Democrats bail crooks out but jail conservatives without bail


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We are living in a godless time in America. Large numbers of Americans are now opposed to God, to America, to the Constitution, to fairness, to responsibility, to law and order, to free-market principles, to human rights, and so forth. This departure from God has resulted in all sorts of crimes being committed by rebels against God who do not know what they are doing is wrong.

Democrats have jailed Jan 6 protesters for acts committed at the Capitol in support of republicans in Congress scheduled that day to hold hearings on voter fraud. Democrats do not want voter fraud investigated which is why they weaponized the judicial system to lock up those who spoke out against the fraud.

Contrast that to the fact that democrats bailed out crooks by the hundreds who were arrested for real and serious crimes committed during democrat riots of 2020. Democrats are not about law and order but about securing and maintaining total democrat control of power in the US.


The allegations against Columbus are macabre. The arrest warrant in the case states that the girl Columbus allegedly assaulted lived with her grandmother, who regularly spent time with her friend "Tim," while the girl was seven and eight years old. When the girl was about eight, the victim told police, "'Tim' laid her on her couch and held her down as he unbuckled his pants and then pulled down her pants. Victim stated he then 'put his thing inside me.'"

The warrant continues: "Victim states 'Tim' told her not to tell anyone and continued to penetrate her. Victim did not tell anyone what happened at the time but years later told a family member."

In Columbus' case, bail was set at $75,000 for conditional release and $300,000 for unconditional release. The document on which Columbus requests his bail money be returned to MFF does not indicate the amount. But a July 1 order recorded on the Minnesota courts website indicates that Judge Tamara Garcia ordered Columbus' conditional release.

Columbus is not the first alleged violent criminal MFF has helped secure the release of.

FOX 9 reported earlier this summer that MFF had raised $35 million in the wake of George Floyd's death in the custody of the Minneapolis Police Department. A recent update on its website indicates that it has spent at least $3,475,000 bailing people out of jail in recent months, with just $210,000 of that being spent bailing out protesters and rioters who were arrested in the unrest immediately following Floyd's death.

FOX 9 also first exposed some of the non-protesters being bailed out by MFF, including Darnika Floyd, who was charged with second-degree murder after allegedly stabbing a friend to death, and Christopher Boswell, who is facing charges of sexual assault and kidnapping. The group put up $100,000 on behalf of Floyd and $350,000 on behalf of Boswell.

Boswell had previously been convicted twice on sexual assault charges and was prosecuted by Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., when she was the Hennepin County attorney.