Debate: Biden and Trump Showed America Who They Really Are. That’s a Win for Biden.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Yes, Joe Biden showed America who he really is, a liar:

Former Vice President Joe Biden proclaimed during Tuesday’s debate with President Trump that he doesn’t support the Green New Deal, but his environmental plan on his website calls it a “crucial framework” for fighting climate change.

“The Green New Deal is not my plan,” the Democratic presidential nominee said of the sweeping environmental proposal put forward by progressive Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.).

But his campaign page offers a different message on the $1.7 trillion, 10-year “Biden Plan for a Clean Energy Revolution and Environmental Justice.”

“Biden believes the Green New Deal is a crucial framework for meeting the climate challenges we face. It powerfully captures two basic truths, which are at the core of his plan: (1) the United States urgently needs to embrace greater ambition on an epic scale to meet the scope of this challenge, and (2) our environment and our economy are completely and totally connected,” the page says.

The Barbarian

Practically no one has even heard of that group but the group which supports Biden is the group who is rioting and looting in the streets of American cities, specifically " Antifa."

Ben Shapiro wrote:

"Biden simply cannot condemn antifa or BLM by name

BLM has been praised by law enforcement leaders for helping to report vandals and other right-wing terrorists.

Police announced on Monday that they believe undercover white supremacists led a group of rioters that cut down police tape over the weekend and rushed a police station, eventually setting a dump truck on fire outside the station. Richmond Police Chief Gerald Smith said he thinks the instigators were linked to the Boogaloo boys, a right-wing anarchist group that has ties to white supremacy. He also said that left-wing antifa protesters were involved in the violence.

"We have identified some individuals who have been seen with the Boogaloo boys and some antifa groups around the area," Smith said. "The majority of those individuals who were there last night were Caucasian."

Stoney thanked the Black Lives Matter protesters who remained peaceful and did not follow the lead of the instigators.

"As I began with, I want to send a thanks to the BLM protesters on the ground who decried the white supremacists once they were identified. I'm thankful to you for drawing the line and sticking up not just for the sanctity of your movement, but also the safety of your fellow Richmonders that you marched alongside as well," he said.

A group of protesters formed a human chain around a lone police officer after he got separated from his unit. Pictures from the protest show several black men linking their arms to shield the white officer from a hostile crowd in Louisville, Kentucky. The men stepped in after the officer was allegedly threatened by other protesters, and waited for his back-up to arrive.

‘VIOLENT INSTIGATORS’ ‘Boogaloo Boys’ race-war extremists arrested ‘with molotov cocktails and bomb supplies’ at George Floyd rally in Vegas

THREE men arrested at a George Floyd protest with Molotov cocktails have been accused of having bomb-making equipment, weapons and makeshift booby traps in their homes.
Prosecutors have said the men self-identified as part of the "Boogaloo Boys" movement - a loose internet based network linked to right-wing extremism.



Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame

More like Proud Boys, who are organized and clearly obey Trump's commands. American Sturmabteilung,

Yet it is not the "Proud Boys" that are burning down cities, assaulting police officers, & private citizens now is it? Antifa is nothing more than a bunch of beta male pansies that mob up to terrorize anyone that opposes their anarchist agenda, just as BLM is nothing more than a marxist front group that really couldn't give a rip about any black life except the the criminal element that get killed in the their criminal acts, so they can use it as a pretext for radical mob rioting ,looting, and violence. The only people you and Anna are kidding are yourselves. they are domestic terrorists...nothing more. Feel free to respond with the typical liberal socialist drivel to the contrary...nobody is listening especially not me, nor are the majority of Americans. You defend the indefensible just like your mentally deficient corrupt candidate in hiding.