Democrat Nazi Brownshirts Beat Up Police Supporters

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WATCH: Antifa Protesters Harass, Assault Police Supporters in Nebraska

Antifa protesters harassed and assaulted pro-police demonstrators in Omaha, Nebraska, during a weekend of street action. The anti-cop protests followed the officer-involved shooting death of an armed black man who allegedly resisted arrest and pulled a gun Thursday night.
Omaha police supporters came out during the second night of protests by anti-police groups after officers shot and killed a 35-year-old armed black man, Kenneth Jones, on Thursday. Members of the anti-police protests began to harass and assault some people who came out to show their support for the police, independent journalist Andy Ngo tweeted.

Democrats truly are the enemy of Liberty and the enemy of America.

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Credo in Unum Deum
I just had to delete two posts because the two tweets in them with videos of the attacks were removed by Twitter.

It has come: The Fascist state.

Democrat fascists are beating people up in the streets and video is being erased.

Every democrat is now officially my enemy

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Credo in Unum Deum
Protesters Stomp on Trump Supporter’s Head After D.C. Rally

A group of leftist protesters attacked numerous Trump supporters who had finished taking part in a rally on the streets of Washington, DC, on Saturday. In one of the most graphic attacks, a man who tried to fight off an attack is hit from behind while at least two women kick and stomp his head.

Several videos captured numerous attacks by protesters that were chasing Trump supporters out of the rally area as the group made their way to their vehicles. Earlier in the day, thousands of Trump supporters had gathered in D.C. for a rally supporting U.S. President Donald J. Trump. Violence broke out as the rally ended and people attempted to leave.

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Credo in Unum Deum
You know how they say that criminals are often stupid and give themselves way? Look at this:

Interesting though, that the poster from Redding who bumps old CatholicCrusader threads uses Isabel Brown's photos as avatars.

So our resident Nazi annabeneddonkey decided to do some internet searching about me to find my photo. She just proved how evil socialists are. What if I had used my real photo and she found out who I was? I would be doxed and her Antifa friends would have my parents address.

This expletive is a prime example of the extremist mobs in the streets today.

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Credo in Unum Deum
Reporting your threat.

Get in line. Your attempt to reveal privacy has been documented and reported long ago.

You fascists think you can just do whatever you want and violate peoples' privacy and act like the Gestapo. That may be popular with your Antifa thug friends but not here.


I identify as a Christian
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Hall of Fame
Transgender is just gross to me. God designed humans male and female.

Antifa is populated with pedophiles too.

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Credo in Unum Deum
My dad was shocked to learn that schools are filled with them. Before I started really paying attention to these things I didn't think much of it.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
I am glad I am not school age and that my son is an adult now.

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Credo in Unum Deum
Hospital "counselors" (i.e. re-education camp guards) tell new parents before they take their babies home that it is unhealthy to discourage a child's transgender behavior if they start to exhibit it. True fact.