Christian convictions? JAIL.. Breach US security: PRESIDENT


New member
interesting how the elites get away with just about anything.. Lois Lerner, Eric Holder

Hillary Clinton ADMITTED she deleted government files, jeopardized/compromised US security (doing federal business on a personal server). She admitted this.. yet... no calls for an indictment (except from certain conservatives but who listens to them?)...

her campaign just keeps rolling along... as if she has done nothing wrong

Poor Kim Davis... (sigh)... She should have known

She is just a nobody (Didn't you know that, Kim?)... Nobodies have no rights if they defy the PC-ers, the perverts, etc..

The president, well, he's the president. He can go against all the laws he wants... write out "executive orders" to defy this US law or that US law that he doesn't like... (and he doesn't like most of them, apparently)

and like Hellary's campaign, his presidency nonetheless keeps rolling along...

The little people...

Well, we just have to suck it up... have to realize that

Some are more important than others..

So much for "All men are created equal,"




New member
I just found out that in some courthouse (don't know where), a clerk issued licenses to same sex couples BEFORE the Sup Ct ruled as they (5 of them) did

But no one cried foul on that one...

this man was not put in jail for violating the law...

But Christians...

why, that's a different story, Folks..



New member
Hall of Fame
I wonder where all these people were that are screaming she needs to be in jail for breaking the law, when clerks were violating the law and issuing licensees to gays when they were not legal?

Why not cry for them to be in jail for not following the law?