ebenz's pick 4/8/03

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Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame

Originally posted by JoeTheBaptist
C'mon folks, let's say a prayer for Zakath. It hurts me deep down to see even one soul so desperately lost. Zakath, we do care. It is the power of the Holy Spirit that allows us to reach above and beyond your insults and tell you that we will pray. Satan has cluttered your mind so effectively, that you cannot even conceive the concept of a living God. You cannot do anything about it on your own. Only through salvation and faith in the Lord, can you defeat Satan. I promise you this is true. I have never even spoken to you before, and therefore I have no knowledge of your history here. Before the staff of TOL resort to banning you, please allow the Lord into your heart. He can heal you if you really want him to. Just give it a try, you have nothing to lose. Being an atheist, what harm could it possibly cause you to just give it an honest try? I am not sure what an atheist believes happens once you die, but I assume it's just like the lights went out and it ends. Nothing more. Done!

If you could choose an afterlife for yourself, would you choose and empty nothing where all time and life has just stopped, or would you choose a place where the streets are made of gold, and you will never feel pain again? There is also another place, but being an atheist, you may not believe it's there. There is also Hell. A place of the most severe and horrible suffering imaginable. If you could choose, Zakath, what would it be? If you choose the place where the streets are made of gold, then let me know. I have the roadmap that can lead you there.
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