The opening round started off weakly in support of the position that it is immoral to vote for McCain/Palin.
Three questions were asked:
GG1: If you were about to do something that God did not want you to do, would you want to know?
This question is vague.
What am I about to do that God does not want me to do?
How is this different than all the other things I do that God does not want me to do?
If this question is about who to vote for, I have to remember that it is God who raises up kings and throws them down.
President Bush is the current President because God raised him to that position, regardless of what anyone else thinks of him.
It was God who put Nebuchadnezzar in place to destroy the land of Israel because of the idolatry of the children of Israel.
Nebuchadnezzar was later used to proclaim that the God of Israel was superior to all other gods.
In order to answer the first question, we need to know which person God wants in office, then vote for that person no matter what we think of their policies.
GG2: Would you still support McCain if he were willing to kill some Jews or some blacks?
This question falls short in addressing the topic of the Battle Royale.
Killing Jews and blacks is legal as long as the person being killed is an infant in the womb.
It is also legal to kill Hispanics and whites under the same conditions.
We already know that McCain is willing to kill some Arabs to defend the country.
The question needed to have more detail on the people McCain is supposed to be willing to kill, why he is willing to kill them, and how much of a hand McCain is to take in killing them.
GG3: Two men are trying to break into a school. One wants to kill all the kids in the school and the other only wants to kill some of them. Neither one is personally threatening your life. You have a key to get into the school. Which one are you going to support, knowing that eventually one will succeed in getting in? To whom do you give your key?
This question seems to be further off than the other two.
Who are the two men, McCain and Obama?
If so, which one wants to abort all the children in the USA for the 4 years in office, and which one only wants to abort some of the children in the USA?
What if you give your key to one of them, but that one remains locked out and the other still gets in?
This question is confusing and takes away from any argument that the first post in the opening round was trying to make.
I also had to wonder, where is the statement that clearly says, "It is immoral to vote for McCain/Palin because ..."?
Without a good statement on why it is immoral to vote for McCain/Palin, there is no basis for any of the other statements in the post.
The post is reduced to a few random sayings that the reader needs to put into an argument for the debator instead of having an argument put together by the debator for the reader.