Deconstructing the DeBates - I

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Deconstructing the DeBates - I

Monday February 6th, 2006. This is show # 26.

When I try to analyze [Christians who support Alito] this is what [their attitude] is: "America is God's nation and the conservatives in America are God's people and, as such, we have a free hand to set aside 'do not murder.' And because our intentions are good we are not guilty if we violate 'do not murder.'"


In response to the second caller, I would put forth this scenario.
If you had an election where there were 101 voters: Candidate A is for open borders, severe religious restrictions upon Christians, and government tax funded abortions for all. Candidate B is for closing the borders to illegals and potential terrorists, religious freedom for Christians, and legal, personally funded abortions for all! Candidate C is for closed borders, religious freedom for Christians and the outlawing of all abortions, except to save a life.
You have inside knowledge that you and your wife are the only two not to have voted, and the vote stands: Candidate A=50 CandidateB =49.
You and your wife were both going to vote for C. Do you now both agree to vote for B instead. If you don't, are you both throwing your votes away, and are you responsible, [with your inside knowledge] for all the evil that Candidate A will be able to accomplish during his term?
I think that is the type of moral dilemna, {in an extreme} that the second caller was proposing to Bob and was "somewhat" agonizing over!
It seems that the entire immoral weight of candidate A and B is shifted to a couple of people with a moral compass, and they become the guilty, and accountable ones!
It is actually the responsibility and fault of the two candidates, the 99 people who did not vote for candidate C, and the democratic voting system itself!

Our Christian leaders now think this first way, and blame and chastise people like Bob Enyart, and many others of us, who vote according to the pledge that James Dobson made, and broke!

Larry Bates chastised Bob Enyart for not supporting Judge Alito, while at the same time he praises Alito who supports partial birth abortion.
Accordingly Alito is morally right, and Enyart is morally wrong, in the twisted and compromised morality of the devil that we, or many, have come to accept.


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jeremiah said:
You and your wife were both going to vote for C. Do you now both agree to vote for B instead. If you don't, are you both throwing your votes away, and are you responsible, [with your inside knowledge] for all the evil that Candidate A will be able to accomplish during his term?
I think that is the type of moral dilemna, {in an extreme} that the second caller was proposing to Bob and was "somewhat" agonizing over!
It seems that the entire immoral weight of candidate A and B is shifted to a couple of people with a moral compass, and they become the guilty, and accountable ones!
It is actually the responsibility and fault of the two candidates, the 99 people who did not vote for candidate C, and the democratic voting system itself!

I agree, jeremiah.

It appears that our Christian Leaders, including Dr. Dobson and Dr. Bates, have fallen for the idea that we Christians should compromise our beliefs in order to restrain the amount of evil that will be done by the elected officials.
This is wrong.

The argument about "throwing away" our votes appears to have been accepted by almost everyone.
Is the voter really throwing away a vote by voting for the candidate that most represents him or her? No.
In our political system, we have a bunch of liberals who will not compromise their views. We also have a bunch of conservatives who are willing to compromise their views, and the views of the people they represent, in order to maintain a majority. Every year the conservatives adopt more of the liberal beliefs. Today the conservative politicians have beliefs that are as liberal as any liberal politician from 50 years ago.
Politics operate like a teeter-totter. When the two sides are balanced, the kids can work together to work the teeter-totter, and both sides can have fun.
Today's politics has the liberals at the end of their side of the teeter-totter, telling the conservatives that they are too close to the other side and need to get closer to the middle of the teeter-totter in order to make it work. So, we have the conservative polititians in the middle of the teeter-totter, wondering why they are not able to make their side go down, even with the political majority they have now.

What we need in our Government is more extreme right-wing fanatic Christians in order to balance the extreme left-wing fanatic liberals, not more compromise with their beliefs. It is the compromising of our values that has left us with two parties in the United States, the extreme liberal Democratic party, with most of the power, and the moderately liberal Republican party, which wonders why it is powerless.

It is the Christian leaders who have demanded that we Christians compromise our values for political power, instead of holding our politicians responsible for maintaining morality in our country. They are the ones who have thrown away their votes, and have made my vote worthless.

In order to turn the government around, and get it on the right track, we voters need to send a message to our politicians. Stop compromising our values! We will split the votes for conservative politicians, preventing them from getting into office until you give us the politicians who will fight for our values. If the politicians do not hold our values, then they should lose. If the liberals gain from this, then maybe the conservative politicians will finally wake up.


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genuineoriginal said:
It appears that our Christian Leaders, including Dr. Dobson and Dr. Bates, have fallen for the idea that we Christians should compromise our beliefs in order to restrain the amount of evil that will be done by the elected officials.
Just to elaborate a bit.

I think this is a very big part of the problem. Most people I've spoken to about it say something like the following:

"Acording to the Bible, we are in the last days and things are gonna get worse and worse and there's really nothing you can do about that. The Holy Spirit lives in each believer and His job is to "restrain evil" so all you can really do is cooperate with the Holy Spirit and restrain evil to the best of your ability. If choosing between the best of two evils will accomplish restraining evil better than voting for the best guy (that will never win anyway so I'm throwing away my vote and evil will actually flurish) then that's what God would have me do."

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