District Apologizes After Transgender Book Read to Children Without Parental Notice

I drank what?

New member
The school district admits they made a mistake in not notifying parents. Mistakes happen. They admitted theirs.

OTOH, do you have an objection to children being educated in tolerance? Don't you do that to your children? After all, aren't we commanded to "love your neighbor as yourself"? Isn't that the ultimate in tolerance?

You say "children that young". What age do you think it appropriate to tell about transgenders?

I wonder if they admitted their mistake AFTER or BEFORE they were caught...? meh

I have no objection to children of any age being taught about tolerance, perhaps they should also be taught about double standards, and the stupidity that is being programmed into young minds in the name of "tolerance", you got my vote :)

What I do with my children is not your business, nor the village, nor the government. Perhaps this is the problem?

Love = don't judge? amidointhisrite...?

the ultimate of Love =/= blind tolerance, not even close, quite the opposite actually

I don't think age is that important, though for most modern civilized societies, sex education tends to occur around the age of adolescence-puberty

and you are correct all children (any age) should be taught about the mental-illness of accepting (and even worse promoting) unnatural :eek: relations and to dangers of accepting such failures to abide by universally known standards... furthermore not to engage in the slippery slope of trying to impose your agenda in the public education system

i'm sure that was what you were implying.. correct?