Cell Trends


New member
bob b said:
To claim that this miniature factory evolved into higher plants is like claiming a Palm Pilot evolved into an Internet Server.
I was not aware Palm Pilots can reproduce with modification. I'll keep a closer eye on mine fron now on. Don't want it to get a reputation of being a tramp around the office...


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
SUTG said:
I stopped reading after the phrase "what little credibility the theory of evolution has left."
thats because your faith is in evolution to answer any logical interpretations of the evidence presented.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
SUTG said:
Something tells me you have no idea what the Theory of Evolution is.
something tells me that no matter what i propose you will laugh at..


New member
bob b said:
I sympathize because everything prior to the appearance of multicell creature fossils seems to be missing (cells do not seem to fossilize very well, except in dinosaur bones where they don't seem to even deteriorate). :D
I'm curious, bob, would you say your cells are in the same condition (with respect to deterioration) as the "cells found in" dinosaur bones? I believe a number of folks have pointed out that intact cells, much less nondeteriorated cells, have not been reported from dinosaur bones, and yet you make this claim every chance you get ...

bob b

Science Lover
Hall of Fame
stipe said:
i know what youre saying and i wish youd just come out and say it ...

we evolved the ability to form optical links from our eyes to our brains before we evlved eyes ... thats what youre saying isnt it?


Curses, foiled again. :chuckle:


New member
mighty_duck said:
I was not aware Palm Pilots can reproduce with modification. I'll keep a closer eye on mine fron now on. Don't want it to get a reputation of being a tramp around the office...
So is it just me, or does the whole argument ultimately boil down to "Living objects - nonliving objects = Genesis"? That is, living things have properties that nonliving things do not, and the only possible explanation for these differences is Godly intervention (the literal, inerrant Genesis version). And the differences themselves are taken as proof of the equation!

bob b

Science Lover
Hall of Fame
Biological Motor Caught on Film 04/18/2001
The Japanese have succeeded in capturing images of ATP Synthase, the world’s tiniest motor, according to Nature Science Update. This incredibly small proton motor rotates at thousands of RPM and cranks out ATP molecules, the energy currency for all living things. Your body has uncounted trillions of these motors spinning right now, providing the energy for every heartbeat, muscle contraction and chemical process. The Japanese images of the motors show unprecedented detail and, for the first time, actually show the little motor turning. “We couldn’t ever build a motor that small - but nature has,” remarks one scientist. On April 24, Science reported on this story with a picture of how they photographed one of nature’s most “splendid machines.”

Notice how the article shows no hesitancy in calling the molecular assemblage a motor. How are motors made? By throwing parts together at random and hoping they work as a unit? Incomprehensible how anyone can believe that, yet that is the current naturalistic myth. On the contrary! ATP synthase is one of the exquisite marvels of life, essential to all living things, wonderfully complex and DESIGNED for a purpose. Biochemistry is making Darwinism increasingly untenable. ATP synthase is just one more fantastic example of irreducible complexity to use in making the case for creation.

Cool! You’ve got to see this incredible animation of ATP synthase in action! German scientists have made a computer-generated model of how it works. Watch the model rotate in slo-mo and snap the ATP molecules together. Look at all the precise parts functioning like a finely-crafted machine, then realize these motors spin at about 6000 RPM!. Click on “Rotary ATP Synthase” and watch if your browser supports MOV format, or download it and play it with QuickTime. (Warning; the 6mb file takes over 30 minutes to download at 56kb.) Many more illustrations of ATP synthase are provided at this site and others indicated in our main story above.


New member
bob b said:
How are motors made? By throwing parts together at random and hoping they work as a unit?

More scientific ignorance.

ATP synthase is just one more fantastic example of irreducible complexity to use in making the case for creation.

bob, a bad argument repeated 50 times does not become a good argument.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
SUTG said:
Not true. At least not necessarily true.
evolution is change.

evolution by mutation and natural selection is a crock.

theres my definition(s) .. feel free to laugh .. im trying to be funny ...


New member
stipe said:
evolution is change.

evolution by mutation and natural selection is a crock.

theres my definition(s) .. feel free to laugh .. im trying to be funny ...

Well, this does make me laugh so, in that sense you've achieved your aim.

This essentially substitutes to "change by natural selection is a crock". It has to be really tough to believe that in this day and age.

You do believe in change by artifical selection, I hope?


New member
SUTG said:
More scientific ignorance.

bob, a bad argument repeated 50 times does not become a good argument.
No, but it does get us suckers to keep intellectually bankrupt threads alive!


New member
SUTG said:
I can do "maths". What "maths" problem do you want to solve?
I think "maths" is a Commonwealth term. At least that's what they called it in Australia when I lived there (of course, they also called mosquitos "mozzies," coffee breaks "smokos," and you don't want to know what they meant by "fanny packs"!).

bob b

Science Lover
Hall of Fame
Did Crystal Power Make Proteins Southpaws? 05/01/2001
NASA astrobiologists have published a paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on experimental evidence that calcite crystals and other minerals might selectively concentrate left- and right-handed amino acids (click here for summaries in Scientific American or Nature. NASA’s Astrobiology Site also has a lay-audience version of the story.) All living organisms incorporate only left-handed amino acids into their protein chains; the choice of left or right appears to be arbitrary, but life depends on 100% of one hand or the other. In these experiments, the team achieved yields of just under 10% preference for one hand. This is significant for origin of life scenarios, the paper concludes, because minerals could have not only concentrated one hand over the other but also arranged them into chains.

Another weak, weak attempt to explain the mystery of the left-handed proteins. This “what-if maybe perhaps” scenario doesn’t come close to jumping over this major hurdle to abiogenesis. Only 100% yield will produce peptide chains with any useful enzymatic activity. Also, amino acids do not naturally join together, even if adjacent; it requires energy to link them into polypeptide chains. Thirdly, only some of the simplest amino acids (aspartic acid, alanine) showed the slight selectivity; others did not. Fourthly, their theory requires wet-and-dry cycles, presumably on land or near the surface, where ingredients would be scarce and deadly UV radiation would be lethal - and it also contradicts other evolutionists’ beliefs that life arose near deep sea vents. Lastly, and most important, this has nothing to do with the major problem, the origin of information. As Phillip Johnson says, evolutionists always like to talk about the origin of the chemicals; when you force them to talk about the origin of information, that’s their downfall.


New member
So, do you guys believe in the whole Noah's ark story? How did that work again? Two of every species on the ark?


New member
bob b said:
Did Crystal Power Make Proteins Southpaws? 05/01/2001
NASA astrobiologists have published a paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on experimental evidence that calcite crystals and other minerals might selectively concentrate left- and right-handed amino acids (click here for summaries in Scientific American or Nature. NASA’s Astrobiology Site also has a lay-audience version of the story.) All living organisms incorporate only left-handed amino acids into their protein chains; the choice of left or right appears to be arbitrary, but life depends on 100% of one hand or the other. In these experiments, the team achieved yields of just under 10% preference for one hand. This is significant for origin of life scenarios, the paper concludes, because minerals could have not only concentrated one hand over the other but also arranged them into chains.

Another weak, weak attempt to explain the mystery of the left-handed proteins. This “what-if maybe perhaps” scenario doesn’t come close to jumping over this major hurdle to abiogenesis. Only 100% yield will produce peptide chains with any useful enzymatic activity. Also, amino acids do not naturally join together, even if adjacent; it requires energy to link them into polypeptide chains. Thirdly, only some of the simplest amino acids (aspartic acid, alanine) showed the slight selectivity; others did not. Fourthly, their theory requires wet-and-dry cycles, presumably on land or near the surface, where ingredients would be scarce and deadly UV radiation would be lethal - and it also contradicts other evolutionists’ beliefs that life arose near deep sea vents. Lastly, and most important, this has nothing to do with the major problem, the origin of information. As Phillip Johnson says, evolutionists always like to talk about the origin of the chemicals; when you force them to talk about the origin of information, that’s their downfall.
News flash: Scientists foist "piece of the puzzle" fallacy onto unsuspecting public!

Experiment that doesn't explain it all: why did they bother?


SUTG said:
bob, a bad argument repeated 50 times does not become a good argument.
Actually, what he stated:
ATP synthase is one of the exquisite marvels of life, essential to all living things, wonderfully complex and DESIGNED for a purpose.
is untrue. It's not even a bad argument, it's false. Bob B is showing us that he really knows very little to nothing of what he's posting!