Columbine Dad to Speak at OSA

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Columbine Dad to Speak at OSA

Wednesday July 13th, 2005. This is show # 137.

[The liberal media] use the word "terrorists" to describe pro-lifers and they won't use the word "terrorists" to describe the men who bombed the trains in London. They save that word for pro-lifers. That's pretty much the only acceptable use, which is pretty despicable, but that shows where the hatred is and there's a tendency to be nice to Islamic extremist terrorists but utterly condemning of Christians who are trying to save unborn children. In fact, the way many in the country think, we're the ones who are the real enemy.


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[The liberal media]

apparently there is no liberal media any more, and from what I have heard in the News in Canada some multi billionair in the good old U. S. of A. has set his mind to hire a team of people who take any liberal view presented in the news media - and set out to discourage that type of "repoerting". I myself am a liberal ethical humanist - one who believes and trusts in God - and I have seen so many media protray that 'death' of the human species is nothing to be alarmed about - and they seem to be winning in the quest to control what we read and how we are informed of what is happening.

So anyways - the point - well it just is that the small percent of the liberal view - as you phrase it - is just a report of the radical element in liberalism and does not represent the "whole" - in fact it discredits the liberal ethics in general - is that what you are trying to do?

With Christ's Love



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servent101 said:
So anyways - the point - well it just is that the small percent of the liberal view - as you phrase it - is just a report of the radical element in liberalism and does not represent the "whole" - in fact it discredits the liberal ethics in general - is that what you are trying to do?
Am I trying to discredit liberal (ie. socialist) ethics? Yep. Every chance I get.
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