Bob's seminar this weekend in Indianapolis

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Patron Saint of SMACK
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Lighthouse said:
Are any of you family men bringing your families, or will you be alone?
The men from our church are coming as a group and doing a "guys weekend"!


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We're at the hotel now. The dinner was fantastic. We met so many new potential friends.


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We had a great time of fellowship tonight at the dinner! :up: It was great officially meeting folks like Adam, Delmar, Bob, and everyone


Well-known member
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It was the best. One of the most amazing thing's was seeing 1... 2... 3... 4... NO... it was 5! Oh yeah, count'm, 5 Grace pastors in one place at one time. Never would have imagined such a thing.

It was really great to meet everyone. A holla' out to the PastorKevin!


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Now the trip home was a different story. It took as long to get from Goshen to Michigan as it did to get from Indianpolis to Goshen!

P.S. if it snows at all tomorrow, we won't make it to church.


New member
Well, it was a little hard to concentrate on two hours of sleep, but it was so amazing-awesomely cool! I had a really great time! ^_^


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Yorzhik said:
It was the best. One of the most amazing thing's was seeing 1... 2... 3... 4... NO... it was 5! Oh yeah, count'm, 5 Grace pastors in one place at one time. Never would have imagined such a thing.

It was really great to meet everyone. A holla' out to the PastorKevin!

Praise the Lord brother! Was a pleasure meeting you.


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ShadowMaid said:
Well, it was a little hard to concentrate on two hours of sleep, but it was so amazing-awesomely cool! I had a really great time! ^_^

Sure couldn't tell that you had only two hours sleep. Every time I saw you you were totally into what was being said. So good to see young people loving the Lord and desiring to learn. My son is kind of shy and softspoken in front of others, but he told me on the way home he really liked it and meeting all of my friends from TOL.


New member
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Yorzhik said:
It was the best. One of the most amazing thing's was seeing 1... 2... 3... 4... NO... it was 5! Oh yeah, count'm, 5 Grace pastors in one place at one time. Never would have imagined such a thing.

It was really great to meet everyone. A holla' out to the PastorKevin!
Yes, along with Pastor Enyart, Pastor Kevin and myself, there was Pastor Cole and Pastor McDaniel from the Dayton, OH area and the Chicago areas respectively.


New member
PastorKevin said:
Sure couldn't tell that you had only two hours sleep. Every time I saw you you were totally into what was being said. So good to see young people loving the Lord and desiring to learn. My son is kind of shy and softspoken in front of others, but he told me on the way home he really liked it and meeting all of my friends from TOL.

It was very exciting to see the other TOLers from TOL, and I'm glad your son had the opportunity to go. It was a wonderful learning experience. ^_^


The Dark Knight
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I loved it! And it was great seeing some of you again, and meeting others for the first time, such as Kevin and Adam. And I was glad to see that Pastor Kevin brought his son along. He struck me as a typical kid about his age, very shy and not engaging. However, he did not seem to be disinterested. I was hoping to get to know him a little better though, seeing as how he is one of the youth of Open Fellowship Bible Church.
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