Bob with ALL's Judie Brown!

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Bob with ALL's Judie Brown!

This is the show from Wednesday March 28th, 2007.


* Judie and the 40th: Judie Brown, president of American Life League, at the invitation of Colorado Right to Life is coming to Denver on April 25th to publicly discuss a strategy for stopping the killing of unborn children. Bob cordially invites his listeners to attend this event in the former Supreme Court chambers of the Colorado state capitol building at 1:30 p.m. April 25th!

* Judie about Brian Rohrbough: "I love that man!" Judie agrees with Brian Rohrbough in opposing any "pro-life" law, such as the misguided Fetal Pain Awareness Act, that ends in, "and then you can kill the baby." Incrementalism is wrong when it is compromised incrementalism. Outlawing abortion in one state, or one country for that matter, is not immoral, and stopping only one or some abortions is not immoral. But compromised incrementalism describes any pro-life effort to reduce abortion that itself violates God's enduring command, Do not murder, and thereby actually undermines the personhood of the child. Any "pro-life" law that ends with, "and then you can kill the baby" is compromised incrementalism, and undermines the very hope of saving children in that it furthers the public belief that the government can legitimately authorize the intentional killing of an innocent child.

* Judie Endorses BEL Strategy: On this program you will hear this stalwart of the pro-life battle endorse our BEL analysis of Christian political strategy. "Focus on the Strategy is one of the most invaluable resources for anybody who wants to claim the label pro-life and work for the true end to abortion in America. Focus on the Strategy is all about doing right, and risking the consequences!" -Judie Brown, president of, American Life League

Today's Resource: Consider sharing Bob Enyart's AWESOME DVD, Focus on the Strategy, with friends and family members! Many Christians who've never heard of Bob LOVE this DVD, and say that it strengthens their commitment to God and His Word!
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