If you just let two criminals beat each other up, over and over again,
neither of them learns to stop committing crimes, and they both go on to harm other victims.

The beautiful thing about guns is that they do what they are designed to do.

They end lives. More often than not, they kill criminals.

Its time to celebrate.


New member
you're an idiot.

Everybody dies.

Its how you live that counts.

If one criminal shoots another, it prevents that criminal from engaging in any further crime.

Problem solved.

If you just let two criminals beat each other up, over and over again,
neither of them learns to stop committing crimes, and they both go on to harm other victims.

The beautiful thing about guns is that they do what they are designed to do.

They end lives. More often than not, they kill criminals.

Its time to celebrate.



New member
The issue with the stat's is the crime of assault varies wildly from country to country.

In some countries verbal abuse or threatening behaviour is assault in others you need to inflict damage more akin to GBH to get brought up on assault charge.

Its a very difficult stat to compare

The high percentage of violence in Israel, France and Portugal shown on the graph
can hardly be attributed to over-reporting, or the inclusion of minor assaults.

If that were the case, then Canada would have the highest 'violence' reportage,
because here even looking at a woman on the Subway is committing the crime of "oogling"
thanks to feminazi agenda-based policing.


New member
The high percentage of violence in Israel, France and Portugal shown on the graph
can hardly be attributed to over-reporting, or the inclusion of minor assaults.

If that were the case, then Canada would have the highest 'violence' reportage,
because here even looking at a woman on the Subway is committing the crime of "oogling"
thanks to feminazi agenda-based policing.

Non sequitur. :)


New member
The point is, Charmer Manc was 'explaining' the high violence in non-gun Western states
by way of supposing that the stats were collected differently, i.e., more aggressively and more inclusively.

But if that is the case, then one would expect Canada, where stats are indeed collected very aggressively,
and there are many extra laws and misdemeanors recorded as 'violent crime',
to have the highest violence stats.

Thats not a non-sequitur.

Even Charmer Manc recognized that the unusual statistics on violence in "civilized" Western countries
actually needs explaining,
if we are to relate the violence in the USA with gun ownership.