Believing in once saved always saved sent me to hell.


New member
Believing in once saved always saved sent me to hell

The problem occurs when people who "think" they are saved take on a denominal religion. They are the unredeemed, unconverted and uninspired. They have traditions and creeds and a ton of self-justifying dogma. Their condemnation is the cause of their false worship and not vice versa.

On the other hand the redeemed, converted and inspired cannot be lost. They might stray and fall into sin, but the Good Shepherd will come in search and lead them home. When a man has had his heart* of stone replaced with a heart of flesh there is no spiritual power or operation that can remove the heart of flesh and replace it with a heart of stone.

*Heart in this sense does not mean the blood pump.


New member
PS today, to the date, is exactly 17 years or 6,210 days since I was converted plus 62 minutes to be precise.

I have wandered, strayed, been led astray, but the Good Shepherd always comes to carry me home. I have fallen into error, but He will not leave me there. The Father calls men to worship in spirit and in truth and so that truth is revealed to those that are called to worship.

To the praise of the glory of His grace, amen.


PS today, to the date, is exactly 17 years or 6,210 days since I was converted plus 62 minutes to be precise.

I have wandered, strayed, been led astray, but the Good Shepherd always comes to carry me home. I have fallen into error, but He will not leave me there. The Father calls men to worship in spirit and in truth and so that truth is revealed to those that are called to worship.

To the praise of the glory of His grace, amen.

I thought so.... :)

That can only mean that you have NOT yet receive a quickening spirit for eternal life or recorded in the Book of Life. Therefore, be particularly attentive and be careful this time around - listen to his voice - and endure you hope 'till the end of time.

May the good Lord have Mercy on you.

God Bless


New member
I thought so.... :)

That can only mean that you have NOT yet receive a quickening spirit for eternal life or recorded in the Book of Life. Therefore, be particularly attentive and be careful this time around - listen to his voice - and endure you hope 'till the end of time.

May the good Lord have Mercy on you.

God Bless

Which means you have no understanding of the meaning of converted nor have you any experience of the power utilized in conversation. You have heard and read spiritual words, but the experience of what the words mean you are a stranger to. Repeating words parrot fashion without context exposes you to the ridicule, condemnation and infamy that a vessel fitted for destruction is due.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
I don't believe in near death experiences. He was hallucinating.

There is NOTHING that can separate us from the love of God that is in Jesus Christ, Romans 8:35, 39.

We are secure "In Christ".

Because we are indwelt with the Holy Spirit we will not deliberately sin and if we do we will repent like King David did.


New member
I don't believe in near death experiences. He was hallucinating.

There is NOTHING that can separate us from the love of God that is in Jesus Christ, Romans 8:35, 39.

We are secure "In Christ".

Because we are indwelt with the Holy Spirit we will not deliberately sin and if we do we will repent like King David did.

The fact you watched the video amazes me. I don't toss my bucket into filthy wells that stink...


Which means you have no understanding of the meaning of converted nor have you any experience of the power utilized in conversation. You have heard and read spiritual words, but the experience of what the words mean you are a stranger to. Repeating words parrot fashion without context exposes you to the ridicule, condemnation and infamy that a vessel fitted for destruction is due.

Jhn 5:38-39 And ye have not his word abiding in you: for whom he hath sent, him ye believe not.v39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.

Mat 7:22-23 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? v23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

May the good Lord have Mercy on you.

Gal 4:16 KJV Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?


New member
Jhn 5:38-39 And ye have not his word abiding in you: for whom he hath sent, him ye believe not.v39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.

Mat 7:22-23 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? v23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

May the good Lord have Mercy on you.

Gal 4:16 KJV Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?

You are the enemy of truth as you twist it and apply it without the power and enlightenment of the Holy Spirit.
Messiah said, " my sheep know my voice....they will not follow the voice of a stranger". Your voice is that of a stranger.


You are the enemy of truth as you twist it and apply it without the power and enlightenment of the Holy Spirit.
Messiah said, " my sheep know my voice....they will not follow the voice of a stranger". Your voice is that of a stranger.

Is that right? IF so, then, you can easily and directly refute my posts using the Scripture to support your disagreement, correct?

Failure to do so would mean that you are only engaging in character assassination.... because, I exposed the flaws of your religious doctrinal faith. That's why you are mad at me, correct?

Last call... Would like to try to refute any of my posts?.. No? .... I thought so.

May the good Lord have Mercy on you.

God Bless

Gal 4:16 KJV Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?


New member
Is that right? IF so, then, you can easily and directly refute my posts using the Scripture to support your disagreement, correct?

Failure to do so would mean that you are only engaging in character assassination.... because, I exposed the flaws of your religious doctrinal faith. That's why you are mad at me, correct?

Last call... Would like to try to refute any of my posts?.. No? .... I thought so.

May the good Lord have Mercy on you.

God Bless

Gal 4:16 KJV Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?

It is obvious to me that you are not conversant with the true meaning of words that you use. It would be a pointless exercise correcting your every blunder. If the Eternal Almighty wants you to know then I'm 100% sure that He will teach you. It would seem that He has left you in darkness. I would not be so presumptuous as to try and shed light where darkness reigns.

Ben Masada

New member
Believing in once saved always saved sent me to hell.

Very good LA! I totally agree with you! Why! Because all God's blessings are conditional. Once saved does not at all means always saved. Why? Because there has never been a man upon earth to have done only good and never sinned. (Ecclesiastes 7:20) Any one "once saved" has not ceased to be a man upon earth.
"Believing in once saved always saved sent me to hell."

Seeing some posts, there's a glimmer there could be truth in this, the overriding problem is the concept of internet cafes in hell. But the doctrines around here do often support that thread title, at least the latter part, the concept some are posting from hell appears to have some merit, anyway.

All that aside, does anybody else just look at the list of threads around here sometimes and wonder, "Why did I bother?" When the primary sentence or fragment can't be true, even just plain ridiculous, how can anything to follow be true, within the thread? Is this thread title much incentive to watch the video? See what I mean?

I've often toyed with the idea of doing a thread, listing thread titles from hell, antichrist statements and lies of which no Christian would even conceive. There are simply some very unprofessional trolls and tares around here.
Very good LA! I totally agree with you!

This is really inappropriate. Here you are, an antichrist that denies the Christian faith, outright, commending LA and agreeing with him, or her, had to edit a third possibility, though LA indicates the post from hell.

LA has enough problems, without this, apparently trying to post from the flames of hell, for instance, and you shouldn't say such scary things to people, anyway. But I can be forgiving, if you'll just please make it clear you don't agree with anything I've ever posted. Fair enough?

Ben Masada

New member
This is really inappropriate. Here you are, an antichrist that denies the Christian faith, outright, commending LA and agreeing with him, or her, had to edit a third possibility, though LA indicates the post from hell.

LA has enough problems, without this, apparently trying to post from the flames of hell, for instance, and you shouldn't say such scary things to people, anyway. But I can be forgiving, if you'll just please make it clear you don't agree with anything I've ever posted. Fair enough?

Yes, more than fair. So, I declare that I do not agree with anything you have ever posted. Now, with your permission, I would like to correct a mistake you have made in your first paragraph above. You named me an anti-Christ but I believe by mistake because according to II John 2:18,19 the anti-Christs are supposed to come out of the ranks of Christianity itself, not of Judaism.