Creation vs. Evolution

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No. I simply do not believe in a deity, yours or anyone elses. Whether there was a historical Jesus or not does not matter to me.

Dear Jonahdog,

It is a bummer that you don't believe in Jesus as the Son of God. You could end up knowing it soon, or maybe never. I'm sorry for you, but sometimes there's just nothing more you can do. You don't believe in a Deity, because you don't want to have to follow any rules. Right? You don't like having someone tell you something you are doing is wrong and that you will suffer for doing it. Am I right?? That is common among atheists. Very interesting.

Thanks to patrick jane have we got this far!!

God Does Exist, And His Son, Jesus,

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I have, cover to cover. It was written for people who lived 2000+ years ago. We've learned a lot since then.

Dear Jonahdog,

If you read that much of it, then I guess you're picking your own fate. It may be information that is 2,000 years old, but it's more reliable than the 150-year-old science that you believe in! Do you get it? You could also just say that Darwin is only a character in a book. I'd rather trust in Jesus than Darwin. You are really confused and you don't know it.

May God Change Your Mind Soon,


:angel: :cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9: :angel:


Dear alwight,

Hey Alan!! How're you doing these days??! I sure hope you are okay and that everything is well with you lately. Miss hearing from you. I guess you are not posting or reading on threads at TOL. Well, we wrote a few posts in the Birthday thread and also here, and in your email. Please let us know how you are. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Warmest Regards & Cheerio!!



Michael, please save your "You'll be sorry" words for someone else. I'll take my chances with real life, not imaginary beings.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
I make no pretense to belief in the Bible as a sacred text, yet I (and I suspect you and several others who are not actually Christian) exemplify a "Christian life" more than Stipe ever has.

You have no idea what it is to be a Christian; if you did, you wouldn't tie it to a set of rules.


New member
You have no idea what it is to be a Christian; if you did, you wouldn't tie it to a set of rules.
It is pretty obvious why you would want to divorce being a Christian from any meaningful code of conduct. Your long and ugly history of TOL posts laced with mockery, lies, and deception would fail almost any test of the type of conduct usually envisioned for someone who claims to be a good Christian. Though many of us who make no claims to believing in the tenets of Christianity have been irritated by your singularly offensive lack of morals in your conduct at TOL, yet in reality that very conduct on your part is a premier testament as to how ineffectual claims of being a Christian can be in guiding one’s life. A sincere person who wants to see what a Christian does instead of what the Christian says will see, in your case, the sordid underbelly of belief that has turned many against your ineffectual dogma. We who are not in your community of faith thank you for leaving such a cancerous trail of postings and making our point.

I am really not surprised that you have so vehemently disparaged Cadry for a history of homosexual behavior and alleged drug use, but now you distance yourself from needing to abstain from such rules of conduct. Might this be a tacit admission that you yourself have a history of similar conduct, with its attendant memories of seedy hotels stays in the embrace of your same-sex lovers? Have you had to make the choice between paying for an abortion or facing a paternity test and child support? And I will keep in mind that you spit on those rules of conduct that supposedly were personally authored by God – the Ten Commandments. For you, your worship of pagan Gods is fine, as is seducing your attractive neighbor, or stealing from them.

Again, I appreciate your clarification that you don’t want us to expect you to actually act in a moral or respectful way. In other words, expect no change in your conduct.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
It is pretty obvious why you would want to divorce being a Christian from any meaningful code of conduct. Your long and ugly history of TOL posts laced with mockery, lies, and deception would fail almost any test of the type of conduct usually envisioned for someone who claims to be a good Christian. Though many of us who make no claims to believing in the tenets of Christianity have been irritated by your singularly offensive lack of morals in your conduct at TOL, yet in reality that very conduct on your part is a premier testament as to how ineffectual claims of being a Christian can be in guiding one’s life. A sincere person who wants to see what a Christian does instead of what the Christian says will see, in your case, the sordid underbelly of belief that has turned many against your ineffectual dogma. We who are not in your community of faith thank you for leaving such a cancerous trail of postings and making our point.

I am really not surprised that you have so vehemently disparaged Cadry for a history of homosexual behavior and alleged drug use, but now you distance yourself from needing to abstain from such rules of conduct. Might this be a tacit admission that you yourself have a history of similar conduct, with its attendant memories of seedy hotels stays in the embrace of your same-sex lovers? Have you had to make the choice between paying for an abortion or facing a paternity test and child support? And I will keep in mind that you spit on those rules of conduct that supposedly were personally authored by God – the Ten Commandments. For you, your worship of pagan Gods is fine, as is seducing your attractive neighbor, or stealing from them.

Again, I appreciate your clarification that you don’t want us to expect you to actually act in a moral or respectful way. In other words, expect no change in your conduct.

You have no idea what it means to be a Christian.


New member
Darwinists love getting everything wrong and then declaring victory.

The only thing you have demonstrated is that you have no understanding of what it means to be a Christian.
I am perfectly content that anyone who carefully reads this exchange can decide for themselves if your personal conduct is something they feel has a bearing on your credibility.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
I am perfectly content that anyone who carefully reads this exchange can decide for themselves if your personal conduct is something they feel has a bearing on your credibility.

Nobody cares.

You have demonstrated that you have no understanding of what Christianity is.


New member
L.M. Stipe's license for licentiousness

L.M. Stipe's license for licentiousness

Nobody cares.

You have demonstrated that you have no understanding of what Christianity is.
Of course, L.M. Stipe, I understand that your keen enjoyment at being the south-end of a north-bound horse means you need to define Christianity in a way that allows you to wallow in your sordid lifestyle. And though you would dearly like to be the authority on what it takes to be a Christian, in fact I know of a lot of people who do watch how so-called Christians act. Your Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde stance means you can berate Cadry for his lifestyle, but feel no need to be restrained in your own indulgences in vice. And I mistakenly thought the Ten Commandments had meaning for how you should conduct yourself, but you say not. How many call-girls (and/or guys) have you used the services of?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Of course, L.M. Stipe, I understand that your keen enjoyment at being the south-end of a north-bound horse means you need to define Christianity in a way that allows you to wallow in your sordid lifestyle. And though you would dearly like to be the authority on what it takes to be a Christian, in fact I know of a lot of people who do watch how so-called Christians act. Your Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde stance means you can berate Cadry for his lifestyle, but feel no need to be restrained in your own indulgences in vice. And I mistakenly thought the Ten Commandments had meaning for how you should conduct yourself, but you say not. How many call-girls (and/or guys) have you used the services of?
Luckily, I don't define what it means to be a Christian; that can be found in the Bible.

And we know why you're desperate to disparage me; you've got nothing when it comes to a sensible discussion.
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