Creation vs. Evolution

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Perhaps you have missed it, but I have often admitted I am 100% are are most evolutionists. I think in our short chat here, I stated that my starting position is that God's Word is absolute truth.
I have not been under any illusions as to your devotion to your faith. But I may have been under the incorrect illusion that our discussion was an exercise to see if one specific claim made by YECs was in fact supported by science.

I am getting the uncomfortable feeling that you are declaring your stance as non-negotiable as the only ploy left to you to avoid the train wreck you saw coming. In my last post I posed a question as to whether you would follow if the evidence led in ways you might not like. You left the question unanswered where it was asked, but I assume your above declaration encapsulates the answer - no, you will stick to dogma over facts.

I am not sure where to go from here. There is an idea I have seen proposed that seems to fit here. If someone enters a conversation with a non-negotiable declaration that they will not change their mind, then effectively the conversation is a joke. There is no honest exchange of ideas, any more than if that person were just a tape recorder mindlessly spouting the person’s non-negotiable beliefs. The tape recorder gets its message out, but is impervious to anything said back to it.

I could, as I have seen some do, simply say “Thanks, bye, no use wasting my time with someone who has no intention of honestly evaluating what is said.” But I know there is a crack in that armor - one that I personally found. For a good many years I was deeply immersed in church, serving in a number of positions, teaching, missionary work, etc. Like you, I expressed an unshakeable belief that I was right, on hundreds of occasions. Until … until … after many years … one person whispered to me. That person was … me. Little questions, little bothersome things I had seen and heard and read and encountered – each had been neatly wrapped in an insulating blanket of faith and stored deep in my mind.

But a small incident set me to thinking, asking myself where was the truth in hiding things that need to be insulated. When I finally dared ask myself that question head on, I realized that hiding from things that make me uncomfortable was itself a form of deceit. So I very methodically unwrapped each thing I had safely stored in my mind and examined them. Some I realized were insignificant. Some involved wisdom or knowledge I did not have, and so I could not pass judgment on. But a fair number of them were perfectly clear.

If you have been to an unusually spiritual baptism, or seen something that left a deep and lasting impression on you, then you have felt much as I did that day. No sinner coming cleansed out of the waters of baptism felt more than I did that day. But my feelings were engendered by the realization that for decades I had been believing what I wanted to believe, not what really was.

Anyway, to get back to the situation we find ourselves in. Several times you have put forth lists of areas of science that you claim support YEC. Based on the evidence our C-14 discussion has produced, it would be more truthful to assert that starting with YEC versions of science, then the support for YEC is forthcoming.

I am committed to defending something cold and impersonal – real science. When I see the claim that “science” (with no qualifiers to show it is not mainstream science) supports a young earth, then I feel almost like science is being kidnapped and pimped out. And I object. So if you say science supports your YEC ideas, I am going to be much freer in challenging that head-on.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Barbarian, regarding creationist beliefs about C-14 on this board:The most recent one that intrigues me is the belief that the accumulation of C-14 in biomass declined during "The Flood." But that's a completely foolish notion, since oceans actually do more photosynthesis than the land.There's the idea that if there's vanishingly small amounts of C-14, below the accuracy of the analysis, that means the age is 40,000 years (or whatever the current sensitivity is)There's the idea that there's no way to calibrate variations in production of C-14 over the years.But, as in the case of other things, YE beliefs about C-14 are all over the map, and most of you guys disagree about the specifics. For example, do you honestly think the oceans stopped photosynthesis during a floodIf so, I'd very much like to hear how you got that. Or when you guys get your beliefs organized, give us a statement of what they are.Sorry, you're wrong; all of those have been expressed by creationists here.All that, and more. Or are you doing the royal "we" today?That thing about C-14 being interrupted by a flood is pretty weird.Could you link me to the stuff you think is right instead of me guessing which ones you believe and which ones you don't?
That you will not answer a simple question shows again how utterly determined you are to avoid rational discussion.

When you've picked one out of "six days" and "billions of years," you might be able to join the debate.

The Barbarian

Barbarian suggests:
That thing about C-14 being interrupted by a flood is pretty weird.

Could you link me to the stuff you think is right instead of me guessing which ones you believe and which ones you don't?

Stipe dodges:
That you will not answer a simple question shows again how utterly determined you are to avoid rational discussion.

So, as usual, Stipe isn't about to clearly set out his beliefs on C-14. For reasons we all understand.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Barbarian suggests:That thing about C-14 being interrupted by a flood is pretty weird.Could you link me to the stuff you think is right instead of me guessing which ones you believe and which ones you don't?Stipe dodges:So, as usual, Stipe isn't about to clearly set out his beliefs on C-14. For reasons we all understand.


Meanwhile, you remain utterly unable to engage rationally or honestly.

The Bible says "six days." You say: "Billions of years." Pick one of those contradictory stances and we can advance this. :thumb:


New member
Evolutionists claimed our appendix was useless, therefore it was a biological leftover...evidence of common ancestry.

Creationists suggested a couple possible explanations that fit the Biblical account.

It was suggested that science may not yet have discovered the purpose of our appendix. (This proved to be correct as it does serve important purpose).
6days, I have an old wooden workbench that is attached to a wall. I have a little problem with it, inasmuch as whoever installed it left about a 1/8 inch gap between it and the wall. Washers, coins, and other thin items have a tendency to slip into that gap, and they drop down about an inch till they hit a board sticking out from the wall. But thankfully, my dad passed on to me a tool that had been designed for getting the coins and washers out of narrow places like that. It has a handle with a few-inches-long narrow piece of metal, and the end of the narrow metal attachment has a tiny right-angle bend in it. All you have to do is slide it down next to the recalcitrant washer, slide it so the bent part hooks under the washer, and carefully pull the whole shebang up. Simple yet effective, showing some smarts on the part of the person who designed it.

But, and this is the really irritating part – I had a fellow come over a month or so ago to help me with a project, and, right on schedule – the only washer that would fit on one of the bolts managed to roll right to the back of the workbench, and plop – dropped out of sight. Had I not had my handy-dandy tool, I would have been really mad. But I simply opened the drawer where I keep my collection of special tools, took out the tool, and in 20 seconds all was right in the world once more.

My buddy was a bit surprised, and asked to see what that doohickey was I had fished the washer out with. I showed him, and told him how glad I was for having a well-designed tool for that job. He examined it, and scrunched up his face a bit, and said” You are serious?” Me: “Serious. Serious? My gosh, the evidence is right in front of your face. You’ve got the tool, and you just saw how effectively it did that job. Isn’t that pretty clear proof that someone did a really good job of design and manufacture here?” My buddy: “Uh, uh, mmm, you do realize don’t you, that your tool is just a butter knife that probably got dropped so its end got bent a little? I’ve got 2 just like it in my kitchen, and the local grocery store has them for less than a buck.”

Some things I will tolerate. But not someone mocking what is so clearly good design. Butter knife indeed. I politely but firmly told him that I really wasn’t inclined to help unbelieving heathens like him with projects, and he was invited to leave. No problems since then, since I have used it often since that day, confirming what he would not see – the brilliance of that particular design. I do make a point of not shopping at the grocery store he mentioned. Naw, even businesses can be agents of deceit, and try to usurp credit for the work of others who actually do the design. Avoid the very appearance of doubt, that is the only sure way.

The Barbarian

Barbarian suggests:
Could you link me to the stuff you think is right instead of me guessing which ones you believe and which ones you don't?

Stipe dodges:
That you will not answer a simple question shows again how utterly determined you are to avoid rational discussion.

Barbarian notes the evasion:
So, as usual, Stipe isn't about to clearly set out his beliefs on C-14. For reasons we all understand.

Stipe evades again:
Meanwhile, you remain utterly unable to engage rationally or honestly.

We all get it. You don't want to put your beliefs out here for discussion, because you've figured out that they don't match up with reality very well. So you aren't about to come clean about them.

Fine with me. Do you not see what it says to people about your integrity?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Barbarian suggests:Could you link me to the stuff you think is right instead of me guessing which ones you believe and which ones you don't?Stipe dodges:Barbarian notes the evasion:So, as usual, Stipe isn't about to clearly set out his beliefs on C-14. For reasons we all understand.Stipe evades again:We all get it. You don't want to put your beliefs out here for discussion, because you've figured out that they don't match up with reality very well. So you aren't about to come clean about them. Fine with me. Do you not see what it says to people about your integrity?

Meanwhile, you refuse to answer simple questions and hold an anti-Bible view that you declare is compatible with scripture; kinda like saying black is white.

When you've decided to pick a side, maybe you can be part of a rational discussion.

The Barbarian

Barbarian regarding Stipe's refusal to answer what his beliefs are about C-14:
We all get it. You don't want to put your beliefs out here for discussion, because you've figured out that they don't match up with reality very well. So you aren't about to come clean about them. Fine with me. Do you not see what it says to people about your integrity?

Meanwhile, you refuse to answer simple questions

The question you asked is "what do we believe" and the answer is "a great variety of things." I pointed out many of the beliefs creationists have about C-14, but you refused to tell me which ones you believe and which ones you do not.

and hold an anti-Bible view

I don't think you believe you are anti-Bible. You just want to make a few adjustments to fit your needs.

kinda like saying black is white.

I think in a lot of ways, you've convinced yourself, it's not really changing things.

When you've decided to tell us what it is you actually believe or don't believe about C-14, then we can have a rational discussion. Apparently, that will be about the time they throw sand on the streets of Hell.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Barbarian regarding Stipe's refusal to answer what his beliefs are about C-14:We all get it. You don't want to put your beliefs out here for discussion, because you've figured out that they don't match up with reality very well. So you aren't about to come clean about them. Fine with me. Do you not see what it says to people about your integrity?The question you asked is "what do we believe" and the answer is "a great variety of things." I pointed out many of the beliefs creationists have about C-14, but you refused to tell me which ones you believe and which ones you do not.I don't think you believe you are anti-Bible. You just want to make a few adjustments to fit your needs.I think in a lot of ways, you've convinced yourself, it's not really changing things.When you've decided to tell us what it is you actually believe or don't believe about C-14, then we can have a rational discussion. Apparently, that will be about the time they throw sand on the streets of Hell.

But you say "billions of years," while the Bible contradicts you with "six days."


Patrickjane and I would like to hear it!

I'll bet you would. You'll have to wait awhile and find out with everyone else. You couldn't even fathom it now. Your brain might blow a fuse. And it won't be very long that you will find out. But you can't bear/handle that either.



New member
DavisBJ said:
6days said:
Evolutionists claimed our appendix was useless, therefore it was a biological leftover...evidence of common ancestry.

Creationists suggested a couple possible explanations that fit the Biblical account.

It was suggested that science may not yet have discovered the purpose of our appendix. (This proved to be correct as it does serve important purpose).

6days, I have an old wooden workbench that is ...... Butter knife indeed.........
As I said... "But both creationists and evolutionists interpret origins evidence according to their biased starting point. (As they did, and still do with the appendix)"

Notice though that science over and over again shows the creationist predictions correct, and the evolutionary assumptions false. (as with the appendix... It is not a useless biological remnant)

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
As I said... "But both creationists and evolutionists interpret origins evidence according to their biased starting point. (As they did, and still do with the appendix)"

Notice though that science over and over again shows the creationist predictions correct, and the evolutionary assumptions false. (as with the appendix... It is not a useless biological remnant)

Er, no. The theory of evolution came about through scientific research, not as an actual starting point so there was no bias in play to begin with. The same goes for an old earth. The reason why these are established theories is because of the plethora of evidence to support them.

Creationism begins with a pre-set conclusion, not actual science. Evolution was never a 'starting point' for science and it's disingenuous to say otherwise. It's a conclusion drawn from methodological processes that science employs. I believe Barbarian has addressed you in regards to the appendix several times already.


New member
... Notice though that science over and over again shows the creationist predictions correct, and the evolutionary assumptions false ...
We just went this route with the C-14 question, only to find your use of the word "science" was actually a just a prostituted version of the way real science is done. You yourself flatly said there was no room in your beliefs to consider any version of science that did otherwise. I can again post the exact words you and R. H. Brown used to show you depended on initial values that were guaranteed to give the answers you said are the only answers you would accept. You are too scared of unfettered science to dare let it lead to the answer.

I now have several more papers by R. H. Brown on the subject, as well as several papers he referenced, including the original paper on tree-ring dating that he mentions. Want to look at them and see if he is any more honest than he has been so far in the way he does YEC so-called “””science”””?


New member
Creationism begins with a pre-set conclusion, not actual science.
Likewise, evolutionism (Common ancestry beliefs) begins with a pre-set conclusion, not actual science.

Atheists in particular are locked into their pre-set conclusions. They absolutely MUST believe in millions of years not matter how contrary the evidence is to their beliefs. They MUST believe that life originated from non life, even though science suggests its impossible. And atheists MUST believe that the Bible can't be trusted.

Evolution was never a 'starting point' for science and it's disingenuous to say otherwise. It's a conclusion drawn from methodological processes that science employs. I believe Barbarian has addressed you in regards to the appendix several times already.
Likewise Intelligent Design is drawn from methological processes that science employs.
Re. the appendix and Barbarian..... He believes in stuff they taught about 40 years ago. Our appendix is not "useless" as many evolutionists claimed. It has design, purpose and function.


New member
Atheists in particular are locked into their pre-set conclusions. They absolutely MUST believe in millions of years not matter how contrary the evidence is to their beliefs.
You rank on the atheists, but you say nary a word about the thousands of faithful Christians and followers of other faiths who see that science shows millions of years. Why do you not speak of them?


New member
Likewise, evolutionism (Common ancestry beliefs) begins with a pre-set conclusion, not actual science.
… Likewise Intelligent Design is drawn from methological processes that science employs.
In your using the word “science” is it any different than the goofy YEC-tailored meaning of “science” that you said you were unalterably wedded to in the C-14 discussion?
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