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This is the show from Monday June 29th, 2015

It’s not about gay marriage. It’s about outlawing Christianity. That’s what’s coming.


* Cleaning Up ISIS (& the Abortionists):Listen in to hear how Bob & co-host Doug McBurney interpret the ISIS themed memes circulating on social media. (And regarding the concern that stupid people may not understanding the memes, ARTL decided to go with a “smart people campaign” first, and then follow on with separate campaign for the stupid people).

* 9 Lawyers Walk Into a Bath House… No, it’s not the opening line of a bad joke. It’s what happened at something called the U.S. Supreme Court, when nine lawyers were asked to give their opinion on homosexuals getting “married”. Even the “conservative dissents” were found to be wanting. Bob explains why their opinion matters, even while it’s invalid, and where we go from here…

* Helping Rand Understand: After hearing the opinion of the nine aforementioned lawyers in Washington, immoral conservative Rand Paul chose to “punt”; asking if the government should be in the business of certifying marriage at all. Listen in to hear the answer Pastor Bob gives.

* Homos Attack Church: Paul Church that is. He’s a doctor facing the forced end of his employment at a major medical facility, simply for stating the facts regarding physical health & homosexual behavior.