Billy's POTD 10-9-06

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This is the culmination of a conversation about inherited wealth here. NuGnazi seems to be against inheriting money, yet.........

NuGnostic said:
I'm not sure to be honest,their is a gut feeling,that the fact someone can inherit wealth and never work and another who chooses not to work will have to live in poverty.

Are you prepared to depose the 'Queen' and her majestic family and reclaim all of their wealth? :think:

NuGnostic said:
Democratically sure,we don't need her.

She is an excellent example of inherited wealth.

So what are you waiting for?

Do you serve the Queen?

NuGnostic said:
I'm paid by the gov't,yes. The gov't rules in the name of the queen.

I serve only Scotland.(and cornwall of course.)

Does the Queen know that you are planning to depose her?

NuGnostic said:
I have not said that.

You can serve the queen and wish to depose her though,the Scottish national party has the second most seats in the Scottish parliament and Sinn fein have seats in the parliament at Westminister.

Ah, so let me get this straight.

You don't think that anyone should be allowed to inherit money yet you work for [and protect!] one of the wealthiest heiresses in the history of the world?


Oh the irony!

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