Democrats, the party of Abortion, the party of Death

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
I'm sure you could find plenty of pro-choice people around where you live, perhaps even doctors who perform abortions! What's stopping you from "taking their lives"? What's stopped you from doing so in the past? Perhaps it is because somewhere, deep inside, you know that it would be wrong to do so?

No, its because we don't want to spend OUR life in prison. But in fact, true justice would see abortionists put to death. as well as their enablers.

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum

For once I agree.

That is a weird post and I cannot tell exactly who to attribute those words to but whoever it is they are a blithering ignoramus.

I would love to see the paperwork that says Donald Trump funded abortions for a million black babies.

EDIT: On second thought I think I know what their answer would be, and if I am right then I know what my response would be:

Saint Paul murdered and persecuted Christians. After Jesus called him Paul was forgiven and went on to do Gods work.
Today Trump does God's work. It is un-Christian and un-Godly to continue to be against someone for a past that God has since forgiven.

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Did you know Black Lives Matter supports abortion, homosexuality, anti-family agenda?

June 10, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — While Black Lives Matter seems on the outside to be a social justice organization that aims to further the rights of African-Americans, many are surprised to discover that the group has an alarming pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, and anti-family agenda at the core of its mission to remake America.

In its online manifesto titled “What We Believe,” the Black Lives Matter organizers Patrisse Khan-Cullors, Alicia Garza, and Opal Tometi say they and their followers “disrupt” the “Western-prescribed” family. They also say they have freed themselves from “heteronormative thinking” and demand “reproductive justice.”

“We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable,” they wrote.

“We foster a queer‐affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking, or rather, the belief that all in the world are heterosexual (unless s/he or they disclose otherwise),” they continued.

“We deserve and thus we demand reproductive justice [i.e., abortion] that gives us autonomy over our bodies and our identities while ensuring that our children and families are supported, safe, and able to thrive.”

Despite disrupting the “nuclear family,” all three founders of the Black Lives Movement were raised in intact families. Patrisse Khan-Cullors, 36, is an LGBT activist who left her married parents’ home at the age of 16 after informing them of her homosexual identity. Alicia Garza, 39, also grew up with both parents at home and is now “married” to a white female who identifies as a “transgender male.” Garza, too, considers herself an LGBT activist. Opal Tometi, 35, grew up with a Nigerian mother and father and two brothers in Arizona.

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
The Culture of Death

Democrats have been on this downward slide into evil for a long time. John Paul II spoke of the Culture of Death

In fact, while the climate of widespread moral uncertainty can in some way be explained by the multiplicity and gravity of today's social problems, and these can sometimes mitigate the subjective responsibility of individuals, it is no less true that we are confronted by an even larger reality, which can be described as a veritable structure of sin. This reality is characterized by the emergence of a culture which denies solidarity and in many cases takes the form of a veritable "culture of death". This culture is actively fostered by powerful cultural, economic and political currents which encourage an idea of society excessively concerned with efficiency.

This was as close as he could come to talking about Democrats without crossing a line.

The last few pro-life Democrats were driven out of the party long ago. It is a delusional fantasy to consider oneself pro life and still vote for a Democrat. You might as we vote for Hitler and say, "But I am not an antisemite."

If you vote for a Democrat then you are voting for abortion. To deny that is a denial of basic reality. And when you vote for a Democrat, you are putting the vacuum tube in the hand of the abortionist, and the blood of the innocent drips from your hands as much as it does from the abortionist himself.

Nothing has changed since I posted this

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Trump in 2020 and a replacement for RBG soon after. :)

Remember saying that?

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Daleiden: ‘I will never bow to the tyrannical vision of … Kamala Harris’
The pro-life Center for Medical Progress filed a civil rights lawsuit against Kamala Harris, Planned Parenthood, and the California Attorney General’s Office.