Bring it On - Capitalism and Prosperity v. Socialism and Poverty

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Yesterday Rush Limbaugh said:
"conservatism, which has created the last three years of an economic boom. The American public has expressed satisfaction at record highs. The direction the country’s going: Record high. Trump’s approval numbers: Record high. So we’ve got that, and what are the Democrats gonna throw against it? Socialism and communism? I say, “Bring it on!” Let’s finally have this side-by-side choice, and let’s let the American people — once and for all — send socialism and communism to the ash heap in America."

He is right. What a contest. The choice is simple and lets get it on the record: Liberty, freedom, prosperity and capitalism, or government control of your life under the failed system of socialism which has only brought death and misery to the world.

He goes on:

Now, the Democrats know this. Do they want to lose with somebody who is their future? Who is in their future in this list of nominees? Buttigieg would be one who’s their future. I don’t know, Fauxcahontas maybe, but she’s not demoing she can — (interruption) What? (interruption) Well, no. But she’s done now. She’s done now. But age-wise she’s not finished. But Plugs is not the future. Crazy Bernie isn’t the future.

So why not, if you’re gonna lose, lose with one of them. There was a time they thought they could win with Biden when they were delusional about their belief that half the country or more hated Trump. Now, there are some in the party who think they can win with socialism and communism. And that’s why _ haven’t mentioned Bloomberg yet. Bloomberg is of the belief that Democrat Party is finished if Crazy Bernie’s the nominee. But we’re getting to a point where Bloomberg can’t stop it if he spent all $60 billion of his money because it’s about delegates, and he doesn’t have any, and Crazy Bernie’s gonna have insurmountable lead of them after Super Tuesday.

So I still think that the battle within the Democrat Party is gonna be between people who think socialism and communism can win. And in that group you’re gonna have people that think that that means free education, no student loans, free Starbucks, whatever else they want, free homes, and they’re gonna vote for Crazy Bernie.

But I think something isn’t gonna change. Turnout among the Millennial and younger demographics is gonna be low, as it always is despite the hopes and dreams of the Drive-By Media every election. They say the young are gonna put the Democrats over the top, and it never happens because the turnout never matches expectations. And it’s running true to form in their primaries. The young are not showing up here in these primaries. More people are showing up to vote for Trump in uncontested primaries than are showing up in these Democrat races.

Now, there was record turnout for Crazy Bernie in Nevada. But that’s because they saw what happened in New Hampshire and Iowa. But this looming contrast, there are some — in fact, there’s a piece today in American Greatness, actually it ran yesterday. It’s by Eric Lendrum, and his column is, the headline: “The showdown between Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders increasingly seems likely. But the truth is it was always inevitable.”

What he means is that at some point in this country we’re gonna have a choice: socialism, communism, or freedom. And it may be that that choice is this year. The question becomes, or remains, what percentage of Democrat power brokers want socialism and communism to lose because they don’t want their party branded as such. Not that they want socialism and communism to lose because they are rejected on substance. Because that is the Democrat Party.

The problem they’ve got is that they can say all day long that Bernie’s an outlier and that Bernie’s gonna destroy the party, but Bernie is their party. Bernie is. His policies are indistinguishable. “Well, wait a minute, Rush. Crazy Bernie’s for Medicare for All.” Yep. So is Elizabeth Warren. You had two Democrats that want to take away private health insurance, 150 million Americans get their health insurance at work, and they like it. Both Bernie Sanders and Fauxcahontas want to take that away from you.


Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Democratic Socialism is Still Socialism

What is democratic socialism? What makes it different than regular socialism? Has it been tried? Could it work in the United States? Comedian and political commentator Steven Crowder, host of Louder With Crowder, explains.



Bring it On - Capitalism and Prosperity v. Socialism and Poverty

Neither Donald Trump nor Bernie Sanders would have made significant inroads into the political system if capitalism in America was alive and well, fulfilling the hopes and aspirations of the majority its citizens!

The clock is ticking and unless government(s) start addressing the current pressing needs of millions of Americans, starting with healthcare, things could start getting real ugly real fast!

After stripping federal health agencies of $15 billion in necessary funding, the Trump Administration has effectively forfeited its leadership role in combating coronavirus - what's the point of having the largest, best equipped military in the world or a wall along the entire southern border when the federal government lacks such basics as more than 75000 testing kits and 3 labs just to determine the scope of the problem in a nation numbering 330 million?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Bring it On - Capitalism and Prosperity v. Socialism and Poverty

Neither Donald Trump nor Bernie Sanders would have made significant inroads into the political system if capitalism in America was alive and well, fulfilling the hopes and aspirations of the majority its citizens!

The clock is ticking and unless government(s) start addressing the current pressing needs of millions of Americans, starting with healthcare, things could start getting real ugly real fast!

After stripping federal health agencies of $15 billion in necessary funding, the Trump Administration has effectively forfeited its leadership role in combating coronavirus - what's the point of having the largest, best equipped military in the world or a wall along the entire southern border when the federal government lacks such basics as more than 75000 testing kits and 3 labs just to determine the scope of the problem in a nation numbering 330 million?

Are you Canadian?

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Yesterday Rush Limbaugh said:
"conservatism, which has created the last three years of an economic boom. The American public has expressed satisfaction at record highs. The direction the country’s going: Record high. Trump’s approval numbers: Record high. So we’ve got that, and what are the Democrats gonna throw against it? Socialism and communism? I say, “Bring it on!” Let’s finally have this side-by-side choice, and let’s let the American people — once and for all — send socialism and communism to the ash heap in America."

He is right. What a contest. The choice is simple and lets get it on the record: Liberty, freedom, prosperity and capitalism, or government control of your life under the failed system of socialism which has only brought death and misery to the world.

He goes on:


It was brought on and it lost. And it lost to senile Biden at that. lol