Democrats despise conservative black men


Well-known member
It did not start with Clarence Thomas, and will not end until leftists stop hating good people for opposing bad policies, lifestyles, programs, and actions. Mark Robinson was elected Lt. Governor by the majority of North Carolinians in the last election because he is a good man with good views and values. But leftists do not care about the majority of public opinion that contradicts their leftist democrat Marxist agenda.

Liberals can't stop attacking me because I scare them. They are afraid of a black man that doesn't fit their narrative.

I grew up poor as the ninth of ten children in a household with an abusive alcoholic father. My mother had a fifth grade education.

Liberals are terrified that I shatter their narrative that America is racist, and that black people cannot make it without government support.

That's why they continue to call me names and attack me.
Democrats despise conservative (fill in the blank)

Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, gays, women, Hollywood actors, etc.

And that proves one simple thing: Democrats do not support Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, gays, women, Hollywood actors, etc. , they only support Democrat Blacks, Democrat Hispanics, Democrat Asians, Democrat gays, Democrat women, etc.

Or to put it simple: Democrats only support Democrats, and that makes everything they say about minorities and women a big fat lie.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Watched this last night. For those of you who don't know who they are Dave Rubin used to be a hard leftist, used to be a contributor on TYT, he's a conservative now who rejects most of the woke progressivism that he used to embrace. He's an eloquent speaker, above-average intelligence, not brilliant like Ben Shapiro or Jordan Peterson. And he's a homo.

Candice's backstory I know less of. She came to my attention a few years ago and I loved her immediately. Age and motherhood have slowed her down. Her speaking style and argumentation used to be as machinegun-like as Ben Shapiro's still is. I like this new mellower version of her better.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
And the reason I posted that was because they both are absolutely loathed by the left. The left thinks that they should own homosexual men. The left thinks that they should own women. The left thinks that they should own black people. And it drives them crazy when they don't.

Gary K

New member
And the reason I posted that was because they both are absolutely loathed by the left. The left thinks that they should own homosexual men. The left thinks that they should own women. The left thinks that they should own black people. And it drives them crazy when they don't.
I would modify your statement a little. Marxism hates independent thought and thinkers. The ideology absolutely despises those attributes as well as honesty. Marx, and Engels, lived by that. They were the two most selfish people I know of as both would destroy anyone who they thought was getting any of what they thought was "their" glory inside "their" movement.

They were just absolutely despicable human beings.