BEL Resupply Operations in July


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BEL Resupply Operations in July

This is the show from Tuesday June 30th, 2015


Today's Bob Enyart Live program addresses something called homosexual marriage; and something called the supreme court; and the ISIS/abortion memes campaign; and and BEL's July Telethon which is crucially necessary to help keep us in the fight for another year. Please, if you value Bob Enyart Live as a vital resource in the battle for the hearts and minds of our neighbor and our nation, please give as much as you are able to. Our need is great, but our God is greater!

* Cleaning Up ISIS (& the Abortionists): Bob explains further the ISIS regulations memes circulating on social media with the Facebook hashtag #dontregulatemurder.


DENVER, June 29, 2015 /Christian Newswire/ -- A dozen organizations along with have launched a social media campaign to urge the Islamic terrorist group ISIS to employ more humane forms of killing. A series of messages, each inspired by a specific piece of pro-life legislation, urges ISIS, for example, to use anesthetics prior to a beheading.

meme URLs:

For more info see, and of the top five articles linked to in the blue column on the right, or you can visit American Right To Life or contact them at or call 1-888-888-ARTL.


* Susan Sutherland in the Denver Post on the Marriage Opinion[/b]: Something referred to as a "supreme court" issued an opinion reported on by the salivating Denver Post. See this is the screenshot below:

"It's an affront to God," said Susan Sutherland, 56, who manned the Colorado Right To Life booth. "It's not about gay marriage, it's about outlawing Christianity. That's what's coming."

Nine lawyers gave their opinion on homosexuals getting “married” with the “conservative dissents” found wanting. Bob explains why their opinion matters, even while it’s invalid, and where we go from here…

* Helping Rand Understand: After hearing the opinion of the nine aforementioned lawyers in Washington, immoral conservative Rand Paul chose to “punt”; asking if the government should be in the business of certifying marriage at all. Listen in to hear the answer Pastor Bob gives.

* Homos Attack Church: Paul Church that is. He’s a doctor facing the forced end of his employment at a major medical facility, simply for stating the facts regarding physical health & homosexual behavior.

* DBC's Post-Opinion Sermon:

* DBC Member Susan Sutherland: Putting it on the record...
