Borat entraps Rudy

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I'm not. Correct. I simply posted scriptures. On the other, you accused but I'm not sure I did continue. I answered your post, thus 'kept right on going' didn't seem a fair assessment to me. Nevertheless, I do believe a Spiritual concern over these matters is no poor thing. I don't need to voice my concerns, just wanted to clarify what was the Spiritual problem that I saw. I saw Cohen come on and try to salvage some 'good' political point. :nono:
​​ He went far further by temptation, accusation, and delight in the sins. We need to be very careful not to be a part, not preaching, just voicing the needed talking point 1) in this thread and 2) as we look at the mean things one human does to another, enemy or not.

It is the nature of threads and discussion to answer a post. Either of us 'can' break the dialogue chain. The only thing you asked with a desist in preaching.

Perhaps "
qualifies for you? :idunno: Was there any preaching at you in this one:

If it convicted you, so be it, but there isn't a 'Anna, you shouldn't' or 'should' in it. There is a value, further expressed, on 'humor.' Regardless, you don't have the right to bully another person unopposed. Sorry, there can be no respect for that request. It just isn't right and there is no person on the planet, that can reserve that right unopposed. There is no 'leave me alone' if it causes another harm. That right simply does not exist whether you want it for a right or not.

Is it OK if I chuckle at the following?

"Jeffrey Toobin's career has petered out"


Well-known member
Nothing you said convicted me, don't let your ego get the best of you.
What I said, I was convicted of and it has naught to do with Ego but the commands to love God with all my heart and to love you and those in thread.

The spoiler are my scriptural convictions and pointed. You are welcome to exercise your own no meaning no.

No means no.
Your right doesn't exist to demand any such thing. Scripture talks of men who have and will plug their ears to ignore God. :nono: There is no such thing. God is heard and will be heard. It is why rebelliousness is a sin to God. Self-autonomy and gods of our own destiny is the sin of witchcraft (trying to do anything without God). Any demand to God that 'no means no' will not and cannot be respected. You are on a Christian website to boot. "No means no" to spiritual matters is just not going to be honored nor respected. It cannot be. It isn't any kind of right expectation and is not a fair one either.

If you're going push on when I've asked you not to, I'll put you on ignore.
Papa don't preach?
You are on a Christian website, Anna, and Madonna had no ground to ask her dad not to do anything. Such is rebellious and against the command to honor her parents. She chose not to do so. That is no excuse regardless of her dad's supposed 'ego' If you cannot see love and what is good for your soul in the effort here, I'm not the one to be blamed. It more than obviously looks like conviction and irritation for it. You can place whoever you want on ignore, nevertheless. Your 'No' just isn't any kind of genuine expectation, all you, and a desire much like Madonna's to get whatever she wants on her own self-centered terms. It isn't a righteous indignation or righteous expectation from you. It is an act of willfulness against one's Creator. You've come to despise a good many of us on TOL, but my intent was NOT to return evil for evil, nor is it now.

It may happen rarely, but is it really your expectation that no one would admonish on a Christian website? Is it really your perception that you can say 'no means no' to anyone giving admonishment on TOL?

I've been admonished here and appreciate(d) it.
You may never grasp this, but maybe scriptures will suffice where I cannot.
Hebrews 2::1 Therefore since we also are surrounded with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily besets us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
Heb 12:2 looking to Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and sat down at the right of the throne of God.
Do Not Grow Weary
Heb 12:3 For consider Him who endured such contradiction of sinners against Himself, lest you be weary and faint in your minds.
Heb 12:4 You have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin.
Heb 12:5 And you have forgotten the exhortation which speaks to you as to sons, "My son, despise not the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when you are rebuked by Him;
Heb 12:6 for whom the Lord loves He chastens, and He scourges every son whom He receives."
Heb 12:7 If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons, for what son is he whom the father does not chasten?
Heb 12:8 But if you are without chastisement, of which all are partakers, then you are bastards and not sons.
Heb 12:9 Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh who corrected us, and we gave them reverence. Shall we not much rather be in subjection to the Father of spirits and live?
Heb 12:10 For truly they chastened us for a few days according to their own pleasure, but He for our profit, that we might be partakers of His holiness.
Heb 12:11 Now chastening for the present does not seem to be joyous, but grievous. Nevertheless afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who are exercised by it.
Heb 12:12 Because of this, straighten up the hands which hang down and the enfeebled knees.
Heb 12:13 And make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way, but let it rather be healed.
Heb 12:14 Follow peace with all, and holiness, without which no one shall see the Lord;
Heb 12:15 looking diligently lest any fail of the grace of God, or lest any root of bitterness springing up disturb you, and by it many are defiled,
Heb 12:16 (lest there be any fornicator, or profane person like Esau, who for one morsel of food sold his birthright.
Heb 12:17 For you know that afterward, when he desired to inherit the blessing, he was rejected; for he did not find any place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears).

I truly am bothered by the wickedness of men and more so if any who name the name of Christ participate. If you do not name Christ as your own, you are free from this admonishment for the time being, and from me. -Lon

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Trump had been warned by his own people, months ago that Giuliani was targeted by Russian agents as a way of getting misinformation to Trump. The rapidly unraveling "Hunter Biden" story is just one example. But Cohen's set-up illustrates just how easily Giuliani can be compromised.


The Barbarian

Originally posted by Hilltrot View Post
Emails cannot be forged, altered, or hacked.


How to Forge Emails:!/

How to Hack an Email Account in 2020

How to alter Emails:
One of email's "dirty little secrets" is the answer to your question: it's trivially easy to alter email as you describe.
In fact, if I understand the scenario you're describing, it might even be easier than that.
There are technologies to help ensure the integrity of messages, but unfortunately they're not something you can apply after-the-fact.


Well-known member
Is it OK if I chuckle at the following?

"Jeffrey Toobin's career has petered out"

Admittedly, my preference is away from potty humor, and such influence does have some roots in Puritan theology, but I'm not trying to force those scruples and preferences. I don't know, when it comes to potty humor. It might be more like a difference between high-brow and low-brow (Stooges vs. Stephen Wright etc.), perhaps personal choice, at that point. It wasn't this part I was taking exception to because I don't want to push something unless scripture is very clear about it and I just find we need to be careful of language that rubs people. Potty humor? I'm not sure that was the intent of 'coarse' jesting prohibition. I think it rather was about humor at the expense of others.

What Cohen did was malicious and wrong. I just don't want us celebrating those who purposefully go out of their way to harm others, and I see it as a command from God to refrain from joining others in harm done. Cohen's whole set up was to bait someone and watch them fall. When its about sin/sinning, they are doing what Satan does, seeking whom he can devour and in the guise of humor, it is worse because it brings TOL into it too. We don't want any part of things that are ungodly.

Giuliani, I don't know about. He may be as crooked as they get, or he may have fallen to wiles for the first time. It doesn't matter, it matters who set him up and why. Clearly, from the initial post, it was to mock him and make fun of him. Even if I hated Giuliani, or he was my worst enemy, I'd take no pleasure in effort not only to see him fall, but cause it. It was mean-spirited and had wicked intent. There is no salvage after that of some decent conversation viewpoint. In a time where people 'hate Trump' I see such and the release as nothing more than wickedness at all costs. Does Cohen represent American Democrat morals and principles? He's not American, but to see Democrats on TOL then take up Cohen's mockery as if it weren't wrong? It troubles my soul. Mudslinging always takes place like this every 4 years, but it does genuinely seem to have gotten worse, meaner, more wicked, and a lot more like people who don't know God. Because of that, I truly believe we Christians have to stand up to these kinds of attacks and see them for what they are. "Humor" was a guise for an attack at the cost of one man, regardless of how anyone feels about him.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Admittedly, my preference is away from potty humor, and such influence does have some roots in Puritan theology, but I'm not trying to force those scruples and preferences. I don't know, when it comes to potty humor. It might be more like a difference between high-brow and low-brow (Stooges vs. Stephen Wright etc.).

What Cohen did was malicious and wrong. I just don't want us celebrating those who purposefully go out of their way to harm others, and I see it as a command from God to refrain from joining others in harm done. His whole set up was to bait someone and watch them fall. Giuliani, I don't know about. He may be as crooked as they get, or he may have fallen to wiles for the first time. It doesn't matter, it matters who set him up and why. Clearly, from the initial post, it was to mock him and make fun of him. Even if I hated him, or he was my worst enemy, I'd take no pleasure in such a thing. It was mean-spirited and had wicked intent. There is no salvage after that of some decent conversation viewpoint. In a time where people 'hate Trump' I see such and the release as nothing more than wickedness at all costs. Does Cohen represent American Democrat morals and principles? He's not American, but to see Democrats on TOL then take up Cohen's mockery as if it weren't wrong? It troubles my soul. Mudslinging always takes place like this every 4 years, but it does genuinely seem to have gotten worse, meaner, more wicked, and a lot more like people who don't know God. Because of that, I truly believe we Christians have to stand up to these kinds of attacks and see them for what they are. "Humor" was a guise for an attack at the cost of one man, regardless of how anyone feels about him.

Brace yourself - it's about to get uglier than you can imagine. Apparently 4 Hunter Biden sex tapes have been released and are loose on the internet despite FB and Twitter attempting to quash them. What this means for Joe Biden is uncertain, but it certainly will be all that's talked about for the next couple days. I would feel sorry for Joe and Jill if they weren't such evil people.


Well-known member
How to Forge Emails:!/

How to Hack an Email Account in 2020

How to alter Emails:
One of email's "dirty little secrets" is the answer to your question: it's trivially easy to alter email as you describe.
In fact, if I understand the scenario you're describing, it might even be easier than that.
There are technologies to help ensure the integrity of messages, but unfortunately they're not something you can apply after-the-fact.

It'd be weird to think that any of my or your emails 'have been hacked' though. Someone would need to be able to not only get them, but do so on both sides AND through whatever mail service that has them archived (Yahoo, Google). These agencies have time, size, and to some degree, content signatures, in their records.


Well-known member
How to Forge Emails:!/

How to Hack an Email Account in 2020

How to alter Emails:
One of email's "dirty little secrets" is the answer to your question: it's trivially easy to alter email as you describe.
In fact, if I understand the scenario you're describing, it might even be easier than that.
There are technologies to help ensure the integrity of messages, but unfortunately they're not something you can apply after-the-fact.

Like I said to the other moron or maybe evil Satan-worshipper. I'm waiting for you to forge an email between Trump and Putin that can't be examined and easily determined to be a forgery.

In fact, you either didn't bother to read the last source you quoted, you are illiterate, or you are assuming others will believe you without bothering to read.

I really can't decide.

Are you an illiterate or an evil-Satan worshipper?


Well-known member
Read the articles. What Rudy (or the guys who gave him the revised material) did isn't really that elaborate.

Shady at best. Wouldn't it be great if some of these went to court? Just too much accusation otherwise (part of campaigning sadly).

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Like I said to the other moron or maybe evil Satan-worshipper. I'm waiting for you to forge an email between Trump and Putin that can't be examined and easily determined to be a forgery.

In fact, you either didn't bother to read the last source you quoted, you are illiterate, or you are assuming others will believe you without bothering to read.

I really can't decide.

Are you an illiterate or an evil-Satan worshipper?

Uh, seriously, if you think emails can't be forged, hacked or altered then you're as naive as it gets. It's no good calling other people morons when you're so laughably ignorant. The Satan worshipping garbage is just what I'd expect from a loony, far right wingnut.

Don't be a loony, far right wingnut.


The Barbarian

Like I said to the other moron or maybe evil Satan-worshipper. I'm waiting for you to forge an email between Trump and Putin that can't be examined and easily determined to be a forgery.

You can fake emails; you're completely wrong about that. But given time and the metadata, it's possible to detect all sorts of fakery. Why do you think Rudy is refusing to turn over the metadata for these apparently altered emails? Yep. He knows that once the metadata is out, the whole thing becomes transparent.

In fact, you either didn't bother to read the last source you quoted, you are illiterate, or you are assuming others will believe you without bothering to read.

You just haven't figured out what it says. I get it; you made some foolish claims without knowing anything about it, and you're embarrassed and lashing out.

Are you an illiterate or an evil-Satan worshipper?

Try to calm yourself; anger is a weapon only for your opponent. Instead of getting upset and lashing out blindly, learn from this.
  • Make sure you know what you're taking about before you presume to tell others about it.
  • When someone corrects your error, avoid getting angry and verbally abusive; it dismays your friends and entertains everyone else.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You can fake emails; you're completely wrong about that. But given time and the metadata, it's possible to detect all sorts of fakery. Why do you think Rudy is refusing to turn over the metadata for these apparently altered emails? Yep. He knows that once the metadata is out, the whole thing becomes transparent.

You just haven't figured out what it says. I get it; you made some foolish claims without knowing anything about it, and you're embarrassed and lashing out.

Try to calm yourself; anger is a weapon only for your opponent. Instead of getting upset and lashing out blindly, learn from this.
  • Make sure you know what you're taking about before you presume to tell others about it.
  • When someone corrects your error, avoid getting angry and verbally abusive; it dismays your friends and entertains everyone else.


Predictable troll

Do better next time

The Barbarian

Shady at best. Wouldn't it be great if some of these went to court? Just too much accusation otherwise (part of campaigning sadly).

That might happen. FBI is trying to secure the actual metadata. If they do, then it should be pretty easy to figure out who the culprit is. I'm guessing that Trump will try to avoid forensic determination of those Emails before the election. If so, that's a pretty good indication as to their authenticity.

But you're right. Short of that, we won't know for absolute sure that they are fakes, and we can't assume one way or another until we have it.


Well-known member
The Barbarian;n2773714 Try to calm yourself; anger is a weapon only for your opponent. Instead of getting upset and lashing out blindly said:
We've got a mind reader here. I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 100. What is it?

The Barbarian has failed. All he had to do was produce a forged e-mail which would pass the smell test, and he can't do it. He's all talk.

He could be honest and say he did not know how to do this but he can't overcome his ego.

And then there is his fetish for revenge porn . . .

Sigh . . . it's so pathetic that this is what his passion is in life now.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
We've got a mind reader here. I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 100. What is it?

The Barbarian has failed. All he had to do was produce a forged e-mail which would pass the smell test, and he can't do it. He's all talk.

He could be honest and say he did not know how to do this but he can't overcome his ego.

And then there is his fetish for revenge porn . . .

Sigh . . . it's so pathetic that this is what his passion is in life now.

He didn't have to do any such thing. He just made you aware that it's possible to forge emails as well as hack into accounts and alter them. How you weren't already aware of this is anyone's guess but you can hardly play ignorant about it. Well, you can I suppose but not exactly a good idea if you want any sort of credibility...