Critical Race Theory exposed for the damaging lie that it is


Well-known member
There cannot be much worse a hate crime than was committed by these black gangstas. Kamala Harrist does not need to set up Go-fund me drives to bail these guys out of jail, Americans need to urge their lawmakers to stop the leftist nonsense and reinstate the death penalty and install an extremely short appeals process.



Well-known member
Enemies of civilization have always proposed evil policies that have often resulted in the brutal murder of millions of innocent people, and that is what CRT will deliver to America if not brought under control. Here is an excellent article explaining why critical race theory is so evil.

Some of the core tenets of the “woke” ideology spreading around the country mimic ideas used to justify many of the most horrendous atrocities of the past century, according to several experts.
A recently released documentary exploring the topic, called “Better Left Unsaid,” concludes that the self-identified “radical left” endorses four fundamental “truths” that they “hold to be self-evident,” noting that these tenets have also been used to justify and incite many of the worst massacres of the 20th century.