Democrat lies about the rich


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Democrat politicians have been very successful in deceiving poor supporters into thinking they are for the poor and will go after the greedy rich to get more money to give to the poor. Democrats have been preaching that message for decades while never doing anything like 'going after the rich.' In other words, democrats lie and deceive and the gullible believe those lies without ever thinking to look for evidence of democrat intentions to fulfill their promises.

On the other hand, democrats are made rich from donations from the rich who corrupt politics by buying politicians with big donations. If only the rich wanted their politicians to do what is good and right for America then maybe buying politicians would not be so bad, But the rich political donors do not generally have the health and welfare of all Americans in mind. They do, however, have their own wealth and interests in mind, and the needs of poor people and supporting what is good and right for all Americans are sacrificed at the altar of their greed and pleasure.

At a Pennsylvania State Senate hearing, Republican lawmakers proposed legislation to end private funding of elections, pointing out millions of dollars provided to key state jurisdictions came from unknown sources. The state received approximately $15 million in grants from the anonymously sourced donations to CTLC.

State Sen. Lisa Baker, who is sponsoring one of the bills to end private election funding, held up the redacted pages of CTLC’s tax disclosure forms at the hearing, including one that lists a $1.4 million donation next to a blacked-out name.