Bob & Doug on Pot


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Bob & Doug on Pot

This is the show from Wednesday September 28th, 2011.


* Married to Mary Jane: The decriminalization and legalization for “medical” purposes of marijuana is forcing many Christian churches to confront many complex issues. Hear Bob outline the biblical Christian response to the question of “medical” marijuana, intoxication, and the decriminalization of drugs in general.

* Rebuking Rihanna: Stripper and quasi-prostitute turned pop star Rihanna gets told by a Christian farmer to put her clothes back on!

* Missile Accomplished: NATO might not be able to find hundreds or even thousands of shoulder launched missiles; Bob has a feeling that somebody knows exactly where they are…

* Live Action Investigation: Lila Rose and he organization “Live Action” have exposed the gross immorality and lawlessness at Planned Parenthood. And now the RE-publican led congress has decided to investigate!  Find out why Bob is holding off on popping any champagne corks.

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From a Dopertarian website, what a surprise.

It appears that not all researchers agree with "Dr. Feel-good".

Let's not forget the harm it can do to the family jewels.

Anyone that has honestly follows the pro dope crowd knows that medical marijuana is a ploy to open the door to full legalization.

So "Dr. Feel-good", if you think you're fooling all of the people with your lies, you're not.


New member
Anyone that has honestly follows the pro dope crowd knows that medical marijuana is a ploy to open the door to full legalization.

So "Dr. Feel-good", if you think you're fooling all of the people with your lies, you're not.

Abuse of any substance leads to harm; however, the abuse of alcohol is far more dangerous to the health of the individual, and a far greater danger to society, than the abuse of marijuana.

Marijuana does have legitimate medical applications:

Also, with regard to the links you posted, there are ways of extracting the active ingredients from cannabis and providing that to the patient in a way that does not involve inhaling smoke. Obviously, it is never an optimal means of ingestion to inhale smoke from any burned debris into the lungs, marijuana or otherwise.


Fooling anyone, no. Relieving pain, yes.

Relieving pain, yes.

The potential medicinal properties of marijuana have been the subject of substantive research and heated debate. Scientists have confirmed that the cannabis plant contains active ingredients with therapeutic potential for relieving pain, controlling nausea, stimulating appetite, and decreasing ocular pressure. Cannabinoid-based medications include synthetic compounds, such as dronabinol (Marinol®) and nabilone (Cesamet®), which are FDA approved, and a new, chemically pure mixture of plant-derived THC and cannabidiol called Sativex®, formulated as a mouth spray and approved in Canada and parts of Europe for the relief of cancer-associated pain and spasticity and neuropathic pain in multiple sclerosis.

Scientists continue to investigate the medicinal properties of THC and other cannabinoids to better evaluate and harness their ability to help patients suffering from a broad range of conditions, while avoiding the adverse effects of smoked marijuana.

For those TRULY in need. Again, there is massive fraud behind the legalization movement, and those behind it are using medical marijuana as a smokescreen.

"The bulk of the funds come from millionaires who are long-time supporters of the drug-legalization movement. Ballot initiatives have passed by use of major disinformation campaigns financed by wealthy individuals from outside these states. The following is an excerpt that describes this process from the Congressional testimony of Thomas A. Constantine, DEA administrator, before the Senate Committee on the Judiciary in 1996:

"Proposition 215 in California and Proposition 200 in Arizona were drafted, financed and supported by legalization proponents using the compassionate pain argument as a guise for their drug legalization agenda. Billionaire financier and legalization advocate George Soros provided hundreds of thousands of dollars in California alone to garner support for the proposition. In Arizona, Mr. Soros almost doubled his California donations, a significant portion of which were made through organizations such as the Drug Policy Alliance, with which he is affiliated. Other donors included representatives from the Progressive Corporation, the Men's Warehouse and other pro-legalization groups.

Proponents waged a sophisticated, misleading campaign, which led voters to believe that the initiatives were simply limited to compassionate pain relief. Opponents of the propositions, including the American Cancer Society, the California Medical Association, the Glaucoma Research Foundation, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, the California Narcotics Officers Association and many family groups concerned about the impact of drug legalization on the nation's children, were outspent and out-campaigned by the well-orchestrated effort to legalize drugs on a national basis. These individuals cynically used the suffering and illness of vulnerable people to further their own agenda.”

A few billionaires and not broad grassroots support started and sustain the "medical" marijuana and marijuana legalization movements in the United States. Without this money and influence, the drug legalization movement would shrivel.


Abuse of any substance leads to harm; however, the abuse of alcohol is far more dangerous to the health of the individual, and a far greater danger to society, than the abuse of marijuana.

While the consumption of alcohol isn't in itself immoral (as seen in Scripture), intoxication is. Outside of it's medical use, marijuana's purpose is to...plain and simply put: get stoned. Marijuana use and the consumption of alcohol often times go hand in hand as well.
Also keep in mind that you can't compare something that is legal and easily accessible (purchased over the counter) to something that isn't.

"Drug legalization advocates in the United States single out marijuana as a different kind of drug, unlike cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine. They say it’s less dangerous. Several European countries have lowered the classification of marijuana. However, as many people are realizing, marijuana is not as harmless as some would have them believe. Marijuana is far more powerful than it used to be. In 2000, there were six times as many emergency room mentions of marijuana use as there were in 1990, despite the fact that the number of people using marijuana is roughly the same. In 1999, a record 225,000 Americans entered substance abuse treatment primarily for marijuana dependence, second only to heroin—and not by much."

Those behind the marijuana legalization movement also want to legalize hard recreational drugs; let's see what the social costs of that would be:

"In the year 2000, drug abuse cost American society an estimated $160 billion. More important were the concrete losses that are imperfectly symbolized by those billions of dollars—the destruction of lives, the damage of addiction, fatalities from car accidents, illness, and lost opportunities and dreams.

Legalization would result in skyrocketing costs that would be paid by American taxpayers and consumers. Legalization would significantly increase drug use and addiction—and all the social costs that go with it. With the removal of the social and legal sanctions against drugs, many experts estimate the user population would at least double. For example, a 1994 article in the New England Journal of Medicine stated that it was probable, that if cocaine were legalized, the number of cocaine addicts in America would increase from 2 million to at least 20 million.

Drug abuse drives some of America’s most costly social problems—including domestic violence, child abuse, chronic mental illness, the spread of AIDS, and homelessness. Drug treatment costs, hospitalization for long-term drug-related disease, and treatment of the consequences of family violence burden our already strapped health care system. In 2000, there were more than 600,000 hospital emergency department drug episodes in the United States. Health care costs for drug abuse alone were about $15 billion.

Drug abuse among the homeless has been conservatively estimated at better than 50 percent. Chronic mental illness is inextricably linked with drug abuse. In Philadelphia, nearly half of the VA’s mental patients abused drugs. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has estimated that 36 percent of new HIV cases are directly or indirectly linked to injecting drug users."