Calvinists in Training

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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I have yet to meet an actual historic Arminian as described and condemned at Dordt. The teachings of Arminius were modified along the way such that today's "Arminian" is nothing like that described in the time of Dordt.

Instead, these average "Arminian" folks are quick to claim they are saved by faith alone, by grace alone. I believe them and do not consign them to eternal damnation, for who can know the heart of another but God? Sadly, most just stop thinking very much about the matter beyond that. In other words, if a true Arminian were to consistently hold to his Arminianism, then he would believe that man contributes to his salvation. However, not everyone who claims to be an Arminian consistently holds in the depths of their heart to Arminianism. If we could peek in at their prayers you would likely find them praying very much like a Calvinist prays. They are just not very consistent folks.

The average Arminian is but a "Calvinist in Training." Would not many of us be found in that camp before we embraced the doctrines of grace? Average Arminians are very confused Arminians with a heterodox understanding of the faith that has a very real tendency of leading them into real heresy. Why? The logical implications of any arminian/semi-palegian doctrine is "works-based salvation". If you can get the average Arminian to admit that they are born fallen in Adam and they are contributing even a teeny, tiny bit to their salvation by their "free-will", that might open the door to their studying more about what exactly this brand of Arminianism is that they claim. When and if they do, they will see rank semi-Pelagianism at best, full blown Pelagianism at worst, is actually what they have been embracing.

What worries me is when encountering the one who has had many of his misunderstandings explained time and again, yet the fellow becomes so enraged so as to exclaim "If that is the God of the Bible you worship, I would rather be in Hell" or "I could never worship the God you describe" and so on. For me, this is an attitude coming dangerously close, and perhaps passing into the sin that cannot be forgiven, meaning the claimed faith of these folks should be questioned.
