Did Ron Wyatt really find the Ark of the Covenant?


Well-known member
Ron Wyatt found many Biblical artefacts during in his life such as:

Noah's Ark: http://theologyonline.com/showthread.php?127733-Noah%92s-Ark-Found!&highlight=


Pharaoh's Chariots in the Red Sea: http://theologyonline.com/showthrea...nd-in-the-Gulf-of-Aqaba&p=5177003#post5177003

Appart from these he also found; Joseph's Grain Bins, Mt. Sinai ,Sodom & Gomorrah and the other cities of the plain: Zoar, Zeboim and Admah, to name but a few and all of the evidence for these can be seen on youtube.

But Ron's most controversial claim was that he found the Ark of the Covenant.

In this clip we see Ron with others digging at the Garden Tomb Golgotha escarpment and is indisputable proof that Ron excavated there despite the Israeli Antiquity Authorities 'official' statement claiming Ron never had permission to dig there and the Garden Tomb Association's contradictory statement that he did have permission:

In the Catholic Bible's book of Maccabees it tells us that the Ark was indeed buried in Jerusalem:

2 Maccabees 2:4-8Good News Translation (GNT)
4 These same records also tell us that Jeremiah, acting under divine guidance, commanded the Tent of the Lord's Presence and the Covenant Box to follow him to the mountain where Moses had looked down on the land which God had promised our people. 5 When Jeremiah got to the mountain, he found a huge cave and there he hid the Tent of the Lord's Presence, the Covenant Box, and the altar of incense. Then he sealed up the entrance.

6 Some of Jeremiah's friends tried to follow him and mark the way, but they could not find the cave. 7 When Jeremiah learned what they had done, he reprimanded them, saying,

No one must know about this place until God gathers his people together again and shows them mercy. 8 At that time he will reveal where these things are hidden, and the dazzling light of his presence will be seen in the cloud, as it was in the time of Moses and on the occasion when Solomon prayed that the Temple might be dedicated in holy splendor.

Here is that marker:




Ron Wyatt was well know for his humility and honesty and it has never been proved that he ever told a lie. In fact this one claim that he found the Ark of the covenant only caused him to be ridiculed. Also Ron never made a penny from any of his discoveries and funded all of his own hundred plus trips himself from his day job as an anaesthetist. For further viewing; Ron Wyatt in interview:

Ron Wyatt Biblical Discoveries Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8ZDSEbnfPw&list=RDRLahiZnzRFs&index=28

Ron Wyatt Biblical Discoveries Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=at1MNi3XS58
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patrick jane



Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
The ark part, I am skeptical.

Many people have asked for proof of Ron's finding the ark. Ron says we should wait until the Lord wants it revealed. He had taken hundreds of photos using 35mm, Polaroid, and video but they are were blurred because God did not want Ron to be showing this evidence at that time. Ron knew then that he was to wait until the Lord's time. Subsequently he was able to get clear photos of the ark, but he did not make them public.


The blurred photos are terrible and could be anything.

He said he has clear photos, but has not shown them.
Something fishy here.


Well-known member
He's a regular Indiana Jones !!

Ron Wyatt had been given revelation from God that the Ark was in a particular spot in the Garden tomb area in August 1978 and was then immediately and miraculously given permission to dig there from the Israeli Antiquities authority. He dug there on and off for till 6th January 1982 when he says found it. The OP video shows him digging there and as indisputable.

The Raiders of the lost Ark film had been just released on 30th July 1981 and was a box office smash and was being watch by millions around the world over the 5 months before Ron found the real thing:

God's sense of humour:




Well-known member
The ark part, I am skeptical.

[FONT=&]Many people have asked for proof of Ron's finding the ark. Ron says we should wait until the Lord wants it revealed. He had taken hundreds of photos using 35mm, Polaroid, and video but they are were blurred because God did not want Ron to be showing this evidence at that time. Ron knew then that he was to wait until the Lord's time. Subsequently he was able to get clear photos of the ark, but he did not make them public. [/FONT]


The blurred photos are terrible and could be anything.

He said he has clear photos, but has not shown them.
Something fishy here.

Yes they are but if like me you believe all his other finds are real and that the OP video clearly shows him digging in the Garden tomb area having been given miraculous permission to dig there by the Israeli Antiquities authorities, then why would he make such a big lie? and ruin his reputation while rather than making money out of it actually loose money. He funded everything himself from his own earnings as an anaesthetist in the US and from donations. Ron also claimed that the Israeli authorities tried to later recover the ark but 6 men died in the attempt (did you read and listen to Ron about this?) Ron had to be asked to recover their bodies. There is a mention of the ark and Ron in the clip from 10:40 mins you might be interested? (I don't agree with the guy's numerology calculations btw):



Well-known member
It is highly unlikely that an amateur would be given official permission to excavate a site in Israel. I would like to see an independent source that confirms that this miracle happened.

By the way, it isn't strictly necessary to accept every crackpot alternate theory out there.

Here is an alternate view of Wyatt


New member
Ron Wyatt had been given revelation from God that the Ark was in a particular spot in the Garden tomb area in August 1978

Absolutely nothing concerning the arrest, trial and crucifixion took place west of the Wailing Wall (Western Wall). The "Temple Mount" housed the Roman 10th Legion, consisting of 10,000 soldiers & support.
The City of David is south of the "Temple Mount". The Temple was located south of the "Temple Mount". The crucifixions took place directly east of the Temple and across the Kidron Valley and at the southern end of the Mount of Olives (in what now is known as Silwan).
The only thing Ron Wyatt correctly identified is the true Mount Sinai location in Saudi Arabia.


Well-known member
Absolutely nothing concerning the arrest, trial and crucifixion took place west of the Wailing Wall (Western Wall). The "Temple Mount" housed the Roman 10th Legion, consisting of 10,000 soldiers & support.
The City of David is south of the "Temple Mount". The Temple was located south of the "Temple Mount". The crucifixions took place directly east of the Temple and across the Kidron Valley and at the southern end of the Mount of Olives (in what now is known as Silwan).
The only thing Ron Wyatt correctly identified is the true Mount Sinai location in Saudi Arabia.

Besides your general confusion about Jerusalem, you are confusing eras now. By the time of Jesus (1,000 years after David) Jerusalem had expanded way beyond the "City of David". The Roman city is well known- you can even walk on the ancient streets. This has nothing to do with the Mount of Olives or Silwan.


New member
Besides your general confusion about Jerusalem, you are confusing eras now. By the time of Jesus (1,000 years after David) Jerusalem had expanded way beyond the "City of David". The Roman city is well known- you can even walk on the ancient streets. This has nothing to do with the Mount of Olives or Silwan.

So, you are aware that "Mt. Zion" (aka: the Citadel of David), was at the far SOUTH end of the former Jebusite City (aka: City of David). If so, then you would know that the "Citadel of David" was completely leveled and the dirt moved WEST to fill-in the Tyropoeon Valley (aka: Valley of the Cheesemongers). This complete REMOVAL of "Zion" was accomplished under the Selucids (about 160 BCE) in order to EXPAND Jerusalem to the WEST (outside the original walls of the "Jebusite fortress" (aka: City of David) and prevent enemy attack from the southern "high ground". The so-called "Temple Mount" was later developed, elevated, fortified and leveled by the ROMANS (to about 100' lower than its present height), in order to house a ROMAN LEGION.
Obviously your archeological and historical credentials are sorely lacking. Perhaps you blindly cling to "tradition"?

BTW, the Temple faced EAST, overlooking the Kidron Valley. Perhaps you can locate a map? The Romans made sure that the crucifixions were WITNESSED by the Temple staff.


Well-known member
So, you are aware that "Mt. Zion" (aka: the Citadel of David), was at the far SOUTH end of the former Jebusite City (aka: City of David). If so, then you would know that the "Citadel of David" was completely leveled and the dirt moved WEST to fill-in the Tyropoeon Valley (aka: Valley of the Cheesemongers). This complete REMOVAL of "Zion" was accomplished under the Selucids (about 160 BCE) in order to EXPAND Jerusalem to the WEST (outside the original walls of the "Jebusite fortress" (aka: City of David) and prevent enemy attack from the southern "high ground". The so-called "Temple Mount" was later developed, elevated, fortified and leveled by the ROMANS (to about 100' lower than its present height), in order to house a ROMAN LEGION.
Obviously your archeological and historical credentials are sorely lacking. Perhaps you blindly cling to "tradition"?

BTW, the Temple faced EAST, overlooking the Kidron Valley. Perhaps you can locate a map? The Romans made sure that the crucifixions were WITNESSED by the Temple staff.

Hello! Are you there?

Just because someone doesn't agree with your wonderful theories does not mean they are ignorant or unqualified.

Let's l;eave alone the City of David and the Temple for now. Where was the Roman city?


New member
Hello! Are you there?

Just because someone doesn't agree with your wonderful theories does not mean they are ignorant or unqualified.

Let's l;eave alone the City of David and the Temple for now. Where was the Roman city?
OK. City of David-"Zion"-Temple are all interrelated within the same area that was formerly the Jebusite walled city, which is about 12-14 acres.

Roman fortresses throughout the Roman Empire occupied a rectangle of approximately 35 acres. They had 4 gates, normally north, south, east and west and housed a Roman Legion. Legions were 6,000 soldiers with approximately 4,000 support personnel (including prostitutes). They were self-contained "cities". There are 2 Roman aqueducts that supply the Haram al Sherif with water from Bethlehem. These come in from the north-west to Fort Antonia to supply water for the Romans. Additionally many cisterns were built to hold the water.
The Roman Fortress/Colony lasted approximately 600 years - from the overthrow of the Greek Selucids until the conquering Arabs. Over the centuries "The Mount" has been built up and filled in extensively. During David's conquest it was not inhabited and was nothing more than a large rocky outcropping. The top of the rocky outcropping can be found under the "Dome of the Rock". This area was of no importance to David and Solomon, as the City of David was south of the outcropping and at a lower elevation and the location of the threshing floor of Ornan. Near there was a natural "erupting" siphon spring named Gihon. This was the only naturally occurring "living water" in the area of Moriah. This was necessary due to the tremendous amounts of animal blood which needed to be washed away on a daily basis and for the ritual cleansing of the people.

The "Western Wall" remains as constructed by Roman Valerius Gratis, coins of 17 CE have been found on the bedrock of the wall. The reason why the "Temple Mount" remains to this day is that it was the city of the Romans who destroyed all of Jerusalem in 70 CE, and again in 135 CE. The Temple Stones are scattered through West Jerusalem, being repurposed, so that none are found in the City of David.

Finally, the Arabs conquered the city. They found an 8 sided building which was of Christian architecture and it had a cross on top. The Arabs put a crescent moon on top and called it the "Dome of the Rock". Neither group knew where the Temple was located because the City of David had been LEVELED to the GROUND.

The Roman Emperor's mother came to Jerusalem about 326 CE and made guesses where certain historical sites were. This included the Church of the Holy Sepulcre where she claimed the crucifixion took place. This location is WEST of the City of David. She guessed that the "Dome of the Rock" was where the Temple had been located. These sites became the official Catholic sites after her trip. And so it remains, a pilgrimage in approximately 326 CE by the Roman Emperor's mother is the basis of "tradition".
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Well-known member
It is highly unlikely that an amateur would be given official permission to excavate a site in Israel. I would like to see an independent source that confirms that this miracle happened.

By the way, it isn't strictly necessary to accept every crackpot alternate theory out there.

Here is an alternate view of Wyatt

This film shows Ron digging in the Garden Tomb Area. Particularly from 9 mins it shows Ron talking about his excavations at the site: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAQ87pmf380

And here's a another one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkXwNHOhuVg

Here is someone showing more about it:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5k6iE26r1Js

And here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vty8AJYbvoY
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New member
Where was the Roman City? Not the garrison- the city?
Aelia Capitolina became a Roman colony, built under the emperor Hadrian on the site of Jerusalem, which was in ruins following the siege of 70 AD, leading in part to the Bar Kokhba revolt of 132–136 AD. Aelia Capitolina remained the official name of Jerusalem until 638 AD, when the Arabs conquered the city. The Romans murdered the Jewish inhabitants of Jerusalem and banished all Jews from living there. Jews were absent from Jerusalem for about 1,000 years. That's why the true location of the "Temple" was LOST. The stones of the City of David (including the Temple stones) were relocated and reused in the building of "West Jerusalem", and the site of the City of David remained mostly barren until recent archeological research within the last couple of decades.


Well-known member
did he have official permission?

There is film of him stating he had official permission but what would convince you that he actually dug there?

A: A piece of paper saying he had permission.

B: Film of him stating he had permission.

C: Film of him actually digging there.

Think carefully, which one would prove he actually dug there?

If you think the permission is more important than the fact he can be seen digging there then you are missing the point. The point is he was there digging. This alone should tell you that he had permission. Do you really think he could get away with excavation in the Garden tomb area and no one would stop him or even question him? I can't believe anyone could be so naive to think such a thing. I have been there myself. you couldn't do anything destructive there without someone stopping you, not unless no one saw you but then there are people there all the time. Did you actually watch the films??


Well-known member
Absolutely nothing concerning the arrest, trial and crucifixion took place west of the Wailing Wall (Western Wall). The "Temple Mount" housed the Roman 10th Legion, consisting of 10,000 soldiers & support.
The City of David is south of the "Temple Mount". The Temple was located south of the "Temple Mount". The crucifixions took place directly east of the Temple and across the Kidron Valley and at the southern end of the Mount of Olives (in what now is known as Silwan).
The only thing Ron Wyatt correctly identified is the true Mount Sinai location in Saudi Arabia.

I have already proven your theory wrong on your own thread three weeks ago:



As said this inscription found in Hezekiah's tunnel says it was 100 cubits underground = 42.7 meters at the time of its construction. Today the tunnel is 39.6 meters below the ground surface above on the Ophel thus proving it was not a mountain as you claim.

Besides the Garden tomb is north of the city not west of it!


New member
I have already proven your theory wrong on your own thread three weeks ago:



As said this inscription found in Hezekiah's tunnel says it was 100 cubits underground = 42.7 meters at the time of its construction. Today the tunnel is 39.6 meters below the ground surface above on the Ophel thus proving it was not a mountain as you claim.

Besides the Garden tomb is north of the city not west of it!

The TRUE Shiloah pool was discovered by Israeli archeologists in 2004. I posted the link and you ignored it.
The "Garden tomb" has recently been examined by Israeli archeologists and found it is from the FIRST TEMPLE period.
The "Garden tomb" is WEST and NORTH of the Haram al Sherif (ie: the WESTERN WALL).
You have ZERO credibility because your sources are charlatans like Derek Walker.

Have you ever heard of a "map"? :rotfl:
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Well-known member
OK. City of David-"Zion"-Temple are all interrelated within the same area that was formerly the Jebusite walled city, which is about 12-14 acres.

Roman fortresses throughout the Roman Empire occupied a rectangle of approximately 35 acres. They had 4 gates, normally north, south, east and west and housed a Roman Legion. Legions were 6,000 soldiers with approximately 4,000 support personnel (including prostitutes). They were self-contained "cities". There are 2 Roman aqueducts that supply the Haram al Sherif with water from Bethlehem. These come in from the north-west to Fort Antonia to supply water for the Romans. Additionally many cisterns were built to hold the water.
The Roman Fortress/Colony lasted approximately 600 years - from the overthrow of the Greek Selucids until the conquering Arabs. Over the centuries "The Mount" has been built up and filled in extensively. During David's conquest it was not inhabited and was nothing more than a large rocky outcropping. The top of the rocky outcropping can be found under the "Dome of the Rock". This area was of no importance to David and Solomon, as the City of David was south of the outcropping and at a lower elevation and the location of the threshing floor of Ornan. Near there was a natural "erupting" siphon spring named Gihon. This was the only naturally occurring "living water" in the area of Moriah. This was necessary due to the tremendous amounts of animal blood which needed to be washed away on a daily basis and for the ritual cleansing of the people.

Wrong it is historically well documented that Mount Scopus had been strategically important as a base from which to attack the city since antiquity. The 12th Roman Legion camped there in AD 66 and in AD 70 at the conclusion of the same war that led to the destruction of the Jewish Temple, Mount Scopus was used as a base to carry out the final siege of the city by the same 12th Legion, plus the 15th and 5th Legions, while the 10th Legion was positioned on the continuation of the same ridge, known as the Mount of Olives.

So seeing as this was really where the Roman armies were based at the time of this (and other sieges) then why weren't they on the temple mount all along as you claim? Simply because you are believing fantasies rather than facts.
The "Western Wall" remains as constructed by Roman Valerius Gratis, coins of 17 CE have been found on the bedrock of the wall. The reason why the "Temple Mount" remains to this day is that it was the city of the Romans who destroyed all of Jerusalem in 70 CE, and again in 135 CE. The Temple Stones are scattered through West Jerusalem, being repurposed, so that none are found in the City of David.
The exact location of this find is disputed/not clear. You will need to prove exactly where it was found.
Finally, the Arabs conquered the city. They found an 8 sided building which was of Christian architecture and it had a cross on top. The Arabs put a crescent moon on top and called it the "Dome of the Rock". Neither group knew where the Temple was located because the City of David had been LEVELED to the GROUND.
Wrong. Again it is well documented in history that the Dome of the Rock was initially completed in 691 CE at the order of Umayyad Caliph Abd al-Malik during the Second Fitna and was built on the site of the Roman temple of Jupiter Capitolinus, which had in turn been built on the site of the Second Jewish Temple, destroyed during the Roman Siege of Jerusalem in 70 CE. The original dome collapsed in 1015 and was rebuilt in 1022–23.

The Roman Emperor's mother came to Jerusalem about 326 CE and made guesses where certain historical sites were. This included the Church of the Holy Sepulcre where she claimed the crucifixion took place. This location is WEST of the City of David. She guessed that the "Dome of the Rock" was where the Temple had been located. These sites became the official Catholic sites after her trip. And so it remains, a pilgrimage in approximately 326 CE by the Roman Emperor's mother is the basis of "tradition".
The Dome of the Rock was not even there when Empress Helen went to Jerusalem. But yes she only guessed where everything was and got everything wrong!

And please respect the OP, this debate belongs on your thread here: http://theologyonline.com/showthrea...ity-of-David&p=5163744&viewfull=1#post5163744


Well-known member
The TRUE Shiloah pool was discovered by Israeli archeologists in 2004. I posted the link and you ignored it.
The "Garden tomb" has recently been examined by Israeli archeologists and found it is from the FIRST TEMPLE period.
The "Garden tomb" is WEST and NORTH of the Haram al Sherif (ie: the WESTERN WALL).
You have ZERO credibility because your sources are charlatans.

Have you ever heard of a "map"? :rotfl:

The Shiloh pool (Pool of Siloam) is not a tunnel! Here is a map of the tunnel where you claim a mountain was but history proves it wasn't:


You have completely ignored the fact that the people who built this tunnel under where you say there was a mountain left an inscription in side the tunnel:


Which states it was 42 meters below the surface. Today it is only 39 meters under the surface. That is only a 3 meter difference in case you didn't know. The minimum height for a mountain is 300 meters. Can you see where you are going wrong?

Also to be more accurate the Garden tomb site is north, north, west and not north west of the Dome of the Rock.

And for the final time please respect the OP, this debate belongs on your thread here: http://theologyonline.com/showthread...=1#post5163744