Delmar's POD 7-24-14


New member
I think we are sometimes forced to pick our battles, and no matter who we vote for (unless it is God), we will always be making a choice between the lessor of two evils when it comes to men ruling over us.

I agree with that, for no man knows the mind of God.

Posted from the TOL App!


Well-known member
I'll tell you why I said what I did in the second post,,,on the east coast voting begins at 7:am Its still 4:am in Texas and 3:am in new Mexico and 2:am in California,,,so by the time the election is over (at 5pm on the east coast,and the electoral votes have decided the President),,it is "2 in the afternoon in California,and everyone is getting in their cars to go vote",,,,


Well-known member
I'll tell you why I said what I did in the second post,,,on the east coast voting begins at 7:am Its still 4:am in Texas and 3:am in new Mexico and 2:am in California,,,so by the time the election is over (at 5pm on the east coast,and the electoral votes have decided the President),,it is "2 in the afternoon in California,and everyone is getting in their cars to go vote",,,,

here's the correct link,,,lol


New member
in that case, a vote for mccain is two votes against bammy :p

you're waiting for the ballot to read "Jesus Christ"? :freak:

Close, but yes, waiting for the promise . And not joining any side other then righteousness . The ballot will read truth

Posted from the TOL App!


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I see. So if two people are coming at your family to harm them (one with a gun and the other with a stick) you all would just stand there rather than attempt to take out the guy with the gun, and then deal with the guy and his stick?
The problem with your analogy is that the person defending themselves is in no way equal in potential for violence as the one with the gun or the club.

Here's your analogy with some added details: What do you do if you are a little kid, with no where to run, and two healthy warriors are coming at you with gun and club. What do you do?

A better analogy would be you, the little kid in 2nd grade trying to get your hat back from the 2 big 8th graders that are throwing it between them. What you do is: don't play the game.


New member
The problem with your analogy is that the person defending themselves is in no way equal in potential for violence as the one with the gun or the club.

Here's your analogy with some added details: What do you do if you are a little kid, with no where to run, and two healthy warriors are coming at you with gun and club. What do you do?

A better analogy would be you, the little kid in 2nd grade trying to get your hat back from the 2 big 8th graders that are throwing it between them. What you do is: don't play the game.
I'm not a coward, but I understand why many are.


The problem with your analogy is that the person defending themselves is in no way equal in potential for violence as the one with the gun or the club.

Here's your analogy with some added details: What do you do if you are a little kid, with no where to run, and two healthy warriors are coming at you with gun and club. What do you do?

A better analogy would be you, the little kid in 2nd grade trying to get your hat back from the 2 big 8th graders that are throwing it between them. What you do is: don't play the game.

then you don't get your hat back :idunno:


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
That's not true. Whenever kids would try that game with me I would walk away. Since I refused to play they weren't having any fun so they stopped playing and I always got my stuff back.

And when it comes to the lesser of two evils it is not always the most obvious evil that is the greater.


Well-known member
That's not true. Whenever kids would try that game with me I would walk away. Since I refused to play they weren't having any fun so they stopped playing and I always got my stuff back.

And when it comes to the lesser of two evils it is not always the most obvious evil that is the greater.

thats exactly correct I think. In post #2 (this was an actually experience,not an analogy). Now I was rather shocked to be sitting there(watching from my car) at 4:15 and voting was still in progress,the radio was saying bush had won the election and there was a group of bush supporters gathered together celebrating.

I almost got out to go and vote but the ones that were still trying to get up to the voting booths(tents set up on lawn) were being taunted by the group because the election was already over(electoral votes),,,the deputies finally came out and backed them up and let the others go and Finnish voting.

I then thought "well it's already over so why do I need to vote". I had never paid much attention to it because most other elections could not get a clear total count of electoral votes that quickly. But then is when I understood that from my location(central time zone) eastward is who is actually choosing the President(it's a waste of time for those west of the central time zone to vote).,,,or they have to choose their fight,they need to do the,,"early voting",,,

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I didn't expect someone of your limited intelligence to comprehend the point, but it wasn't really addressed to you.

There are two evils, and only two, from which you would cast your vote, as to which one you might have to deal with. Either you attempt to do something to stop the greater or you do nothing and accept the consequences.

As for me, as futile as it may be, I will not just stand there. I will cast my vote against the greater of two evils, so that I might be in a better position to do something about the lessor.

No need for you to respond, whitestone. I've already cast my vote that nothing you say is worth listening to.

Here is the tricky part.

3 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made.

John Boehner is not the lesser of two evils. Not even close. If he wanted to stop Obama, he could have done it 5 years ago. He is very much on the exact same page as that illegal alien from Kenya.

Scripted vote change