Democrats block subpoenas by congressional investigators into democrat corruption


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The modern Progressive Democrat Party USA blocks all attempts to investigate democrat corruption and issues threatening summons for republicans to testify in cases where no crime has been committed. There must be far too many ignorant and corrupted Americans along Main Street or these obstructionist crooks would not be getting away with protecting democrat corruption.

Democrats have ordered several members of Donald Trump's family to testify while they continue looking for some crime to charge Trump with, but they block every attempt to ask Hunter Biden to testify about his criminal involvement with corrupt foreigners that has reaped tens of millions of dollars for the Biden family.

Democrats on the House Oversight Committee have blocked a Republican-backed subpoena to compel Hunter Biden to testify as a witness.

“Democrats just denied our motion to subpoena Hunter Biden,” the Republican members of the committee wrote on Twitter. “They refuse to hold Hunter accountable for his shady business dealings that make us more dependent on China for renewable energy. It’s past time for accountability.”