Direct assault on Satan (Evil's.<(I)> Naughty List)

God's Truth

New member
But you have no scriptural evidence to support your explanation. That is my whole issue with this topic. Those who take an opposing stance to a literal sacrifice have no scriptural evidence to back up their theory. The most I have ever read that came close to evidence was your connection between Christ saying His food was doing the Father's will. However, that requires vast stretching to apply that to John 6, as well as the Last Supper. Why is no such clarification made throughout the NT, when all other aspects of Christ's teachings were clarified, by Him or his disciples?

Your mere denial is not defense for the truth.

I proved my beliefs with scripture.


New member
Your mere denial is not defense for the truth.

I proved my beliefs with scripture.

My entire argument is based on what Scripture actually says. Whereas your argument is based on what it doesn't say.

You are trying desperately to connect verses to derive an explanation, rather than taking the most simple explanation provided.

Why would John, who took time to describe everything, not elaborate on John 6 or the Last Supper? He elaborated on everything else. If it were the interpretation you suggest, why would John not have provided it? The only logical conclusion is that the inherent meaning was right there, in their plain and simplest writing.

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God's Truth

New member
My entire argument is based on what Scripture actually says. Whereas your argument is based on what it doesn't say.

You are trying desperately to connect verses to derive an explanation, rather than taking the most simple explanation provided.

Why would John, who took time to describe everything, not elaborate on John 6 or the Last Supper? He elaborated on everything else. If it were the interpretation you suggest, why would John not have provided it? The only logical conclusion is that the inherent meaning was right there, in their plain and simplest writing.

Sent from my iPhone using TOL

I showed you the truth with scripture. Jesus says that he reveals things to those who obey him.


Now how do I put this? I have come up with a label for myself to aid people in attacking me. I refuse to label myself anything that is already out there, because I don't want to bring my drama towards anyone, in their home court.

-I see God as temporal and A-temporal in a simultaneous manner. This indeed affords me a full understanding of God's omnipresence. This verges on the territory of Open Theism. However, I do not want my "FRAGMENTED" labels to hurt another Christian, so I will only use the word "Open".

-I do view scripture in dispensational periods and division, thus, I have that too. However, I am not a pure dispy as those apposing the views slur the name.

-I'm a Zionist, but not the kind you hear about on the news. If YHWH pines for Israel, than so do I. I only derive my Zionist beliefs from absolute scripture! In fact, simple old me will step on any belief that isn't rooted in scriptural continuity... therefore... I'm 66 books, ball and chain, old guard, biblical.

Attackers... I'm an "Open Dispensational, Biblical Zionist". I am a "Raw" Zealot, (Shimmy Shiimy) and I am intense in my methods and expressions when defending scripture and the WORD... which was with God and IS GOD!

But most of all... I'm this!

Now that I got that out of the way... On to point 3!
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3) The Trinity is not a doctrine! The simple matter is God came in Flesh (1 Ti. 3:16) to reveal His Love and true nature (Titus 2:13 + Isaiah 43:11)to us. He cinched things up along the way by atoning for ALL human sin, then... after departing in His resurrected temple from the Mount of Olives... He returned to all of us who welcome Him in the Name of Jesus and Love, in the formless-in-dwelling presence of the Holy Spirit oF Christ!!!! Philippians 1:19 ... If you want to be spooky with it... He's also known as The Holy Ghost!! Period! Father (Spirit without Form)... The Son is the union of humanity and (The Spirit without form)... The Holy Spirit is the Presence... Literal Presence of God within our Hearts (1 John 2:27; Philippians 1:19; Romans 8:9). The (Three) testify of the ONE.. (Deuteronomy 6:4). I don't care who a person is... to go beyond this is absurd! It's a SPIRITUAL MYSTERY!!! To go beyond scripture is worthless

Calvinist's and Seventh Day Adventists are great at overcomplicating this matter! Why? Because it leads back to dependence on a teaching, instead of dependency on Jesus! Period! This results in people claiming to know everything and teach division of God to the point that... WORKS of the flesh become an issue again! People depersonalize God and relate to the three that testify of the ONE (Deuteronomy 6:4) in a way that removes the Friendship with God that God desires us to have with Him. If you don't think of yourself as a kid and Jesus (YHWH) playing hot wheels, or whatever you liked to do as a kid, with you... you're missing the whole... Amazing point that makes our faith unique!

In this light... people see themselves as Gnostic God's with Secret information that saves them and they put the focus back on themselves, their works or other mere mortals! Cha Ching! Isaiah 14:14

The best way I can articulate this is to quote myself and point out the two divisions of the matter...

Luke 2:11 and Isaiah 9:6 ... Can anyone but Avi-'ad be called "Avi-'ad"?

His name will be "Avi-'ad" (MIGHTY FATHER)

Again... Please address Isaiah 9:6 and Luke 2:11

Modelism denies the relationship of The Father to the Son... it further denies the WORK of the Son and our Marriage to The Son... (Ephesians 5:30)

I do not deny such... but... go on and wag your tongue... full of deceit... every time you say such, if your reading this and it steps on the toes of your extra biblical doctrine.

Philippians 2:6,7,8,9 but... especially Philippians 2:6, 9

And... super especially...

Philippians 2:10-11

10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, 11 and tthat every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Sincerely... it's okay! It's true... Behold.. The Prince of Peace and King of Kings... He can dwell in Y-O-U.

According to Philippians 2:9... Jesus is the Name above all names. This would compliment Isaiah 9:6. And... it does so quite well.

This makes it easy to know with biblical assurance that Jesus is Avi-'ad... as Isaiah says.

And... according to 1 John 4:2 -(side track 1 John 4:2 can be misinterpreted... easily... by people that don't believe that Jesus is God... it is literally saying that to deny that "God"... expressed with the Name above all names... came in "flesh". Once the flesh thing is said... Romans 8:3 must be noted... "likeness" is not "sinful flesh"... lest we accidentally suggest God had ever sinned... is a very bad idea. end of sidetrack)- and 2 John 1:7 ... it's a pretty bad idea to suggest that Avi-'ad didn't walk amongst us in flesh.

This makes a solid case to say... in answer to your question...

Is the Father the only true God?

NO! To say there is "Only" the "Father" would be to deny the "Mystery" of 1 Timothy 3:16 and Colossians 2:9 .

In other words.. we would unknowingly be discarding our hope and salvation, by denying that the Father and the Son are indeed ONE... but at the same time... to deny that the Son is the presence of Avi-'ad married to humanity, would be denying God's romantic work of Love that He did for us!


Son of God (1 John 4:15)
Son of Man (Matthew 9:6)

Any tampering with this truth is "divorcing" ourselves from the "BrideGroom". (Ephesians 5:30)

Also... to deny that the Father and Son experienced a deep relationship that was genuine... is again a trashing of God's Revelation of Love towards us. (Galatians 4:6 + Romans 8:9 + Philippians 1:19)

I would be glad to express the Holy Spirit as well... but I wanted to focus on your question.... though... Galatians 4:6 would be a good Segway.

Do ya see it? In RED? I said that! And... I could be attacked for saying it! But... we would have to tear out Isaiah 9 to make it untrue!

Note... I believe and express that God is TRIUNE! But I'm a (Ac. 11:26)... so... I'm koo koo for CHRIST! His Name is YeHoshua! And He said this... (Mark 7:13) ... so excuse me if I sound extreme or radical... but MY IDOL is 1,000,000 times more radical than me to this very day!

(Colossians 1:15) and.. I'm practicing my Bow and confession every day! (Philippians 2:10)
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God's Truth

New member
3) The Trinity is not a doctrine! The simple matter is God came in Flesh (1 Ti. 3:16) to reveal His Love and true nature (Titus 2:13 + Isaiah 43:11)to us. He cinched things up along the way by atoning for ALL human sin, then... after departing in His resurrected temple from the Mount of Olives... He returned to all of us who welcome Him in the Name of Jesus and Love, in the formless-in-dwelling presence of the Holy Spirit oF Christ!!!! Philippians 1:19 ... If you want to be spooky with it... He's also known as The Holy Ghost!! Period! Father (Spirit without Form)... The Son is the union of humanity and (The Spirit without form)... The Holy Spirit is the Presence... Literal Presence of God within our Hearts (1 John 2:27; Philippians 1:19; Romans 8:9). The (Three) testify of the ONE.. (Deuteronomy 6:4). I don't care who a person is... to go beyond this is absurd! It's a SPIRITUAL MYSTERY!!! To go beyond scripture is worthless

Calvinist's and Seventh Day Adventists are great at overcomplicating this matter! Why? Because it leads back to dependence on a teaching, instead of dependency on Jesus! Period! This results in people claiming to know everything and teach division of God to the point that... WORKS of the flesh become an issue again! People depersonalize God and relate to the three that testify of the ONE (Deuteronomy 6:4) in a way that removes the Friendship with God that God desires us to have with Him. If you don't think of yourself as a kid and Jesus (YHWH) playing hot wheels, or whatever you liked to do as a kid, with you... you're missing the whole... Amazing point that makes our faith unique!

In this light... people see themselves as Gnostic God's with Secret information that saves them and they put the focus back on themselves, their works or other mere mortals! Cha Ching! Isaiah 14:14

The best way I can articulate this is to quote myself and point out the two divisions of the matter...

Do ya see it? In RED? I said that! And... I could be attacked for saying it! But... we would have to tear out Isaiah 9 to make it untrue!

Note... I believe and express that God is TRIUNE! But I'm a (Ac. 11:26)... so... I'm koo koo for CHRIST! His Name is YeHoshua! And He said this... (Mark 7:13) ... so excuse me if I sound extreme or radical... but MY IDOL is 1,000,000 times more radical than me to this very day!

(Colossians 1:15) and.. I'm practicing my Bow and confession every day! (Philippians 2:10)

You said some things that are wrong. For one, the trinity doctrine is a doctrine, and the trinity beliefs are things you go against, and rightly so. What? Are you afraid of all the many friends you will lose here if you are consistent?

As for what you say about Israel the LAND, and Israel blood relations to Abraham---God SAYS none of that matters anymore since the coming of Jesus Christ. There is nothing that over shadows that! Since Jesus, there is a SPIRITUAL Israel and that is the ONLY THING THAT matters.

As for what you say about works---it is not our works to purify ourselves, it is God's works that we must do and IT IS NEVER EVER WRONG.


You said some things that are wrong. For one, the trinity doctrine is a doctrine, and the trinity beliefs are things you go against, and rightly so. What? Are you afraid of all the many friends you will lose here if you are consistent?

As for what you say about Israel the LAND, and Israel blood relations to Abraham---God SAYS none of that matters anymore since the coming of Jesus Christ. There is nothing that over shadows that! Since Jesus, there is a SPIRITUAL Israel and that is the ONLY THING THAT matters.

As for what you say about works---it is not our works to purify ourselves, it is God's works that we must do and IT IS NEVER EVER WRONG.

You see... I appease no one but Jesus. I have no fear of loss. I have already given up "EVERYTHING". You like that I ascribe the absolute oneness of God that scripture supports, but you dislike that I quote Christ that our only work is belief. (John 3:16f; 16:9f; 5:39; 6:29, 63)

I didn't write this to please any human being.

God's Truth

New member
You see... I appease no one but Jesus. I have no fear of loss. I have already given up "EVERYTHING". You like that I ascribe the absolute oneness of God that scripture supports, but you dislike that I quote Christ that our only work is belief. (John 3:16f; 16:9f; 5:39; 6:29, 63)

I didn't write this to please any human being.


The trinity doctrine is a real doctrine, a doctrine from men.

You put down works of any kind, and that is where else you fall into falseness.

There are CEREMONIAL works and that GOD COMMANDED, and GOD FULFILLED; that does NOT mean we do not have to obey anything else from God! That is beyond ludicrous.

God's Truth

New member
Jesus' word are LIFE, they do NOT STOP being LIFE EVER.

His words do not work only for a certain ethnicity.

His words are SPIRIT and they are ALWAYS SPIRIT.

His words call all and especially for those who OBEY.



The trinity doctrine is a real doctrine, a doctrine from men.

You put down works of any kind, and that is where else you fall into falseness.

There are CEREMONIAL works and that GOD COMMANDED, and GOD FULFILLED; that does NOT mean we do not have to obey anything else from God! That is beyond ludicrous.

To make this moderately (didn't happen... SIGH) succinct... I indeed just blasted Trinity "Doctrines of Men"... you don't realize that Trinity doctrine is a tool to teach. The triune revelation of God and the "Let Us make man in our image" of the matter... is the true PROTO EVANGELUM. In other words... you say you are "hidden in Christ", but you usurp Jesus's authority over you by going right back to salvation being anything other than trust.

John is a continuitive work of one author.

It is certain that when YeHoshua says "John 8:11- She said, "No one, sir." Yeshua said, "Neither do I condemn you. Now go, and don't sin any more." That he... John is assuming the reader was reading in the Spirit of Jesus Christ (Romans 8:11, 9f). and fully understood that the reader had, or at least would, read this; (John 16:8 "When he comes, he will show that the world is wrong about sin, about righteousness and about judgment -- 9 about sin, in that people don't put their trust in me; 10 about righteousness, in that I am going to the Father and you will no longer see me; 11 about judgment, in that the ruler of this world has been judged. 12 "I still have many things to tell you, but you can't bear them now. 13 However, when the Spirit of Truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth...)

Can you see that to put our TRUST in Jesus is the way we "no longer sin"? No human being is without SIN any day they live. It is only that they are DEAD in the eyes of God, yet counted ALIVE IN Jesus that they are seen as without SIN.

I had (lol) [MENTION=7209]Ask Mr. Religion[/MENTION] on record saying that Jesus is only the name of one portion of the Godhead. He represents a large portion of Christendom. You are fortunate AMR... I lost the link.
In RED... I have shown you that the Spirit of Jesus is the Holy Spirit, thus the name of Jesus is the name of the Holy Spirit, as well. Jesus says the "Spirit of Truth"... and again in the same book Jesus is on record as saying... (John 14:6). Any student of Trinity Doctrine will immediately cry all sorts of slurs and slanders my way for saying this. Why? Because the Father sends the Holy Spirit and thus, Jesus is now the name of the Father, as well! But... there is enormous scriptural backing for this! (John 10:30; John 14:9; Dt. 6:4; Is. 43:11; Isaiah 45:5; Rev. 4:2)

I simply can't please anyone but God when I relentlessly quote scripture and refuse to compromise on it one bit. Whether it's you, AMR or anyone!

But that's ok... (Gal. 1:10)

Any partial favor of scripture that links to Man Made doctrine that masks TRUTH that is revealed in the RED Letters, is simply a lie.

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God's Truth

New member
To make this succinct... I indeed just blasted Trinity "Doctrines of Men"... you don't realize that Trinity doctrine is a tool to teach.
You need to realize that I realize.
The triune revelation of God and the "Let Us make man in our image" of the matter... is the true PROTO EVANGELUM. In other words... you say you are "hidden in Christ", but you usurp Jesus's authority over you by going right back to salvation being anything other than trust.
Trust is obeying everything that Jesus teaches.
Trust is NOT, "You do not have to do anything that Jesus says except believe".

Jesus' words are life, not just the words telling us we must believe.

Jesus telling us we must believe...those words do NOT nullify all his words telling us what to do and words that tell us to OBEY.

Get a grip on your nonsense.

NONE OF JESUS' words are worthless. Jesus tells us HOW TO GET SAVED, and HOW TO STAY SAVED.

John is a continuitive work of one author.

It is certain that when YeHoshua says "John 8:11- She said, "No one, sir." Yeshua said, "Neither do I condemn you. Now go, and don't sin any more." That he... John is assuming the reader was reading in the Spirit of Jesus Christ (Romans 8:11). and fully understood that the reader had, or at least would, read this; (John 16:8 "When he comes, he will show that the world is wrong about sin, about righteousness and about judgment -- 9 about sin, in that people don't put their trust in me; 10 about righteousness, in that I am going to the Father and you will no longer see me; 11 about judgment, in that the ruler of this world has been judged. 12 "I still have many things to tell you, but you can't bear them now. 13 However, when the Spirit of Truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth...)

The works the people used to have to do to be JUSTIFIED before God are the CEREMONIAL WORKS.

The ceremonial works do NOT have ANYTHING to do with sinning, per se.

If a person got circumcised and followed the other CEREMONIAL works OR NOT---it did NOT make them a sinner against another human being, the only thing NOT doing those works made them DISOBEDIENT to God.

Those works are the works NO ONE has to do anymore to be JUSTIFIED before God.


We still have to do God's works, we just do not have to justify ourselves anymore with special washings and the blood of animals. BUT WE STILL have to OBEY by abstaining from evil and doing right.

Can you see that to put our TRUST in Jesus is the way we "no longer sin"?
Can you see that telling people we do not have to obey IS SIN?

You do not have a special saving that says doing nothing...or NOT obeying is somehow a saving grace.

No human being is without SIN any day they live.

That is a lie. That teaching is from those who preach we do not have to obey. If you obeyed Jesus then you would know and understand how believers are different from those who are not. Not only different from those who are not, but different from those who call themselves believers but do NOTHING as far as obeying!

It is only that they are DEAD in the eyes of God, yet counted ALIVE IN Jesus that they are seen as without SIN.
What is wrong with you? Do you think God is a magician who pretends He does not see the sin you keep doing?!

If you are sinning, then that sin is coming from your heart, just as Jesus says.

When a person is saved, Jesus lives in your heart and sees your sin.

How do you ever get ever that we do not have to obey because we believe? The one who caused you this confusion will one day pay for it...but now you are the one causing confusion for others, if they fall for your lie, and you one day will pay for it.

I have [MENTION=7209]Ask Mr. Religion[/MENTION] on record saying that Jesus is only the name of one portion of the Godhead. He represents a large portion of Christendom.

In RED... I have shown you that the Spirit of Jesus is the Holy Spirit, thus the name of Jesus is the name of the Holy Spirit, as well. Jesus says the "Spirit of Truth"... and again in the same book Jesus is on record as saying... (John 14:6). Any student of Trinity Doctrine will immediately cry all sorts of slurs and slanders my way for saying this. Why? Because the Father sends the Holy Spirit and thus, Jesus is now the name of the Father, as well! But... there is enormous scriptural backing for this! (John 10:30; John 14:9; Dt. 6:4; Is. 43:11; Isaiah 45:5; Rev. 4:2)

I simply can't please anyone but God when I relentlessly quote scripture and refuse to compromise on it one bit. Whether it's you, AMR or anyone!

But that's ok... (Gal. 1:10)

Any partial favor of scripture that links to Man Made doctrine that masks TRUTH that is revealed in the RED Letters, is simply a lie.

Be careful how you judge, for it could very well be the exact thing you are guilty of.


You need to realize that I realize.

Trust is obeying everything that Jesus teaches.
Trust is NOT, "You do not have to do anything that Jesus says except believe".

Jesus' words are life, not just the words telling us we must believe.

Jesus telling us we must believe...those words do NOT nullify all his words telling us what to do and words that tell us to OBEY.

Get a grip on your nonsense.

NONE OF JESUS' words are worthless. Jesus tells us HOW TO GET SAVED, and HOW TO STAY SAVED.

The works the people used to have to do to be JUSTIFIED before God are the CEREMONIAL WORKS.

The ceremonial works do NOT have ANYTHING to do with sinning, per se.

If a person got circumcised and followed the other CEREMONIAL works OR NOT---it did NOT make them a sinner against another human being, the only thing NOT doing those works made them DISOBEDIENT to God.

Those works are the works NO ONE has to do anymore to be JUSTIFIED before God.


We still have to do God's works, we just do not have to justify ourselves anymore with special washings and the blood of animals. BUT WE STILL have to OBEY by abstaining from evil and doing right.

Can you see that telling people we do not have to obey IS SIN?

You do not have a special saving that says doing nothing...or NOT obeying is somehow a saving grace.

That is a lie. That teaching is from those who preach we do not have to obey. If you obeyed Jesus then you would know and understand how believers are different from those who are not. Not only different from those who are not, but different from those who call themselves believers but do NOTHING as far as obeying!

What is wrong with you? Do you think God is a magician who pretends He does not see the sin you keep doing?!

If you are sinning, then that sin is coming from your heart, just as Jesus says.

When a person is saved, Jesus lives in your heart and sees your sin.

How do you ever get ever that we do not have to obey because we believe? The one who caused you this confusion will one day pay for it...but now you are the one causing confusion for others, if they fall for your lie, and you one day will pay for it.

Be careful how you judge, for it could very well be the exact thing you are guilty of.

I have only told one person on this site that they didn't have the Spirit of Christ. It wasn't you! It wasn't AMR... and it was only by their theological works that I said something that hurts my heart to this day. However... you are a teacher of self appointment and you are incorrect!

(John 1:17) (Galatians 2:21; 3:21) (Hebrews 8:13)

You keep... (Gal. 2:18)

Stop It!!!!!!!

Ephesians 2:8f


The Gospel is for the poor (Mark 2:17)... not the rich (Mt. 19:24)

He WHO Swears by His own Name (Gn. 2:16f; 22:16) (Philippians 2:10) said (John 6:29, 63)

God's Truth

New member

I have only told one person on this site that they didn't have the Spirit of Christ. It wasn't you! It wasn't AMR... and it was only by their theological works that I said something that hurts my heart to this day. However... you are a teacher of self appointment and you are incorrect!

(John 1:17) (Galatians 2:21; 3:21) (Hebrews 8:13)

You keep... (Gal. 2:18)

Stop It!!!!!!!

Ephesians 2:8f


The Gospel is for the poor (Mark 2:17)... not the rich (Mt. 19:24)

He WHO Swears by His own Name (Gn. 2:16) (Philippians 2:10) said (John 6:29, 63)

Wow. You need to stop it. Address what I said and stop with the theatrics.


Wow. You need to stop it. Address what I said and stop with the theatrics.

God made me "theatrical!"


And I addressed all of it!

Next post from me to you will be the Hampster wheel if you say anything other than...

"I'm a sinner (Job 11:13f, 15f + 1 John 1:19 + 1 Pt. 3:21 + Hebrews 6:19 + 1 Co. 15:54f, 55f), Jesus and I fully surrender to you... MY LORD, GOD and Savior[Isaiah 43:11). By YOUR WORK ALONE, am I SAVED..." (Acts 4:11f)

[MENTION=14521]God's Truth[/MENTION]

"But He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is perfected in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly in my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest on me."
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God's Truth

New member
God made me "theatrical!"


And I addressed all of it!

Next post from me to you will be the Hampster wheel if you say anything other than...

"I'm a sinner Jesus and I fully surrender to you... MY LORD, GOD and Savior (Isaiah 43:11). By YOUR WORK ALONE, am I SAVED..." (Acts 4:11f)

[MENTION=14521]God's Truth[/MENTION]

"But He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is perfected in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly in my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest on me."

I think something is wrong with you. You hide and pretend for a reason.

You have not addressed what I said, you merely insult.

You also get to stay here after deceiving others and making other accounts and you must know that is wrong.


I think something is wrong with you. You hide and pretend for a reason.

You have not addressed what I said, you merely insult.

You also get to stay here after deceiving others and making other accounts and you must know that is wrong.

Seeing as I had two purposes in that account that I purposefully got burned... and seeing as how 1 of the purposes was to stand by your side on a callout thread...

I feel okay understanding that you didn't like my last response.




This one is a little touchy! I have expounded on point 3 in ways that are buried in my discussion with GT and I have decided to not utilize a "cork board" for this point. I'm not even sure if it will be scripturally contested because honestly, the scriptural deck contains a ROYAL flush in support of point 3.

I'll simply link to the point where I expound within the OP.



The Trinity is a dogma.

I do not dispute that God is TriUne...

I am also making an exception to keeping you on ignore. I am also addressing you respectfully... for now.

The Doctrine of the Trinity, is different than the revelation of the GODHEAD. It does pretty well at explaining how God is expressed in Three... but it is lousy at combating Islamic Scholars on the charge of Poly-Theism. And... fairly so. God constantly affirms HE is ONE!

I've said enough, and In the dialogue sandwiched between this post and my opening of this point (3) of the OP I have scripturally backed and affirmed that it shouldn't be difficult for people to fully understand that we literally ask JESUS into our hearts.

Galatians 4:6

Perhaps there needs to be a revision to classical Trinity doctrine, seeing as much of it is written outside of Biblical context and confuses, rather than reveals the greatest weapon of the GOSPEL against it's attackers.

If it was written correctly, there would be no refutation by even the most educated Arian that wasn't a blatant twisting of scripture.

Nuff said [MENTION=17677]Crucible[/MENTION].
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God's Truth

New member
Seeing as I had two purposes in that account that I purposefully got burned... and seeing as how 1 of the purposes was to stand by your side on a callout thread...

I feel okay understanding that you didn't like my last response.


You are a troubled soul for sure and it is not for righteous reasons.